
Post Of The Year?

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John C.

Yes, the Post of the Year should be awarded every December. :top:

Is there a reason not to? :D

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And a very good idea?

Any suggestions?

In category or general?

John C.

Primadonna wrote:


And a very good idea?

Any suggestions?

In category or general?

Hello Primadonna, :)

I'm glad to hear you agree.
Me thinks it may be done for only three categories + 1:

a). Expatriate forum
b). Expat cafe - open discussions
c). Help us to improve the web site.
d). Overall.

However, you the Moderators have more experience and it's up to all of you to decide what, which, if and when.

Please alert THE BOSS to the new possibilities coming from my super intelligence, sophisticated finesse and humor, and tell him that I request royalties payable every early January.  :)


Significant detail: I am not a moderator, just supporting the team.
And I am pretty sure that the whole team, including our BIG BOSS read your post.


I agree with John

I think there should be a post of the year also for a country post, you know one of those posts filled with facts that really help people to deciede to go or not.
Such post can be awarded world-wide or 1 for each of the 7 continents.

John C.

All these comments are welcome.
We need action since time for 2013 is running out.  :)


Oh it was so quite without you around.

John C.

John C. wrote:

Yes, the Post of the Year should be awarded every December. :top::D

A better time for yearly awards should be the first week in January.  The #1 prize can easily be some e-thingies collected from any forummer who wants to donate.
I am the first in line willing to donate.

Can we put our minds together and get the Post Of The Year going?  :/


So is this mere a proposal to win yourself?
So we can always c  "The Post of John C" :D

John C.

mal wrote:

So is this mere a proposal to win yourself?
So we can always c  "The Post of John C" :D

Hello Mal,
Thank you for reply, for your compliment and for the laugh.  :D
If it happens for the inventor to win the prize for his invention, then why not, let it be.

I wonder: what if the inventor wins for ten years, or more, in a row?  :cool:


For me, every good reply that helps someone deserves a title (at least a huge "thank you").

How could we possibly nominate one single post among several hundred of thousands ?

John C.

Julien wrote:

For me, every good reply that helps someone deserves a title (at least a huge "thank you").

How could we possibly nominate one single post among several hundred of thousands ?

Hi Jul,  :)

(John C. to himself: hhmmm, I made Julien talk. One point for me!)  ;)

How could we possibly nominate one single post among several hundred of thousands?
That's your job with the help of moderators and public opinion.
If you select only the posts from 2013, which is the scope here, you won't have hundreds of thousands anymore.  See, how it begins to work?

First, you eliminate posts from job seekers.
Second, you eliminate posts where forummers ask for help but offer no help in return.
Third, you eliminate posts from moderators because they only react but not act, plus, just (edited: like) with lotteries, lottery staff is not allowed to participate.  (By the way, you can make a Moderator Post of the Year, but not Expat Post of the Year).

Jul, I can give you more ideas, but I must charge a US$400 fee.  :)


John C. wrote:

Jul, I can give you more ideas, but I must charge a US$400 fee.  :)

First John wanted the cup.... :) Now he  tries to earn money :lol:
Heyyy this is a 'free of charge' blog. You should thank them for this freedom!!! :D

John C.

mal wrote:
John C. wrote:

Jul, I can give you more ideas, but I must charge a US$400 fee.  :)

First John wanted the cup.... :) Now he  tries to earn money :lol:
Heyyy this is a 'free of charge' blog. You should thank them for this freedom!!! :D

Hi there,
No, I do not want to earn money, I wish to be recompensed somehow.  If the recompense happens to be money, well so be it. Rest assured I would not take money from Jul ...  He know that ...

On another note, how do you see the Post Of The Year selection and award could take shape?  :)

John C.

