Videographer/Filmmaker Living in Addis Ababa Seeking Foreign Companies
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I am an American living in Addis Ababa for a total of 2 years and 2 months. I am available currently to offer my experience and knowledge to shoot personal documentaries, commercials, and so forth from companies and individuals that need this type of work for their companies or themselves. If interested please contact me at my gmail account and be specific about the project. For instance are you a retired professor and starting an NGO and you would like to document the issue at hand, the process that you are going through, your personal journey? Perhaps your a business man and you want to build deeper relationships with your host country so you would like to showcase your company and commitment to the country. I am very open to helping through my videography and filmmaking knowledge these sorts of projects. I prefer companies but if individuals have a serious project and are focused I am more than willing to discuss.
Hi Art Aji,
You should drop you resume in the Entertainment job offers in Addis Ababa section please
Thank you
Expat-blog Team
Need your email and phone.
Hussein Najee
+251 934 102 100
[Moderated: Avoid copy/paste on the forum.]
Hi, nice to (virtually) meet you. For my current NGO I will be moving to Addis this summer (end of June-beginning of September) and would be great if some events could be filmed. I would love to hear about your endeavors and how we can proceed this.
All the best.
My name is Natea Abdo.I am graduated with chemistry from Addis Ababa University.Now I have my own soap and detergent manufacturing enterprise. I develop good experience on producing soap and detergent by small capital.But now I want to share my experience in 10 zones of oromia regional I need support to fulfill my vision.therefore help me.
see my business plan and association
Table of Contents
1. Vision ..............................................................................................................1
2. Mission.........................................................1
3. Goals1
4. Short history of Natea &Ayelu soap and detergent enterprise .1
4.1. Brief Profile of the Entrepreneur..............................................................................................................................................................................2
5. Business Proposal for enterprise that is established in one specific town 3
5.1. Short History of the enterprise .3
6. Executive summary...3
7. Owners profile ...4
8. Marketing Strategy,,,,4
8.1. Division of Market.4
8.1.1. Higher Level...5
8.1.2. Middle Level...5
8.1.3. Lower Level....5
8.2. Price5
8.3. Production..5
9. Marketing Promotion strategies.............................................................5
10. Place.6
11. Channel of Distribution6
11.1 Sales Force6
11.2. Point of Sale....6
11.3. Key Distributor (KD).6
11.4. Marketing Plan Product .6
11.5. Marketing Plan Price ....7
11.6. Marketing Plan Place.7
11.6. Marketing Plan Promotion.8
12. Production Process.8
13. Quality improvement strategies.9
14. Major competitors..........9
14.1. Strength and weakness of the competitors..10
14.1.1 Strengths.10
14.1.2. Weakness...10
15. SWOT analysis ...10
15.1. Strength..10
15.2. Weakness...10
15.3. Opportunities..10
15.4. Treaties...10
16.  Administration and Finance of the Business.11
16.1.  Administrative Function11
16.2.  Financial Function.11
16.3Â Â Social Responsibility..12
17 .Organizational Structuer (Staffing)...12
18. Staff cost.13
19. Fixed assets needed.13
20. Yearly raw materials needed.14
21. Overhead expenses..........................................15
22. Financial plan..17
23. Monthly sales plan17
24. Operational cost plan.18
25. Cash flow statement18
26. Profit & loss statement..20
27. Break-even point...20
28. Loan Collateral21
29. Liquid Cash Flowing Process.22
30. Debt Pay Back Period.22
31 Economic and Social Benefit and Justification 23
32. Annexes.24
1. Vision
  To be Big and Modern Soap and detergent manufacturing and exporting company in east Africa at 2020
2. Mission
  To manufacture and provide consistent and quality soap and detergent within the framework of social corporate responsibility at the end of 2014
3. Goals
  To play a significant role in socio economic development of Ethiopia through development and efficient utilization of untapped natural resource (TALLOW) on sustainable basis.
  To manufacture quality soap and detergent and provide it with fair price
  To establish well networked soap and detergent manufacturing enterprises through out oromia regional state
  To carryout research and development in the area of soap and detergent
  To establish soap and detergent manufacturing industry
  Create job and job opportunity to engage in reduction of poverty and unemployment.
  To be best exemplary for young people who seek and expect job from government and other body in a sense that they can develop the habit of using the enormous resources available in their environment.
  Engage in exporting in order to generate additional revenue from foreign exchange.
