


Hi, my husband Barry and I intend to drive to Malta either September or October 2014 for six months and would be pleased to hear from anyone who has done this as we would like to know some safe stops on the way.  We have heard some horror stories in the past where people have been mugged etc and obviously don't want this to happen to us.  Also how many days travelling was it.  We are reckoning about 3 to 4. Is this about right?  We have lots of other questions but the above it the most important to us at the moment.

See also

Living in Malta: the expat guideMaltese plate for camper outside MaltaUkranian refugeesNon- EU dentistry degreeTravelling to Malta with two dogs

So, you'll be here for over 90 days which should require you to apply for e-residence and you will be technically importing a car to Malta?
You may wish to read this: … ehicles%20(Version%2025%20-%209th%20April%202013).pdf_20130415062059.pdf

I could be wrong (and willing to be shown so) but you may find a whole heap of issues.


Welcome to the forum,
Firstly if you don't intend to become a resident of Malta then all you will need to do is take a short trip to Sicily after three months.
As for your question regarding driving down lots of forum members have done it, including me, twice.
A search of the site will give you some idea of the routes / costs etc and it will all depend on where you start from and what sort of driving experience you have.
Muggings/ gassings and general safety are down to common sense and in my experience there is no more risk in Europe than in the UK .
If staying in hotels then we never pre book but drive until we see an area or a hotel that looks nice then stop.
generally motorways in France are very good plenty of hotels etc, Italy the standard of motorways are much lower and hotels tend to be off the motorway and in town. Sicily the standard is terrible and services disgusting so stick to the coast road.
3 to 4 days on the motorway but If you want to take your time and see some places of interest then don't use the motorways but allow 6 to 7 days
You can save a bit of driving by getting a Ferry from Naples to Catania in Sicily then its just a short drive to Pozzallo  for the Ferry to Malta. Currently there is no direct ferry from mainland Italy to Malta.



Thanks Terry for your useful advice.  As you say it's a question of using your head as you would anywhere.  It's all quite daunting and exciting at the same time.  Just one thing, when you say you need to do a short trip to Sicily after 3 months, what would be the consequences of not doing so? would you have to apply to some kind of residency?

Cheers Jan


Hi - thanks for your reply and advice.  We wont be importing a car as we know you need to have owned a vehicle for 2 years so no tax is paid etc. this is why we will just do 6 months.  We are going into all this thoroughly as one would expect when embarking on a life changing experience, so hope we can cover the majority of the issues we need to.  Thanks.

Cheers Jan


jan48 wrote:

Thanks Terry for your useful advice.  As you say it's a question of using your head as you would anywhere.  It's all quite daunting and exciting at the same time.  Just one thing, when you say you need to do a short trip to Sicily after 3 months, what would be the consequences of not doing so? would you have to apply to some kind of residency?

Cheers Jan

My advice was given on the understanding from your original post that you are just visiting for 6 months.
If you are intending to stay then as a resident you cannot own a foreign registered car (you can drive one provided you have started the car registration process).
The car can stay for 6 months in 12, as a tourist you can stay for 3 months, hence the advice go over to Sicily for a short trip.



I thought that if you arrive in a car and stay for over 20 days, (your stated your intention of 6 months,) then that, technically, was importing a car.
Therefore as above from Terry applies.
Quite agree with you that thorough research is required and I would suggest that you do some and have a good look around this site and attend to those who have been through the process. Whatever you may assume, because you are in the UK and Malta is in the EU - don't!! Check it out, it will NOT be like travelling over mainland Europe, particularly in a car for over 20 days/3 months.


jan48  May I suggest you read this thread? … 16#1683548