
the life of a single in saudi

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Hi there, i am writing what am currently facing after living 6 years in saudi, am writing this to share my feelings because i woke up that the world is cruel and only your best friends are there for you more than family.
I was lucky to find a job the moment i got my university certificate but if i knew that my life going to be the way it is for 6 years i would've stayed home.
Riyadh is wonderful and have everything we need except finding a friend from the opposite sex, between my work and getting home tired and being able to drive freely wherever i don't have a chance, even if i was able to go out there is no chance of making new friend with such shy-social approach, many times i had to be the one who starts talking but people are just shy or scared of religious police.
I always dreamed of meeting different people and having them friends and one of them my soul mate but while am here all my friends got married and this year the last one of my college friends is having a baby which leave me the only one single.
Well what can i do in this situation ? Usually with such country rules, parents are the ones who go for hunt and find someone for their children , but in my case my parents are not helping at all. 
each day i wake up depressed knowing that it's going to be the same thing: dealing with annoyed customers and demanding management,  5 years ago i had the energy to keep going for days, but now , the moment i wake up to go to work i wish to go back home and once am home i want to go work. it's an endless loop that can only be broken if i quit my job and came back to my country, but we all know that middle east is not stable and i don't want to die for the war of others, not to mention jobs are impossible there without a political recommendation , so my only hope is my 30 days vacation,  but while we are short on staff and very replaceable: all my requests are denied until i pass 12 month after my previous vacation , but where to ? back home is too dangerous , and i tried once to look for someone and ended up with a cheater who wanted to have fun and nothing serious( thank you for wasting my vacation), spending it here is useless and going offboard would require a visa and alot of paper works, Annnnnnnnnnnnnd we're back to the loop.
I tried to focus on my hobbies , it worked for a while but then the empty feeling came back.
few monthes later i got soooo depressed that i spent most of my days working like a zombie and going home taking a sleeping pill to pass the day, then i tried pleasing myself with food and gained 5 kg of weight ( just to show i didn't overdo it) and now am running daily on the treadmill.
At work we don't have time to chitchat and my colleagues have their own plans and can't give their time to each other.
So i thought maybe a new computer and new piano could help me feel better, but each time i look at my room i don't see it as my own , one can't have life stability in saudi ( because only rents are allowed legally).
In the end life is cruel , i am alive waiting for the salvation to come, i am powerless against my own life but i don't want it to end before having a family and small garden with kittens  and flowers,  i want to die old in my bed not by street bomb. 
Am not depressed  i became numb and barely feeling sadness or pleasure. 
My advice is " surround yourself with the ones you love and stop caring about money because you could lose it instantly but the loved ones will always stay there for you"

See also

Living in Saudi Arabia: the expat guideTravel ban by MOI (Absher) due to unpaid loansMumaris professional classification returnedTamam financeF.A Graphic Design

What you wrote is like a diary entry but if you want somebody's opinion, I would advise you to leave here and go home.  No wars in Lebanon so you'll be okay.  Go home, get married, have kids and HAVE A LIFE!

Good luck :)


"i became numb and barely feeling sadness or pleasure."

That is one of the many faces of depression, though.

Hang in there. This too shall pass.


It sounds like Saudia is not the best option for you at all, why don't you try to move to a western country with an open society?
You could have more friends and interactions with opposite sex.


Thanks guys and appreciate that Tony but when you get here you'll see why it's hard to intact with te opposite sex , i agree it's a little of a depression, i'd love to go back home but even there is no war but security is in a very risky state, western countries are a good option but financial stability is a big problem specially with such un-employment rates, besides visas are impossible not to mention an immigration visa.
with my limited powers i can wait for things to get better or something to happen there is no choice but keep fighting o/


Dun worry bluelune, good things will come to you soon and your life will be colorful. Just hang in there for a little while.

All d best buddy.


Tony1234 wrote:

Hi  just read your message I am due in Riyadh end of jan 2014 would like to meet up be friends

Regards tony

You totally missed her point.  In fact, I was tempted to use the 'ankle humper' gif!


I've had no issues interacting with others... Then again, I'm not in the same living situation either... I guess it all depends on the who what where....


Hello Blue..

What ever you are going through is just because you are too lonely.. I am also witnessing the same after coming to Jubail and leaving behind my wife and kids.. In Shaa Allah they will join me after 4-5 months..

I spend my time mostly at work.. which makes my half day finish, then i've joined a fitness club.. spending at least 2 hrs.. assigned 8 hrs to sleep and remaining hours of mine goes for other activities..

I suggest you also keep yourselves busy and time will fly by and your vacation will be just round the corner..

Remember... whichever religion you follow.. Pray !! this will keep your soul always fresh !!

All the best.. !!


vramakr wrote:

Dun worry bluelune, good things will come to you soon and your life will be colorful. Just hang in there for a little while.

All d best buddy.

After SIX years of this, why would you think things will suddenly get better for her?

This requires ACTION on her part.  As it is, she is finding all kinds of excuses for inaction (due to, as Xenlol pointed out: depression).

You CAN get anti-depressants easily in KSA, across the counter, I believe.  This is the FIRST thing you must do, bluelune.  Then after a while you'll be able to think clearly.  You need to DO something:  for example, you are saying that you can't get into a western country.  Have you TRIED?  Even if it's not Western, how about a place like Thailand?  KSA isn't your ONLY option (although in your head, at this point, you think it is).


Born2Network wrote:

I've had no issues interacting with others... Then again, I'm not in the same living situation either... I guess it all depends on the who what where....



I do, however, find that if you occupy yourself with things that interest you during the times you cannot interact with folks, it helps vastly with the depression... I was like that when I first got here, but an entire movie collection, pool table, countless hours spent gaming, untold hours of learning new tunes, and the few get togethers I've hosted, I havent been blue in a while now... just gotta occupy your mind....

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