4. Short history of Natea &Ayelu soap and detergent enterprise
Natea and Ayelu Soap and Detergent Parternership are registered with the countrys Micro and Small Enterprises in 2004E.C with business registration number OR/OS/7-3/0600000000134/05 as a sole proprietorship and are located in Alemgena town. It starts work with 30,000birr.Out of this 6,000birrr is owners equity (from owners family) and 24,000birr borrowed from Oromia credit and saving association. The enterprise get working place from sebeta city administration. Its main engagement would be manufacturing laundry soap and detergent. The raw materials of soap and detergent are local base and imported. Source of raw materials:
  Tallow: from keras, skin and hide collectors and from the communityÂ
   Labsa: from importes like jigera plc,afro-german chemical importer,ijica chemical importer and other chemical importers
  Caustic soda; from Batu caustic factory,markato and from different chemical agents like Jigra chemical plc,Ajica chemical plc and others
  Dolomite;Fom Mintech Ethiopia plc,MBI and DH gada
  Sodium silicate and other chemicals like perfume, titanium dioxide etc: From gulale soap factory,Zaki soap factory,markato and from different chemical agents like Jigra chemical plc,Ajica chemical plc and others
  Carton:Minaye carton factory,Burayu carton factory and other carton factory
  Jirry-cans:from Avon plastic factory and other plastic factory
Generally many soap and detergent raw materials are available in the country. Using this local resource it produces soap and detergent which is used for washing clothes. Now the enterprise creates job opportunities for six people and in the nearby future it will create job opportunities for 100 people if this proposal of expansion gets approval and support from all concerned bodies. It produces different size of soap 100gm,200gm and 250 gm and different size detergent 1000gm,500gm and 250gm.Even if all the community are the customer of Natea & Ayelu soap and detergent enterprise, it sell its products mainly
1. In Sebeta,Merkato, Jimma ,Illu ababora, Wandogenet,South west shoa and West shoa
2. At different bazzers and exhibitions
The enterprise pay the credit with in six month and the current audit shows the enterprise own a capital of 285839.40 birr
4.1. Brief Profile of the Entrepreneur
The business is owned:
1. Natea Abdo:
  Graduated with Bachelor degree by applied chemistry from Addis Ababa University
   Have three years work experience in different soap and detergent factories
  Take different training on soap and detergent ,finance, business management and entrepreneurship
2. Ayelu Beyene:
  Graduated with Bachelor degree by applied Biology from Hawassa University
They were motivated to go into the manufacturing of laundry soap and detergent after they get experience by working in different companies. They gathered information and studied the process of making soap and detergent from several literatures, books, internets, companies and ministry of industry. They attended training on soap and detergent making technology. They have also friends who are presently working in a soap and detergent manufacturing firm whom they have approached for information and guidance.
To fulfil the above proposed vision the owners of Natea &Ayelu soap and detergent enterprise decide to establish well net-worked soap and detergent manufacturing enterprises through out 10 towns of Oromia Regional state by using two methods
1. Manually (without machine): producing quality soap and detergent with small capital and man power only
2. By using machine
5. Business Proposal for an enterprise that is established in one specific town
5.1.  Short History of the enterprise
Owners of the business (the enterprise is owned by 10 university graduate that live in that specified town)
2. 7
3. 8...
4 9..
510. .     Â
  The name of the business.. soap and detergent enterprise
  Capital of the business:-298531.375birr
  The business is sited with an area of . meter square
  Location of the business:
  Type of the business:-Manufacturing
  Main activity of the business: Manufacturing Laundry Soap and detergent.
  Expected starting of the business: at the end of 2006, Eth. Cal.
  Contact address
6. Executive summary
This business is new one. Its main engagement would be manufacturing laundry soap and detergent. The raw materials of the soap and detergent are local base and imported. Using this local resource and imported raw materials it produces soap and detergent which is used for washing clothes.
As it is known the business of producing and selling soap and detergent is a very continuous activity. The market is not a onetime market. The item is a fast moving goods.
Ethiopia is the population with more than 80,000.000 people and this is a huge market for business like this. It is clearly seen in the market, this huge demand for the item is not satisfied.
With the above mentioned ideas, the owners of this business are encouraged in engaging themselves in the production of this item using local resource and imported raw materials and play their part to the market gap. The owners of this business must be aware about the quality of the product and its interaction with social and environment in while it produces the goods. The country has untapped raw material for the production of this product. It is the deep wish of this business to tap this resource and try to satisfy the market in desired quality and quantity.
The enterprise is going to produce job opportunities for 10 people and it also contribute to economy development of the country. The amount of start up capital needed is 298531.375Birr, out of this 59706.275birr is the contribution from the members (owner equity) and 238825.1birr will be borrowed from credit and saving association. The business expected annual turn over for first year is 4, 251,000birr.
7. Owners profile
No  Name  Address  Qualification  relevant experience   Function in the business
1      Bsc degree by chemical (industrial )engineering Â
One year and above   Managing director
2      Bsc degree by applied chemistry  One year and above  Production and quality manager
3      BA degree by Business & Economic related  One year and above
  Financial Manager
4Â Â Â Â Â Â Bsc degree mechanical engineering
  One year and above
  Technical manager
5Â Â Â Â Â Â BA degree by marketing
One year and above   Marketing manager
6      BA/BSC degree by any field  One year and above Â
7      BA/BSC degree by any field  One year and above
8      BA/BSC degree by any field  One year and above
9      BA/BSC degree by any field  One year and above
10      BA/BSC degree by any field  One year and above
8.  Marketing Strategy
As explain above the market of cleaning materials, laundry soup and detergent, is big. The country is not having such problem for its raw material. The point is using this raw material, produce the product and how we address the market.
8.1. Division of Market
It needs to segregate the society (market) into manageable way i.e. targeted market. For this purpose as per the research the market is divided in to three levels. These are: Higher, Middle and lower levels.
8.1.1. Higher Level: this society who prefer relatively very high price product or service. A group who never want to buy the local product.
8.1.2. Middle Level: target group who are in between and would like use local product if the product or service is done with good quality.
