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  So it might be the coffee. I drink mostly that real common brand," Nyguen"  (sp) I think it is. No Nescafe or anything. Oh I do the condensed milk thing. So is it the milk or the coffee?


  Thanks. So it is the milk and not the coffee? Yeah it works well for the constipation, if I could every be so lucky. Boy have you heard what the papaya can do for the rear main. That is for real. So if your cp, try some papaya. Clean out the alimentary canal in a hurry!!:lol:


bta87 wrote:

  Good to see your out of bed. All teasing aside, and in spite of the police, I do find that the pedantic souls amongst us has cause me to do some editorial work on what I write… a first for me. And spellcheck does have it's limitations as well. It really can't tell if you mean"goodwill" or "good will" for example. But it is nice your out amongst the free and the not so brave now. Caused quite a stir on local T.V. here in the big city.I guess someone with VERY thin skin ran home and told mommy and the police were summoned. So be a good boy, and have a great day.

Thanks bta87, strange thing , ( not you , what I'm about to write ), how is it that spellcheck , when I read your post, hasn't got the red line under, as it is now as I just wrote it??????
  PS I dream about being able to sleep in past 4 am up here.


  Red line in respect to what? I have no red line at all. If you are speaking of the "goodwill" reference
I don't hunk there would, or should be a "red line" as they are both correct. Am I missing something or just plain stupid here?


bta87 wrote:

  So it might be the coffee. I drink mostly that real common brand," Nyguen"  (sp) I think it is. No Nescafe or anything. Oh I do the condensed milk thing. So is it the milk or the coffee?

Yeah that's the one, you get No1 and No2, ( are they trying to tell us something? ), No1 is a little more expensive, but tastes better than No2, ( I guess that makes sense then ah? ), how strong do you have yours?, I have a big heaped teaspoon in a teapot with a strainer in it, just enough water for 1 cup/mug, and let it stew for about 5 minutes, no milk, just a teaspoon of sugar, even had some VN friends like it that way. ( now all I have to do is teach them to drink ice cold beer from the fridge , with no bloody ice in it, but could you imagine the chaos if they all started to drink beer like that, the breweries would go out of business here? )


bta87 wrote:

   Well I called Mr. Google and he was in bed. So I did a quick look myself. Seems there is a great deal of disagreement with your hypothesis. So I will continue to TRY and limit my consumption of MSG. But like everything else we eat science says it is bad, especially when we eat say two truck loads of ,say, prunes a day.
  Off topic, but I'm curious, my GF says that my VNese coffee is what is causing my problem with the rear main seal. I'm beginning to think there is indeed a connection. Within an hour of drinking it I am on the pot. Does anyone lee have such a problem, or should I get out a hammer and screwdriver and replace the rear main seal?

VTD is correct. Most research has found MSG to be generally safe. The only people that really should avoid it are people with asthma.  As with anything you consume, too much probably is not a good idea.


bta87 wrote:

  Red line in respect to what? I have no red line at all. If you are speaking of the "goodwill" reference
I don't hunk there would, or should be a "red line" as they are both correct. Am I missing something or just plain stupid here?

No, i.e, under the word spellcheck when you write, ( or any other word they think is spelt wrong, or non Americanised, just like that word, because other countries use s instead of z  ),  but it doesn't appear on the website post.


bluenz wrote:
bta87 wrote:

  Red line in respect to what? I have no red line at all. If you are speaking of the "goodwill" reference
I don't hunk there would, or should be a "red line" as they are both correct. Am I missing something or just plain stupid here?

No, i.e, under the word spellcheck when you write, ( or any other word they think is spelt wrong, or non Americanised, just like that word, because other countries use s instead of z  ),  but it doesn't appear on the website post.

If you are using Internet Explorer 10 you can change the spellcheck to British English. Go to the tools icon, select manage addons, and select spelling correction.


Parmyd wrote:
bluenz wrote:
bta87 wrote:

  Red line in respect to what? I have no red line at all. If you are speaking of the "goodwill" reference
I don't hunk there would, or should be a "red line" as they are both correct. Am I missing something or just plain stupid here?

No, i.e, under the word spellcheck when you write, ( or any other word they think is spelt wrong, or non Americanised, just like that word, because other countries use s instead of z  ),  but it doesn't appear on the website post.

If you are using Internet Explorer 10 you can change the spellcheck to British English. Go to the tools icon, select manage addons, and select spelling correction.

