Hello again elimay,
Is this the same man you were desparately trying to find out information about a cancer operation for? The very same man who was supposed to be returning to Cairo on July 21?
I'm sorry to sound so very cynical about this, but it sounds to me like this person is running some kind of con game, on you, on his supposed german "friend" in Bali. While you may know the man's family do you actually know them personally? Have you met any of them? Have you met this Hani personally?
I would like to ask a question and hope you won't be offended and also hope you will answer honestly.... have you sent this Hani any money???
To me it sounds like there are two possible reasons for his "disappearance". The first is that you actually have sent money and now he has moved on to his next mark. The second is that you've followed the very sound advice of members on your other topic posting, you have not sent him any money and he's now given up trying the con and moved on to another mark.
I'm sorry, but Bali isn't cheap, nobody just springs for an airfair, etc. for someone who isn't a family member. That story is simply too much to believe. No airline in the world has 3 month waits for a return flight, not even in Bali... another tall story which one should take with a large grain of salt. Family that knows nothing, of course they wouldn't. If you've actually met them and are as you say good people, they probably have no idea whatsoever what this man is up to. His doctor "missed" a tumor that grew so rapidly that it has become a major health concern, thinking it was a simple cyst. Even a quickly growing turmor shouldn't prevent your Hani from coming back to Cairo to be treated there either. That is all the more reason not to simply miss the return flight or stay on in Bali for any reason, anyone is more concerned about their own health than that. At any rate it sounds like he's got a very fertile imagination and that he is an excellent storyteller.
Eli, no offense but you seem to have some internal need to be a "saviour" or to mother the world. People are generally pretty capable of standing on their own two feet, yet you're running around after this man and seem more concerned about his welfare than your own. I hope you will pardon me but from where I sit, everything when looked at as a whole tends to point that this person has seen that weakness, that internal need in you and is taking full advantage of it. You are obviously making yourself crazy about the situation, and I think needlessly so. For the life of me I just can't figure out why.
This man has vanished, because for whatever reason he has chosen to vanish. Have you any information regarding his so-called friends in Bali? Do you know how to contact them? Have they heard from him or has he just dropped out of their lives too? Perhaps, you just know about these "friends" since Hani has told you about them and you have no proof that they even exist other than his story.
This all sounds extremely bizarre to me and should to you as well. It certainly raises all kinds of red flags, maybe you're just not looking for them.
Time to cut your losses and walk away girl!!!