8.1.3. Lower Level: this is the target group who are much sensitive to the price and quantity of the product or service.
Therefore, as per the division of the market, it is this business market strategy to address mainly the lower level of society. It uses different strategy to reach out this big market.
8.2. Price.
  The targeted group is too pricing sensitive and the price is to be very lowest to that of the imported product. Take in to consideration of the other similar product producers, market price is to be set.
8.3. Production
The business is intend to produce the product with various size depends on some marketing factors. The size of soap would be: 250 gram, 200 gram, 120 gram and the size of liquid detergent will be:1000gm,500gm and 250gm.
One of the strategies of this business to be more profitable is by presenting the same market product with better quality. The quality includes: color, smell, detergency, appearance, size and other qualities
9. Marketing Promotion strategies
Having a good product and good price is mean nothing by itself. People should have knowledge of product. What makes it different from other? The owners must make an introduction work like: practical demonstration like washing clothes at the spot of the targeted consumer, introduction market price, incentive which makes consumer to by more and other promotional Medias like
  Business cards
  Oral advertizing
  Buzzer and exhibition
  Using different public market areas
  Using different whole sellers and retailers
  Using different social medias
  free delivery for volume purchases
10. Place
Having done all the above mentioned activity the final thing to do is reaching out the product to the targeted group. For this we have the channel distribution.
11. Channel of Distribution
11.1 Sales Force
   The business will have its own sales persons. The sales persons will take the product to their designated sales place. The sales persons will have their sales area within
11.2. Point of Sale
   The business will have different whole sealers in different woreds and People come at the spot of the manufacturing place and purchase the item with the whole sale price.
11.3. Key Distributor (KD)
    The products would also reach out to the up country. In reaching out these up countries we form a key distributer who receive the product and distributed to the area. To do this will have a KD price so that the distributer will be encouraged to take the product from the manufacturing place.
  11.4. Marketing Plan Product
The type of product produced by the enterprise are soap and detergent made of pure rendered fat, labsa,caustic soda and other chemicals like water softener and builders. These chemical give good quality to the product. The product packed with carton and jerry-cans that shows address, quantity and easy to handle. If there is a fault after sale, we give response and take full responsibility. 2500pcs of soap and 250kg liquid detergent are planned to produce per day. Â
11.5. Marketing Plan Price
120gm, 200gm, 250gm
How much are customers willing to pay?  How much are competitors price?  How much is the enterprise price?  What are the reasons for setting the enterprise price?
Highest-2.5,4,5Â Â
2.25,3.75,4.75Â Â Highest-2.5,4,5Â Â The enterprise gets raw materials with low price. Therefore the lowest price, 2, 3.25,4 is enough for our enterprise to be profitable but it is less than competitors cost. So, it is optimum or fair for the customers.
Average-2.25,3.75,4.75Â Â Â Â Average-2.25,3.75,4.75Â Â
Lowest-,2,3.25,4Â Â Â Â Lowest-2,3.25,4Â Â
Liquid detergent
1000gm,500gm, 250gm
How much are customers willing to pay?  How much are competitors price?  How much is the enterprise price?  What are the reasons for setting the enterprise price?
Highest-30,15,7.5, Â
28,14,7  Highest-30,15,7.5,  The lowest price 22, 11, 5.5 is enough for our enterprise to be profitable but it is less than competitors cost. So, it is optimum or fair for the customers.
Average-28,14,7Â Â Â Â Average-28,14,7Â Â
Lowest-,22,11,5.5Â Â Â Â Lowest-,22,11,5.5Â Â
11.6. Marketing Plan Place
The enterprise is founded in town. is selected as business area because there are few competitors and raw materials can be easily collected from the surrounding area. There is also high demand of the product in the town. The product will be distributed directly to the consumers.
11.6. Marketing Plan Promotion
Marketing is done by displaying the products to the local community and through personal selling
12. Production Process
Laundry soap
Laundry soap production regarding to this project is batch system. Soap making or the saponification process is done by reacting tallow with a caustic alkali. The properties of the resulting soap depending on the mixture of fats used the kind of caustic alkali and the actual process employed. Pretreatment of tallow like bleaching and deodorization is required to achieve the color, odor and performance features desired in the finished bar. Semi-Boiled or cold processes which is economical and simple ways of making soaps is used. It requires low-cost investment in equipment and no sophisticated skills. In addition to the above two alternatives, continuous processes with automated and compact equipment are widely employed to save installation space, consumption of steam and electric power and labor.
  Tallow slowly heated in an open pan; concentrated caustic soda solution added slowly. The mixture must be stirred continuously and boiled under controlled conditions, to ensure completion of the saponification process without over-boiling.
  A moderate heat is maintained and each addition of caustic soda solution is allowed to react fully with the tallow, before the next addition. Hasty addition of caustic soda solution will result in undesirable graining. If the mass shows signs of separating or graining, further water is added to bring the oil charge to a homogeneous state.
   Eventually the mass thickens, gets increasingly transparent and finally assumes a peculiar shiny translucent surface free from froth.
  Colors are to be added to the soap these should be incorporated before closing the boiling operation.
  Perfume is added after the soap in the pan has become cooled a little.
