
Fly fishing in Vietnam


Hi folks, out of curiosity has anyone tried fly fishing in Vietnam?Any clear streams?

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I should say from the start that I barely know anything about fishing, but fly fishing to me looks like how the old timers fish here (with live baits and bamboo rods) and that, I've seen all over the country.

If you're looking for clear streams, you might have to go up north to the mountains.

Your best bet would be to contact a local fishing club to inquire.

Tran Hung Dao

freshair wrote:

I should say from the start that I barely know anything about fishing, but fly fishing to me looks like how the old timers fish here (with live baits and bamboo rods) and that, I've seen all over the country.

If you're looking for clear streams, you might have to go up north to the mountains.

Your best bet would be to contact a local fishing club to inquire.

I agree with you on the "clear streams" comment.  Fly fishing is when you fish with a fly (the little nasty buggers that like to hang out in droves near garbage).  Unlike typical lures, the fly bait floats on the water along with the stream current mimicking a flying creature resting on the water surface.  The fish come out and eat it at the surface.  Most fly fishermen like to wade in the streams and fish instead of standing on the shore.

To address Hanabishi's post, I would say fishing in Vietnam is still a dinner thing more than a hobby (no catch and release).  While some people use rod and lure, I see more people use nets since it's a faster way to catching fish for dinner.  People even use electricity by rigging a backpack with a car battery.  You just zap the water and the fish float up like magic.  It is illegal however, since there's been cases where the guy electrocuted himself.