
Calling All 8-Ball Pool Players - NEW SAIGON 8-BALL League Needs You!

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Attention Pool Players!

8-Ball (American Style) Pool is gaining more and more interest in Saigon (and finally an air of respectability) which is exciting news for us Expats that really enjoy the game. As a Brit I know I do.

After Saigon's success in the recent Asia Expat 2013 Pool Tournament in Jakarta (Saigon came 3rd) a small group of us are keen to get a small league off the ground. There are already highly successful Expat Pool Leagues in Shanghai, Bangkok, Jakarta, Singapore, and Manila, where small teams of Expats and invited locals enjoy a weekly match against another, Bar affiliated, pool side.

We have decent Pool Tables in various bars around Saigon now, which include The Red Bar and O'Briens in D1, the Hairy Casual in D7, plus Snap Cafe and BMV in D2. It would be good to identify other bars with decent Pool Tables (not small snooker tables) that have groups of regulars as well.

So are you interested in playing? The plan is to make Wednesday night in Saigon, 'Pool Night', avoiding Darts on Tuesday and Thursday as well as dead Monday and frantic Friday.

If you are prepared to raise a team, let me know. If you want to play but don't have a team, let me know. If you are a bar and you would like to enter a team, let me know. If you are interested in becoming a league sponsor, let me know.

My aim is to kick the league off on 12th February with the first season running until mid-June (18 weeks). I have a number of players and bars already registered but have room for more at the moment.

Please reply to the sender only in the first instance and I will get back to you directly, as soon as possible. Include an email and/or mobile number to speed up communications.

I look forward to meeting you all during 2014 - may you never get stuck behind the 8-Ball

Best Regards

Pool Addict and Serial Socialiser

See also

Leisure activities in Ho Chi Minh CitySports activities in Ho Chi Minh CityGastronomy in Ho Chi Minh CityThings to do in Ho Chi Ming City alone or with friends or familyLeisure in Vietnam

count me in

Andy Phan

I'm in.:) my mobile [Moderated: Please send numbers in private]



It looks like Thursday Night is the preferred night for the proposed Pool League.

Bars that are currently interested in becoming involved in a league include the following bars:

Hairy Casuals - PMH/D7
The Red Bar - D1
Drunken Duck - D1
Game On - D1
Number 5 Bar - D1
BMV - D2
Snap Cafe - D2
Buddha Bar - D2
McSorley's - D2

If you are a Pool Player that has an interest in playing in a fun but competitive pool league, where you get to mix with other like minded players (who don't mind the odd beer while they're playing) then register your interest by sending a PM to me with an email add./mob. no or contacting the Owner/Manager of one of these bars.

Each Bar will need a Captain and a roster of at least 7-10 players per team (minimum of 6 required on a match night) so there are plenty of spaces available. If you can form your own team, then I can help you find a venue/sponsorship if you need help.

Let's try and get this running by  March latest if possible.


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