    Builders and fillers are added and thoroughly crutched in; the soap is then transferred to frames for subsequent cooling and cutting or dried and made ready for molding process if molding machine used
Liquid detergent
Detergent is an essential ingredient in modern living, used daily for medicinal and laundry purposes, for household cleansing and personal hygiene. Synthetic detergents have largely displaced soap as a heavy-duty washing material, especially where hard water is available. Its manufacture being essentially the treatment of Labsa with alkali, a chemical process that is the same whether production is done in a jar or in a factory. The simplicity of the process has led to its worldwide practice as a small business operation. Large factory operations are exclusively based on the modern continuous process requires machinery that is expensive, and a very large output is required to be economical. Detergent can still effectively manufactured by the traditional batching method, but it requires supervision to ensure a good quality product. Initial startup operations typically employ the batch process until the economies of production are developed and the market demand requires investment in the more expensive continuous process. However, the batch process requires very little training and skill to produce a good qualities detergent, higher qualities are easy to achieve with closer control. The main ingredients are labsa, caustic soda; sodium silicate, and other builders and fillers.
13. Quality improvement strategies
  Giving continuous training for workers
  Using quality raw materials
  Establishing standard laboratory
  Working with quality and standard of the country
  Using customers feed back and working to satisfy customers needÂ
  Close control of production process
  Using right person in the right place
  Jointly working with other soap company
Generally our enterprise always work for better quality and to fulfill customers needs
14. Major competitors
1. Bekas chemicals plc
2. Waliso soap and detergent plc
3. Ethio-Esian soap and detergent plc
4. Rapi soap and detergent plc
5. Star soap and detergent plc and other soap manufacturing company are our main competitors.
14.1. Strength and weakness of the competitors
14.1.1 Strength
  Huge amount of capital
  Mass production by using imported machineries
  Advertizing by mass media
14.1.2. Weakness
  Import raw materials
  High product price
  Not using local raw materials
  No direct contact with end user
  No sell with the amount of end user desire
15. SWOT analysis
15.1. Strength
  Low price product and direct contact with end user
  Using local raw materiel
  Using home made machineries
  Home to home advertizing
  Using net worked production system around target customers
15.2. Weakness
  Small capital
  Small product
  Lack of owners experience
15.3. Opportunities
  Good government polices on micro and small enterprisesÂ
  Huge market gap
  Good incentives by the government for young entrepreneurs
  Huge amount of untapped raw materials
  Good people support for young entrepreneur
15.4. Treaties
  Lack of commitment of the owners
  Competitors evil doing because of market
  Enterprises unwillingness to cooperate with other
  Not keeping of enterprises top secret.
16.  Administration and Finance of the Business
16.1.  Administrative Function
Basically, the head of the business is the Managing Director, supported by the other staffs. For all staff will have its own clearly stated duties and responsibilities.
To run this business effectively and efficiently, reasonable training must be given for the members. The hiring and firing of an employee will have formal procedures. It is governed by the rule of the country and interest of the business. All employees will have clear written job description.
One of the basic functions of this department is the direct and serious control of the hygienic and cleanness of the business areas and also outside because the business would be connected in this regard.
Employee records, profile, will be maintained; it is based on these that various remuneration be done.
It is this department which checks and makes the necessary correction of maintenance the firms items like:, light system, electricity, water systems, doors/windows, telephone, and equipments. Clean the whole firm yard.
16.2.  Financial Function
How big businesss revenue is, it does not help the business to meet the stated objective or vision of the business, unless the business has strong financial control. A pre defined financial rules and procedure must be established. A system that addresses the financial issues like: planning, directing, controlling and reporting.
Planning:Â the owners need to make an advance planning. This would be a yardstick in controlling the firm financial activity. Where the business is heading, knowing in advance all the business revenues, expenditure and big purchases. Look for financial resource. Anticipate the negativity in advance.Â
Directing:Â by organizing all the business resource gear it to the organization vision. It direct or works the firms expansions. Design in advance financial work procedure.Â
Controlling: one of the key duties of finance is its controlling capacity of the organization assets. The organization cost. The efficiency and effectiveness of acquired assets. Designed rules and procedure, implement, control it and make the correction for any variance.
In controlling the other main thing need to be given due attention is the liquid cash. The enterprise must design a system to control like a voucher system for its all payment collection made receipt, cash registration (point of sale equipment), made deposit to the bank against the bank summary format and finally make a report (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually and yearly report). Monthly bank reconciliation is a must thing to do. Surprise auditing is the part of the controlling system.
