
what is the duration for Student Visa and can one stay/extend to work.


Hi! I want to knw certain things regarding Brazil student visa. What is the duration for student visa? And after the duration, how can one stay and work if he wishes to remain in brazil to live and work?

See also

Work permits for BrazilThe Working Holiday Visa for BrazilGeneral visa requirements for BrazilDigital Nomad Visa RenewalRush Appointment for Federal Polícia?

Generally speaking a VITEM-IV Student Visa will be issued for short periods (around 3 months) which can be extended almost as many times as one needs while they remain in the approved course. Of course you need to provide a letter of enrollment from the educational institution for every renewal, just as you did to obtain the visa in the first place.

Once the individual is no longer in the course they must exit the country when the visa stay expires. So, no you can't remain in Brazil and work after your course finishes unless you find a confirmed work contract, an employer who will confirm that in writing and apply for a VITEM-V Work Visa.

William James Woodward, Expat-blog Experts Team


Can a student visa (Vitum iv) be converted into work-visa? Can a person apply for work visa, here in Brazil? What types of documents required for getting work visa?



Answered on another topic thread


I applied for renewal/extention of my student-visa. I provided all blank and filled pages of my new pasport attested by Cortorio. My old passport was going to be expired on 31th December, 2014,  which had my visa-sticker too. The embassy issued a new passport for me. The federal police did not ask me about my old/new passport. He only checked all the attested pages of my new passport. He submitted all my required documents (i.e. letter of acceptance issued by university, 2 photos, attested pages of my new passport, proof of fee, detailed marks certificate which shows my grades/pontos, copy of my address, copy of RNE,) and told me to come back on
Do they need attested copy of all pages of my old pasport? What the other thing they require? They did not say about another document. Thanks!!


No they don't need a copy of your old passport, because they already have it from your previous application for the student visa. They also know about your old visa too. You won't need any further documents or they will tell you what else you need.


I applied for extention of my student visa. The federal police accepted my documents and they issued a paper which has sign and stamp of federal police. The paper has no exact valid date (validity). Instead, it explains; it is valid until publication. The police told me; your visa-extention application will be published within three months. Till that time, you have to use this paper.
I applied for registration of marriage documents and cortorio said: Your current visa is going to be expired and for marriage, it is necessary to have one-month valid visa. I showed a certificate (certidao) of federal police that was explaining that I can show/use that temporal paper but cortorio did not accept it. (Thanks to God that I learnt many things from this/your website.) At last, I applied for ``procoraçao``; and got a another representative (represente) of marriage who will represent me at the day of marriage and cortorio accepted him.
The temporal paper issuied by Police is not workable at any place including cortorio? After the publication of my visa renewal application, I have to present further documents to police?


Boa noite!
Actually I've got another question regaring the Visa.

True that I'll try to get the Permanet one with the União Estável however, if I'll be unable to get it for some reasons at the first try......... could I, after my 90 days on a Tourist Visa (I'll stay actually 80), go back to my Country and apply straight away for a STUDENT one and as soon as in my possession go back to Brazil? I know the Consulate take between 5-10 days to issue it and the school roughly 10 days to send the necessay documentation.

I mean: the 90 days wait must be respected only when a "Tourist-to-Tourist" Visa is involved or also in the a.m. case, so applying for a Student Visa right after a Tourist one??


Hello Lauretta,

Yes, as long as you apply for a DIFFERENT CATEGORY of visa (and can get it of course) then you will have no problem. The other visas are not affected at all by VITUR Tourist Visa or VWP entry stays.

Just remember you cannot work on a VITEM-IV Student Visa however.

And the application for Permanência Definitiva com base em união estável is only for relationships that have ALREADY existed for a minimum (provable) period of one year. See the Ministry of Justice website. … ao-de-sexo



James, you don't know how much I'm happy to have this news =)

Yep, I know  we have to prove that we are together for at least one year - but in another post I was talking with John about my perplexities in regards how can people prove a relation if "us", as foreigners, are allowed to stay only for a 90 days etc so no bank accout, no flat no nothing - but is true that is actually written that:

"A União Estável poderá ser comprovada por um dos seguintes documentos: a) atestado de união estável emitido por autoridade competente do país de procedência do chamado; ou b) comprovação de união estável emitida por juízo competente no Brasil ou autoridade correspondente no exterior.
NA IMPOSSIBILIDADE DE APRESENTAçãO dos documentos elencados acima, a comprovação da União Estável poderá ser feita mediante a apresentação de (..... prove of a joint bank account etc etc)."

So I hope we will be able to prove our relation, as John advised, with pictures together etc because, as said, If I'm not allowed to stay for more than a certain period of time as with Tourist Visa, I'll be unable to have anyway a joint account with him, as have a flat (rented) together etc..

But I start to see the light at the end of the tunnel :)