Great thanks Parmyd, I'll do that. ah bugger I use Firefox, any idea's there?


bta87 wrote:

   Well I called Mr. Google and he was in bed. So I did a quick look myself. Seems there is a great deal of disagreement with your hypothesis. So I will continue to TRY and limit my consumption of MSG. But like everything else we eat science says it is bad, especially when we eat say two truck loads of ,say, prunes a day.
  Off topic, but I'm curious, my GF says that my VNese coffee is what is causing my problem with the rear main seal. I'm beginning to think there is indeed a connection. Within an hour of drinking it I am on the pot. Does anyone lee have such a problem, or should I get out a hammer and screwdriver and replace the rear main seal?

Its the natural exlax.... Then again the older you are, it becomes a gamble to pass gas.


bluenz wrote:

Great thanks Parmyd, I'll do that. ah bugger I use Firefox, any idea's there?

See if they have the same options or similar.


Parmyd wrote:

VTD is correct. Most research has found MSG to be generally safe. The only people that really should avoid it are people with asthma.  As with anything you consume, too much probably is not a good idea.

From personal experience, I'll have to beg to differ with that...

Last year, I started having blinding migraine headaches for no apparent reason. This occurred for several months. Up until then, I had never had very many "regular" headaches, and don't recall ever having a migraine. (Symptoms were severe pain, nausea and "seeing stars" during the worst times.) During that same time period, I was eating lunch almost every day in the owner/managers' cafeteria at the Taiwanese factory where I do business. The cooks are 3 Vietnamese ladies who cook Chinese food. It's just like what my wife cooks at home, except it often tastes better than my wife's cooking. Why? Because the VN cooks are dumping MSG by the kilogram into the various dishes they are preparing. My wife uses very little (and now, none) MSG. During a conversation on the phone with my mother, she said my sister told her to ask me if I was eating food with MSG, because when she ate anything containing MSG in the states, she had migraines. BINGO! I immediately stopped eating lunch at the factory, and within a few weeks, no more headaches.


bluenz wrote:

Great thanks Parmyd, I'll do that. ah bugger I use Firefox, any idea's there?

1) At the top of the Firefox window, click on the Firefox button and then select

2) Select the panel.

3) Click the tab.

4) Check 'Check my spelling as I type'. … ll-checker


khanh44 wrote:
bluenz wrote:

Great thanks Parmyd, I'll do that. ah bugger I use Firefox, any idea's there?

1) At the top of the Firefox window, click on the Firefox button and then select

2) Select the panel.

3) Click the tab.

4) Check 'Check my spelling as I type'. … ll-checker

Thanks again, I'll have to try it later, I have to go 16 kms to class soon, and it's just started RAINING, ( probably that noisy party next door today caused it, the loud bass would be like doing a rain dance  ).


Beware spellcheckers.  This morning my iPad "corrected" from "impressive" to "purple me."

Tran Hung Dao

VungTauDon wrote:
bta87 wrote:

I'm confused. What is the connection between sugar and MSG in food. It sounds if some feel it is a substitute. That is in one region they use sugar to sweeten and in others they MSG to sweeten. MSG is a nuro-toxin. It does nothing for food. It does not sweeten, it simply alters how your mind works.

MSG is one of the most abundant amino acids and the claims of it causing health problems has been widely disputed. Even in double blind studies with people who claimed to be highly reactant to it showed no ill effects when fed even twice the normal amounts found in food.

bta87 wrote:

   Well I called Mr. Google and he was in bed. So I did a quick look myself. Seems there is a great deal of disagreement with your hypothesis. So I will continue to TRY and limit my consumption of MSG. But like everything else we eat science says it is bad, especially when we eat say two truck loads of ,say, prunes a day.
  Off topic, but I'm curious, my GF says that my VNese coffee is what is causing my problem with the rear main seal. I'm beginning to think there is indeed a connection. Within an hour of drinking it I am on the pot. Does anyone lee have such a problem, or should I get out a hammer and screwdriver and replace the rear main seal?

He's just saying it's widely disputed.  Meaning controversial.  This is why the FDA requires it to be labeled.  Read more on the medical research site, the Mayo Clinic. It's a short answer by a M.D. which essentially says it's "generally recognized as safe" but people do have reported health problems. … te/AN01251

Tran Hung Dao

bta87 wrote:

  So it might be the coffee. I drink mostly that real common brand," Nyguen"  (sp) I think it is. No Nescafe or anything. Oh I do the condensed milk thing. So is it the milk or the coffee?