Reporting:Â Â all the financial activities must be reported in prescribed formats. The report could be for the inside or outside parties. It is based on this financial statement that the management makes its decision. It is based on this report, profit/loss, that to make the origination duty in effecting the payment of tax to the government.Â
16.3Â Â Social Responsibility
This business operate1s with in the society and for its survival the proper functionality of the social is a must. The business has to participate in social development activity. Have great concern in environmental protection. Organizes, coordinate and participate in environmental up grading activities. Should not do or involve in any of downgrading the environment. Â
17 .Organizational Structuer (Staffing)
18. Staff cost
Laundry soap (Five people)
No  Name  Position   Quantity  Salary per month    Remark
1    Managing Director  1  1000 Â
2    Account Chief  1  1000 Â
3    Production Manager  1  1000 Â
4    Sales Department Head  1  1000 Â
5    Mechanical manager  1  1000 Â
6    Total  5  5,000 Â
  Variable labor cost per unit = 5,000/65000=0.077birr
Liquid detergent (Five people)
No  Name  Position   Quantity  Salary per month    Remark
1    Managing Director  1  1000 Â
2    Account Chief  1  1000 Â
3    Production Manager  1  1000 Â
4    Sales Department Head  1  1000 Â
5    Mechanical manager  1  1000 Â
6    Total  5  5,000 Â
  Variable labor cost per unit = 5,000/6500=0.77birr
19. Fixed assets needed
Laundry soap
  Sir No.  Item Description  Unit  Qty  Unit Price  Total Amount
  1.1  Molding machine  pcs  1  50,000  50,000
  1.2  Soap Cutter  pcs  1  2,000  2000
  1.3  Soap Mixer  pcs  1  6,000  6000
  1.4  Plastic barrel  pcs  1  400     400
  1.5  Metal barrel  pcs  2  300     600
  1.6                  Balance  pcs  1  1000    1000
Total  60,000
Liquid detergent
  Sir No.  Item Description  Unit  Qty  Unit Price  Total Amount
  1.4  Plastic barrel  pcs  1  400  400
  1.5  Metal barrel  pcs  2  300  600
  1.7  Digital balance  pcs  1  2400  2400
Total  3400
20. Yearly raw materials needed
Laundry soap
Raw materials  Unit  Quantity  Unit cost  Total cost  Remark
Tallow  kg  49523.81  20  990,476.2
Caustic soda  kg Â
7428.57Â Â 25Â Â 185714.25
Dolomite  kg  49523.81  2.5  123809.525
Sodium silicate  kg  12380.95
  8  99047.6
Perfume  kg  123.81
  500  61905
Water  KG  74285.7  0.005  371.43
carton  Pcs   15600  10  156000 Â
Total  1617324 Â
  780,000 pieces with 200gm soap will be produced per year(65000 pieces per month)
  Variable material cost/unit= 1617324/780,000 = 2.07
Liquid detergent
Raw materials  Unit  Quantity  Unit cost  Total cost  Remark
Labsa  kg  14040  57  800280
Caustic soda  kg Â
2340Â Â 25Â Â 58500
Sodium silicate  kg  2340
  8  18720
STPP  kg  780  60  46800 Â
Perfume  kg  78
  500  39000
Water  kg  58500  0.005  292.5 Â
Total  963592.5 Â
  78000 kg liquid detergent will be produced per year
  Variable material cost/unit=963592.5/78000= 12.35
21. Overhead expenses
Laundry soap
No   Overhead expenses   Amount per month
1  Electricity  75.00
2  Water supply  50.00
3  wood  65
4  Telephone  195 Â
5  Transport  1300
6  paper  25
7  promotion   50
8  Indirect labor cost  1200
9   Maintenance of equipments  100.00
10  Over head cost  2000
  Total  5060
  Factory Over Head /unit:5060/65000=0.078
Liquid detergent
No   Overhead expenses   Amount per month
1  Electricity  25.00
2  Water supply  100.00
4  Telephone  195.00 Â
5  Transport  1300
6  paper  25
7  promotion   50
8  Indirect labor cost  1200
10  Over head cost  2000
  Total  4895
  Factory Over Head /unit: 4895/6500=0.75
Production costs of each item to be produced
Laundry soap
  Variable Raw materials per unit     =2.07
  Variable labor cost per unit        = 0.077
  Factory overhead expenses per unit =0.078
               Total Variable cost   = 2.225
  -Total Fixed cost=Salary expense/month + Rent expense/month
                                   = 5,000+ 0= 5,000
Let the enterprise will cover all variable costs after producing 4878 pieces.
  Break even quantity = Fixed cost/ (Selling price-Variable cost per unit)       Â
                4878 =5,000/ (Sp-2.225) Â
                  Sp= 15853.55/4878 = 3.25
Liquid detergent
  Variable Raw materials per unit     =12.35
  Variable labor cost per unit        = 0.77birr
  Factory overhead expenses per unit =0.75
               Total Variable cost   = 13.87
  -Total Fixed cost=Salary expense/month + Rent expense/month
                                   = 5,000+ 0=5,000
Let the enterprise will cover all variable costs after producing 615kg.