John C. wrote:
mal wrote:
John C. wrote:

Jul, I can give you more ideas, but I must charge a US$400 fee.  :)

First John wanted the cup.... :) Now he  tries to earn money :lol:
Heyyy this is a 'free of charge' blog. You should thank them for this freedom!!! :D

Hi there,
No, I do not want to earn money, I wish to be recompensed somehow.  If the recompense happens to be money, well so be it. Rest assured I would not take money from Jul ...  He knows that ...

On another note, how do you see the Post Of The Year selection and award could take shape?  :)


Guys, this particular forum is a support forum, and not the expat cafe.

If this thread becomes a joke, well, I will surely move it to another forum and I won't spend my time in replying.

If you select only the posts from 2013, which is the scope here, you won't have hundreds of thousands anymore.  See, how it begins to work?

How can you know what we haven't received hundreds of thousands posts this year ?

The 1,000,000th post was posted on Dec 24th last year .. and your last post is n°1,658,889

Anyway, there's no "post of the year" but thousands of posts of the year, on many local forums. You should check our experts and active members posts. They are just impressive.

Maybe we could work on something with Karma : members who won the most karma points this year ... this become interesting I think

John C.

Julien wrote:

Guys, this particular forum is a support forum, and not the expat cafe.

If this thread becomes a joke, well, I will surely move it to another forum and I won't spend my time in replying.

If you select only the posts from 2013, which is the scope here, you won't have hundreds of thousands anymore.  See, how it begins to work?

How can you know what we haven't received hundreds of thousands posts this year ?

The 1,000,000th post was posted on Dec 24th last year .. and your last post is n°1,658,889

Anyway, there's no "post of the year" but thousands of posts of the year, on many local forums. You should check our experts and active members posts. They are just impressive.

Maybe we could work on something with Karma : members who won the most karma points this year ... this become interesting I think

Hi Julien,

1). No, it was not my intention for this thread to become a joke, but I could not find other way to reply other than with humor or "humor", take it anyway you want.

2). I had no idea that the stats showing up on the right of the web page are for 2013.  I thought they are from the time began.  I shall be excused if, while introducing something new, I make  a mistake or two in details.

3). I am willing to give up the Post Of The Year idea if the Karma Of The Year is set in motion.  The idea Julien is to always reward excellence.
Yearly results are very important because this is how we (or better said, I) detect trends and moods of the crowds.

4). I am glad you warmed up to the idea of extra activity such as yearly prizes. :top:  2 - 0 for me. :)


1 & 2 ) no worries


The idea Julien is to always reward excellence.


4) the idea is interesting indeed but we need time to organize this

John C.

Julien wrote:

1 & 2 ) no worries


The idea Julien is to always reward excellence.


4) the idea is interesting indeed but we need time to organize this

Aaha, so nominating the post of the year is a great idea, isn't it?  :lol:
I know everything good, like French wines, needs time.

Here is the quick solution:
You nominate my Post Of The Year as the post of 2013.  Even forummer MAL suggested this in this thread.
After that you take time and switch to Karma Of The Year, etc., etc.

The secret Jul is when you are lucky to get a great idea from the wind to immediately do something about it.  If you don't, the Gods who give great ideas will frown down on you and regret their misjudgment.  Next time your turn to get a great idea comes, the Gods will pass up on you.   ;)
This is why Julien, great ideas can NEVER come to everybody ....  See how complicated the road to success is???  :top:


Like Julien said,

there needs to be some thorough thinking for that one... ;)


I believe posts of the year should come from something that is usuful to Expats or Expat-wannabies.
Posts from News and Announcements, New member tell us who you are, Expatriate forum, Expat Café, Help us improve the website, exclusive news etc should not be counted.

I think only posts in the country posts should be illagable to become "Post of the year".
It should be 1 Post of the year for the whole forum and 1 Continent poster of the year.

Not only should the amount of +1´s be what counts because then we will only have posters writing in USA, Canada, UK forums to win as they have most users.
No, the admins need to look at the quality, details and ease of understanding of a post before they make a decision.
In January they can post the list of posts which has been nominated and in February they can post the winner.


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