First tip: Don't go to typing centers ... a big waste of time and money. YOU can get your applications done from the MOI website. I do it every time and saves me a major headache.
No here is the procedure fresh from a friend of mine who just brought his wife over and stamped her residency:
1- Take as many pictures as you can of your family members (4x6 blue background gloomy face )
Price: 1.5 for 8 pics x family members
2- Using the visa paper you have. Make the fingerprints in Sharq first. They'll stamp the paper. No need to get back to them. They send it immigration directly.
Price: 1 or 2 KD and a bit more for forms and stuff (keep extra cash with you of course)
2- Do the medical tests in Shuwaikh (Jamal AbdulNasir street). For kids they check their vaccinations.
Price: 10 KD for each passport + 1.5 KD for each application. You need 4 pictures for each member.
3- Wait for the medical tests results. Check after one week to 10 days. You need to go there to get them.
Price: One week of waiting
4- During the waiting time, you can do yourself a HUUUUUGe favor by checking any traffic fines you have and paying them if any. Otherwise, they won't process your residencies until all is settled. Also, if you have any traffic accidents that was settled by the police they will ask you to pay money to the court. Ask about that in the justice department office. For more info on that, PM me and I can explain more.
Price: I don't know, you're the one driving
5- Go to PACI website and get the civil ID numbers. Click on the tab that says "Civil ID Query". Enter the MOI number (found on the VISA) and you should get the Civil ID number.
Price: Absolutely free
6- Take the medical test results when they're in with the civil ID numbers, passport copies and your civil ID copy and go to the Health Insurance office (in Jabriya behind Mubarak hospital if you live in the great state of Hawally). They will give you a receipt that you will use later at immigration along with health insurance cards.
Price: +18 41 KD, 18- 31 KD
7- Type the application from the MOI website (residency application, if you need more help on that PM me).
Price: Free. And saves a lot of time and the immigration office.
8- Take the applications, test results, health insurance, passports, visas, your civil ID plus of course yourself (it has to be u) and go to the concerned immigration office (Salmiya if you live in the great state of Hawally). Take a number and wait for them to call you in. Hopefully, it will go smooth and you'll be done in one day.
Price: 100 each for the first 3 family members, 200 for the forth and so on.
As I said before, for more info PM me and we can go into more details.