  Break even quantity = Fixed cost/ (Selling price-Variable cost per unit)       Â
                615=5000/(Sp-13.87) Â
                 Sp= 13530.05/615 = 22
22. Financial plan
                         Capital requirement
Capital requirement/project cost
Fixed assets   Â
    Equipments   63400
    Others  -
Total fixed assets  63400
Pre-operating expenses  -
Working capital/Operational cost of one month Â
     Raw materials  215076.375
     Administrative expenses  100.00
     Staff costs of one month  10,000.00
    Overhead expenses  9955
    Workshop rent  0.00
Total working capital of one month  235131.375
Total capital requirement  298531.375
23.Monthly sales plan
Month     1   2   3   4   5   6   7  8   9  10  11  12
65,000Product 1
  Price   3.25  3.25  3.25  3.25  3.25  3.25  3.25  3.25  3.25  3.25  3.25  3.25
  Quantity   65,000  65,000  65,000  65,000  65,000  65,000  65,000  65,000  65,000  65,000  65,000  65,000
  Revenue   211,250  211,250  211,250  211,250  211,250  211,250  211,250  211,250  211,250  211,250  211,250  211,250
Product 2
  Price   22  22  22  22  22  22  22  22  22  22  22  22
  Quantity   6500  6500  6500  6500  6500  6500  6500  6500  6500  6500  6500  6500
  Revenue   143000  143000  143000  143000  143000  143000  143000  143000  143000  143000  143000  143000
All product  Revenue   354,250  354,250  354,250  354,250  354,250  354,250  354,250  354,250  354,250  354,250  354,250  354,250
24. Operational cost plan
Product 1
  Quantity  65,000  65,000  65,000  65,000  65,000  65,000  65,000  65,000  65,000  65,000  65,000  65,000
  Unit cost   2.225  2.225  2.225  2.225  2.225  2.225  2.225  2.225  2.225  2.225  2.225  2.225
  Total cost   144,625  144,625  144,625  144,625  144,625  144,625  144,625  144,625  144,625  144,625  144,625  144,625
Product 2
  Quantity  6500  6500  6500  6500  6500  6500  6500  6500  6500  6500  6500  6500
  Unit cost   13.87  13.87  13.87  13.87  13.87  13.87  13.87  13.87  13.87  13.87  13.87  13.87
  Total cost   90,155  90,155  90,155  90,155  90,155  90,155  90,155  90,155  90,155  90,155  90,155  90,155
All product  Total cost  234,780  234,780  234,780  234,780  234,780  234,780  234,780  234,780  234,780  234,780  234,780  234,780
25. Cash flow statement
Particulars   Pre-operating
period  Â
Cash at the beginning of the month     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12
Cash inflow                          Â
  Equity   59,706.275                       Â
  Borrowings   238,825.1
Cash sales     354,250  354,250  354,250  354,250  354,250  354,250  354,250  354,250  354,250  354,250  354,250  354,250
  Collection of A/R                          Â
   Other income                          Â
   Total cash inflow   298,531.375  354,250  354,250  354,250  354,250  354,250  354,250  354,250  354,250  354,250  354,250  354,250  354,250
Cash outflow                          Â
Pre- operating expense                          Â
   operating expense     234,780  234,780  234,780  234,780  234,780  234,780  234,780  234,780  234,780  234,780  234,780  234,780
   Purchase of fixed assets   63,400
Principal                         Â
Interest                         Â
Rent                         Â
Salary    10,000  10,000  10,000  10,000  10,000  10,000  10,000  10,000  10,000  10,000  10,000  10,000
Admnistrative expense    100  100  100  100  100  100  100  100  100  100  100  100
 Taxes exepence                         Â
Total Cash outflow   63,400
  244,880  244,880  244,880  244,880  244,880  244,880  244,880  244,880  244,880  244,880  244,880  244,880
Cash at the end of the month   235131.375  109
450Â Â 109450Â Â 109
450Â Â 109450Â Â 109
450Â Â 109450Â Â 109
450Â Â 109450Â Â 109
450Â Â 109450Â Â 109
450Â Â 109
26. Profit & loss statement
Gross sales    4,251,000
Cost of goods sold    2,817,360
Gross profit    1,433,640
Administrative & Selling Expenses  1200 Â
Interest expense Â
23,882.51Â Â
Staff cost (Salary expense)Â Â 120,000Â Â 145,082.51
Net profit     1,288,557.49
27.Break-even point
Fixed costs
  salary         = 5,000.00
  Workshop rent       0
   Total Fc          = 5,000.00
     Selling price of one soap is (Sp) = 3.25
     Variable costs of one soap (Vc) = 2.225
Breakeven point Quantity = Fc / (Sp Vc) = 5,000 / (3.25 2.225) = 4878 pcs soap per month
Breakeven point Br = Fc / (Sp Vc / Sp) = 15,853.5birr
Liquid detergent
Fixed costs
  salary         = 5,000.00
  Workshop rent       0
   Total Fc          = 5,000.00
     Selling price of 1kg is (Sp) = 22
     Variable costs of 1kg (Vc) = 13.87
Breakeven point Quantity = Fc / (Sp Vc) = 5,000 / (22 13.87) = 615kg per month
Breakeven point Br = Fc / (Sp Vc / Sp) = 13,530birr
Return to Investment= Net profit *100 =Â Â Â Â 1,288,557.49*100= 431.63`Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
                 Amount Invested      298,531.375
 28. Loan Collateral
  The owners of the business must save 59,706.275birr
  The business is very profitable and one can see from the proposed the business income statement
  The above indicated loan could be deducted from our capital (assets).
  Government employee
29. Liquid Cash Flowing Process
30. Debt Pay Back Period
  Debt Payment time  Payment Amount
  Period  Birr
1  First Year  100,000.00
2  Second Year  100,000.00
3  Third Year  Remaining with interest
31. Economic and Social Benefit and Justification
Generally the development of a country is not only the responsibility of the government or one party. Development is comes from efforts all citizen of the country; small, big any party of the society. With this understanding this project can contribute its share to the country.
It aims to raise the quality standards of the rural population by providing quality laundry soap and detergent. It will also result in healthy competition by forcing existing soap manufacturers in the country to improve their product quality.
The project creates job opportunity for 100 People. It is not only the lively hood of these directly employed individual but also their family too.
One of the reasons that the current commodity price problem is the problem of supply as the market demand. This business can contribute some role in this regard.