MSG is the sodium salt of one of the 20 amino acids.  The AA is naturally occurring, in abundance, in anything with protein.  Sodium you may want to limit for cardiac reasons, but glutamic acid is in, like everything.

I don't get MSG.  I can lick it off my palm and it tastes like nothing.  No idea why anyone uses it.


Caffeine gives me the trots too.  It's the coffee.  I put a little soy or milk in it, not that vile sweet stuff they use here.  With or without, I need to "rửa tay" within minutes.


As coffee goes, Trung Nguyên is just OK.  I have people bring me Kenyan and Ethiopian when they visit from USA.  Too much Vietnamese coffee has a chocolate under taste.


  I thought that was what you meant. No I have no redline and that was not my point as well. My only point was that spellchecker does not know the syntax in which your are referring to when it checks.
For example if you write " I am going to there house" spellchecker will not go into alarm as "There is spelled correctly.


  Spot on example of just what research has indicated on the issue of MSG. But as with anything we can find the argument that supports ar position and we go with it w/o reading further. There is boat loads of data they show it has a negative impact on us. For goodness sake in this age all one need sod is Google it or ask THD to do it for you. I had forgotten a lot of the facts when VTD broached this subject. So I did a short Google search and it goes on forever. But to each their own. Choose your poison I guess they might say. Like you I try and avoid it.


Just do a little research on MSG, who invented and why, and why it is tasteless and you will begin to understand that not all natural occurring AA are suitable to be shoveled into your body by the boatloads. Sugar is naturally occurring to, so is sodium. But ry taking a front end loader of it and see how your body reacts. Big differentiation I think.


  Did I butcher that spelling or what. Not even close. To think you gave us a history lesson on that name just not long ago. The king would kill me!:lol: Thanks for the kindness though. Is it kindness or fear of the police?


Oh, as far as I know we don't use it in this house and I certainly have no use for it.  I don't like sugar or any sweeteners, for salt I can use fish sauce.  I'm just saying that it's not a foreign substance like sucralose or aspartame, I certainly not suggesting anyone should just shovel it in.  Anything is bad when uses immoderately.


   I understand your point. We only part company when the attempt is made that any natural occurring substance makes itself expectable. As I tried to point out there are a multitude of natural occurring substances that are found in our diets  that I would not suggest you consume in excess.
For example; water, iron, sugar, salt, fat, carbohydrates , and I could go on.
   The fact remains this is a matter of choice. Many read what they will and feel it is fine to ingest the magnitude of MSG in the quantities used here in Asia and it is O.K. I feel otherwise. Some feel that as long as they only consume 1,600 mg of sodium via fish sauce it is somehow healthier for them.
Although research shows that we should not consume more than 100mg of sodium a day. This is why you see the propensity of strokes in Asia.
   Fortunately we all have the freedom to choose. Not saying I'm right or your wrong. Perhaps the operative word in what you said is moderation and not natural occurring. Some might read that and think all natural occurring substances are safe.


One man's meat is another's poison.
We are all made differently regardless where we come from.


hELLnoi wrote:

One man's meat is another's poison.
We are all made differently regardless where we come from.

Dangerous thinking.

We have vastly much more in common than ways in which we differ.


bta87 wrote:

Fortunately we all have the freedom to choose.

The older I get, the more doubt I have about this being unreservedly fortunate.  Seems like more and more "freedom" is invoked as a euphemism for selfishness and lousy behavior.  Dunno if you're from the USA, but if so, find me one invocation of "states' rights" that isn't support for something completely lousy.

Tran Hung Dao

ChrisFox wrote:

As coffee goes, Trung Nguyên is just OK.  I have people bring me Kenyan and Ethiopian when they visit from USA.  Too much Vietnamese coffee has a chocolate under taste.

That's cuz it's not real coffee. … toxic.aspx

How'd you like some black soy this morning?

Tran Hung Dao

bta87 wrote:

  Did I butcher that spelling or what. Not even close. To think you gave us a history lesson on that name just not long ago. The king would kill me!:lol: Thanks for the kindness though. Is it kindness or fear of the police?

