
Visa options query


:/ hi there,
I am an Aussie still living in Aus with Irish partner.  We are moving to Ireland next year in June.  By then we will have been together 3 and a half years.

My query is how I go about staying in Ireland.  I am a little confused as I spoke to irish consulate in Aus (thought they'd be the best to help me) and they have me 2 different answers -

1. Go to ireland on Working Holiday Authorisation and then apply for defacto visa while we are living in Galway (that way I can work while I'm there)

2.  Do not go in on Working Holiday Authorisation, go in as I would when going in on a holiday and then apply for defacto visa.

Has anyone else been in this same situation?  From what I have read, the WHA will give me a stamp 1 which means I can still apply for defacto visa while still working.

I would love to here any advice you have.  I am going to call the Australian embassy in Ireland soon.

Cheers :)

See also

Professional visas in IrelandTourist Visa Invitation Relatedapplication of long stay join family visas, category BVisa documents to wrong officePeriod of adaptation as a social worker
Irish Immmigraiton

check..... :   [moderated: please register your company in the business directory]

if you enter on a working holiday you CANNOT obtain any other type of permission or seek another type of permission (this is stated on the working holiday application), thus you cannot change her status to anything other than a working holiday visa.

Travel to Ireland as a "visitor" explain to immigration you are entering ireland to apply for a defacto permission. Have evidence that you are together 3 years and have lived together, have emails, photos ,joint account info joint rent agreements joint wedding invites from family friends etc etc