And the other important thing of this project is it would produce import subsisted goods, it uses the local raw material, it creates financial income for local raw material supplier too.
Establishment of soap and detergent manufacturing enterprises Association
Natea and Ayelu Soap and Detergent Parternership are registered with the countrys Micro and Small Enterprises in 2004E.C with business registration number OR/OS/7-3/0600000000134/05 as a sole proprietorship and are located in Alemgena town. It starts work with 30,000birr.Out of this 6,000birrr is owners equity (from owners family) and 24,000birr borrowed from Oromia credit and saving association. The enterprise get working place from sebeta city administration. Its main engagement would be manufacturing laundry soap and detergent. The raw materials of soap and detergent are local base and imported.
Generally many soap and detergent raw materials are available in the country. Using this local resource it produces soap and detergent which is used for washing clothes. Now the enterprise creates job opportunities for six people and produce different size soap 100gm, 200gm and 250 gm and different size detergent 1000gm, 500gm and 250gm.
The enterprise pay all its credit with in six month and the current audit shows the enterprise own a capital of 285839.40 birr
Natea &Ayelu soap and detergent enterprise wants to expand their experience in 10 zones of Oromia Regional State. This creates job opportunities for 100 peoples.Â
1. Borana                     6, East welega
2. Bale                        7. Jimma
3. West arsi                    8.North showa
4. East Hararge                 9.West showa
5. Kelem welega               10.Kamise OR Ilu ababora
The above zones are selected with the following criterias
  Availability of raw materials especially tallow with low cost
  Availability of markets
  Simplicity to collect raw materials from other areas
  Simplicity to distribute finished products to other areas
1. Establishment of the Association and Legality
1.1 The association will be established by means of full will and beliefs of those enterprises engaged in          manufacturing of soaps and detergents that together can provide various services to the respective enterprises and society and to enable them to move to more modernized soaps and detergents industry.
1.2 A decision with respect to the amount of enterprises needed for establishing the association has not been decided on.
1.3 The association is established under the appropriate law and has a legal personality.
2. Objective of the Association
The main objective of the association is to encourage and strengthen respective enterprise engaged in the sectors of soap and detergent manufacturing and enabling them to withstand any encountered discrimination as well as additionally attaining access to various services in an organized manner. The following represent the respective detailed objectives:
2.1 Cooperation aimed at solving social and economic problems related to soaps and detergents by adopting , adapting and verifying foreign  technology to our country at the of 2010 E,C .
2.2 Supporting members with facilitating access to the possibility improving their technical  skills and entrepreneurial skills and profiting from training and counseling as well as credit services
2.3 Introducing and advertising products of members enterprises by means of organizing various exhibitions and events both local as well as abroad.
2.5.  Exchanging experiences with various similar enterprise associations both locally and abroad
2.5. To increase the efficient utilization of abundant resource like animal tallow (Animal Fat)) in all Zone of oromia regional stateÂ
2.6 To request support from local and foreign sources for existing and potential enterprises engaged in soap and detergent sectors.
2.7 To establish network with relevant organizations in order to facilitate Services to member enterprises
2.8. To carryout research and development in the area of soap and detergent by organizing modern laboratory
2.9 To  Create Awareness  for Youth as it is possible to seek opportunities around  them to create job rather than to seek job
3. Name of the association
The name of the association is Oromia soap and detergent association.
4. Logo and Publication of the Association
4.1 The Logo shall express the objective, efforts and cooperation of each enterprise and should be prepared by an expert in the field
4.2 The association shall have an annual newsletter, named Oromia
5. Address of the Association
5.1 The head office of the association shall be in Sebeta.
6. Sources of Income and Accounts of the Association
6.1 The associations income is generated from member contributions and registration fees.
6.2 In addition, the associations income also originates from various rendered services for and grants on the part of government and nongovernment organizations, which may be obtained in terms of assets, cash and service fees and is also seen to be the income of the association.
6.3 All incomes obtained from various sources and expenses incurred for the association should be regularly audited by the auditor who is officially recognized by the General Assembly. The auditor will also provide financial reports to the general assembly.
6.4 The association will keep the necessary financial records and documents available.
7. Meeting Schedule
The association will be led by the General Assembly, which holds a meeting on an annual basis. The associations executive committee will meet every 3 months. However, when it should become necessary, with over the half of the general assembly presenting a written request, urgent general assembly meetings may be held. In a similar way the executive committee may also hold an urgent meeting.
8. Quorum and Voting
- Quorum is reached when 2/3 or more of the general assembly is present.
- Quorum is recognized when over half of the executive committee is present.
- In the case of equal voicing within the executive committee meeting, the president has the highest vote
- The voting system for the election of the executive committee Members shall be transparent.
9. Opening Bank Account and Utilization
9.1 The association opens a bank account in its name and uses the money.
9.2 All income collected from registration fees, regular contributions and other incomes after being collected by the treasurer will be deposited in the opened bank account. The treasurer will keep an amount of Birr 500 as a contingency or as petty cash fund. However, this mode of money utilization can only be implemented for the secretarys office of the association
9.3 Money on the bank account can only be withdrawn by a prepared cheque and signature of the president and the accountant. But, when the president is not around, the signatures of the vice president can be used.
9.4 Without the general assemblys consent it is illegal to transfer, sell, and exchange or to use any cash or assets of the association for personal benefits.