I think that's Nguyễn (Nguyễn Lords) and this is just Nguyên (Trung Nguyên).  I think it means plateau or some flat high lands, which is where the coffee is grown (there's also Highlands Coffee brand).

We're in Việt Nam so I pay special attention to the accenting marks.  Cuz they mean a whole different thing so I avoid "englishtizing it" (meaning drop the accenting marks....i.e.

When you see "nguyen", it could mean "nguyên" or "nguyễn".


Hardly anyone posting here uses diacritics.  I figure most are posting on Windows, and don't have VietKeys.  I mostly use iOS and it has a built-in Vietamese keyboard; there are also settings for Mac (which I'm on at the moment) and Android and even Linux.

I'm not advanced enough to read reliably without diacritics so when VietTel sends me some ad, always bare Latin characters, I usually can't read much of it, but it's usually about soccer scores so I don't care.

Just look at "dong."  Two Ds, three Os, six tones; 36 possible combinations of which at least 25 are actual words, and most of those have multiple meanings.  Post "dong" and unless it's part of a very recognizable pair like mua dong, nobody has a chance.


ChrisFox wrote:

Hardly anyone posting here uses diacritics.  I figure most are posting on Windows, and don't have VietKeys.  I mostly use iOS and it has a built-in Vietamese keyboard; there are also settings for Mac (which I'm on at the moment) and Android and even Linux.

I'm not advanced enough to read reliably without diacritics so when VietTel sends me some ad, always bare Latin characters, I usually can't read much of it, but it's usually about soccer scores so I don't care.

Just look at "dong."  Two Ds, three Os, six tones; 36 possible combinations of which at least 25 are actual words, and most of those have multiple meanings.  Post "dong" and unless it's part of a very recognizable pair like mua dong, nobody has a chance.

You forgot the american slang....


Back on topic, process sugar vs honey. Is one better for you? When I get a sweet tooth, instead of candy I prefer honey and peanut butter.


Tran Hung Dao wrote:
bta87 wrote:

  Did I butcher that spelling or what. Not even close. To think you gave us a history lesson on that name just not long ago. The king would kill me!:lol: Thanks for the kindness though. Is it kindness or fear of the police?

I think that's Nguyễn (Nguyễn Lords) and this is just Nguyên (Trung Nguyên).  I think it means plateau or some flat high lands, which is where the coffee is grown (there's also Highlands Coffee brand).

We're in Việt Nam so I pay special attention to the accenting marks.  Cuz they mean a whole different thing so I avoid "englishtizing it" (meaning drop the accenting marks....i.e.

When you see "nguyen", it could mean "nguyên" or "nguyễn".

Maybe we need a Viet Spellcheck button????


    Fortunatley Ifeel I have the right to make choices for myself. In this case I would exercise my right not to join you in psycho babble and provide pointless research for you for no reason. Mature people can agree to disagree without having to provide anyone proof that they have a choice. I would suggest to the week spines that even in a state or country where you feel you have no choice, you in fact do. Perhaps you lack the spine to make a choice. So be it. I certainly believe I have the choice to ingest or not to ingest sugar of MSG. So go do you own research project on choose my friend.


  Thanks for the coffee article. You are a real piece of work, but really excel at some good research. I thin I may give up coffee. Is there anything safe to eat in VN. The potatoes are Chinese laced chemicals, thanks agin to your research. Again thanks


  Far an away process sugars are not as good for you as unprocessed natural sugars(honey). Are bodies can metabolize honey far faster and easier than the other sugars.

Tran Hung Dao

bta87 wrote:

  Thanks for the coffee article. You are a real piece of work, but really excel at some good research. I thin I may give up coffee. Is there anything safe to eat in VN. The potatoes are Chinese laced chemicals, thanks agin to your research. Again thanks

Wow, I got a triple-thanks.  Good to know my talents can be of use.  Maybe I can start a "Consumer Reports" magazine here.


bta87 wrote:

    Fortunatley Ifeel I have the right to make choices for myself. In this case I would exercise my right not to join you in psycho babble and provide pointless research for you for no reason. Mature people can agree to disagree without having to provide anyone proof that they have a choice. I would suggest to the week spines that even in a state or country where you feel you have no choice, you in fact do. Perhaps you lack the spine to make a choice. So be it. I certainly believe I have the choice to ingest or not to ingest sugar of MSG. So go do you own research project on choose my friend.

I have no idea what I wrote that you might be responding to here.  I said nothing about helplessness


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