9.5 It is illegal to undergo fraud by means of deleting or erasing on any of the money collection invoices or other documents prepared by the association.
10. Rights connected to Membership
- Every enterprise has the right to elect and to be elected.
- Every enterprise has equal voting rights.
- Every enterprise has equal rights with respect to sharing the associations services.
- Within the association there is no discrimination and partiality on the basis of nationality and religion.
- No shares or benefits exist that can be claimed by an enterprise when leaving the association, irrelevant to any reason.
-Elect the manager of their respective enterprise
-The right to change their business addresses by seriously undertaking business feasibility studies by expert from their specific enterprise and/or the association
11. Obligation of Members
Every enterprise
- has the obligation to pay an amount of Birr ... as registration fee, and the amount of Birr ., as monthly contribution.
- has the obligation to respect the objective of establishing the association.
- has the obligation to contribute to the development and benefit of the association.
12. Termination of Membership
Membership is terminated:-
- When an enterprise decides to leave the association on own account,
- When the association stops to provide the expected services,
- When an enterprise discontinues paying its contribution for three consecutive months without any valid reason,
- When an enterprise passes away,
- Memberships will be discontinued, if a member stands in opposition to the associations objectives and, become a hindrance.
13. Right of Association
The association has the right to
- conclude contacts,
- hire workers,
- sue and be sued,
- own and transfer movable and stationary assets,
- issue, accept and transfer financial documents,
- open a bank account in the name of the association and to make use of it.
14. Organizational Structure
The general assembly will be the governing body of the association. Management of the association will be carried out by an executive committee, consisting of eleven members. In addition, it will be controlled by a supervising committee which is comprised of three members. The executive committee will only be made up of the following members:
1. President
2. Vice president
3. Secretary
4. Treasurer
5. Accountant
6. Six association members
President must be the founder of the association
15. Duties and Responsibilities of the General Assembly
The duties and responsibilities of the general assembly include:
- leading the association,
- determining the associations activities, electing and repealing the executive committee,
- evaluating and approving the activity plan and budget, as presented by the executive committee,
- evaluating and making decisions connected to members that are in the process of being expelled from the association for various reasons and on the part of the executive committee.
16. Duties and Responsibilities of the Executive Committee
The duties and responsibilities of the executive committee include:
- presenting the associations annual report to the general assembly
- managing the day-to-day activities of the association,
- approving the associations financial and administrative manuals
- controlling/checking whether the finances/accounts of the association are property handled or not,
- presenting for approval the annual operation plan and budget as well as information on the required amount of manpower for the office to the general assembly.
       The managers of all ten enterprises and the founder of the association are the members of executive committee
17. Duties and Responsibilities of the President
The duties and responsibilities of the president include:
- running/leading the associations day-to-day activities,
- When necessary, hiring and administering workers for the association,
- Along with the concerned executive committee members, opening a bank account in the name of the association and putting it into action,
- concluding contracts on behalf of the association, responding when being sued or suing as well as undertaking other necessary activities,
-representing the associations, making contact with other similar associations.
-participating on behalf of the association in different meeting in local as well as abroad
18. Duties and Responsibilities of the Vice President
The duties and responsibilities of the Vice President include:
- undertaking activities on behalf of the president when he is absent.
- undertaking other activities forwarded to him by the president
19. Duties and Responsibilities of the Secretary
The duties and responsibilities of the Secretary include:
- managing time as well as preparing and handling other necessary documents of the association
- handling regulations, evidences and books that are concerned with the association.
20. Duties and Responsibilities of the Treasurer
The duties and responsibilities of the Treasurer of the Association include:
- collecting and treasuring the associations income
- paying expenses as directed by the president
21. Duties and Responsibilities of the Accountant
The duties and responsibilities of the Accountant include:
- handling the associations income and expenses, in accordance to proper accounting formats and rules.
- verifying income and expenses of the association
- preparing and presenting monthly financial reports
22. Duties and Responsibilities of the Supervising Committee
- The supervising committee controls the overall activities and documents of the association.
23. Duration of Services
- The executive committee members service duration lasts for the term of two years. However, they can be re-elected and serve for a further two years, if an approved by the general assembly.
24. Improvement of the Regulation
- The general assembly has the authority to improve the regulation as it becomes necessary.
25. Dissolving the Association
A. The association could be dissolved, if so decided upon by the general assembly
B. The mode of the associations asset distribution would be on the basis of general assembly agreement.
26. Date of Regulation Enforcement
This regulation will come into effect, after being approved and legal permission granted on the part of all members of the association, starting as of ________ Date _________ Year.
No  Name of the enterprise  Zone  Town
  Name of legal representative  E-mail
Address  p
Phone number  Signature  Remark
1    Borana           Â
2    Bale           Â
3    West Arsi           Â
4    EastHararge           Â
5    Kelem Welega           Â
6    East Welega           Â
7    Jimma           Â
8    North Showa           Â
9    West Showa         Â
10    Kamise Or Illu Ababora         Â
We all the enterprise that our name are listed above are agreed to establish association with our full will and for our common benefit and also accepted and committed to keep the rule and regulation of the association and as we approved above by our signature .
Note;-All the enterprises are established with the rule and regulation of Oromia Regional state SME
natea abdo
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