New members of the Spain forum, introduce yourself here

Hi, my name is George, am from London. I am in Barcelona for ten days on business. I would love to explore the city with a lady companion.
My hobbies include traveling, meeting new friends, movies and music.

hi every on ny name is  Ernest.I am  hotelier .i got admission  for masters in spain so in will be coming by october. I need on about the city.

Hey I´m Lauren, recently arrived in Barcelona from little New Zealand.  Hoping to meet some expats in the same boat, slowly adjusting to my new life :o

Keen to get a coffee or drink, or do some fun activities.

No creeps. thanks.

See ya!

Hi there Lauren , unfortunately i will not be over in spain (alicante) for 3 or 4 weeks yet :( . Would have been great to have met for a coffee as i spent two years in N.Z. and fell in love with the place, so we would have lots to talk about. I still have contacts with my friends in chch and sydenham and bellfast......etc. I am currently in manchester u.k. , so if you ever over hear i would be happy to show you around, you take care, look after yourself, the kiwi's are lovely people and very trusting, but i am sure you can take care of yourself  :)  Paul  :)
Keep in touch, if you would like to

Hi, my name is Bharat and I'm from India and am here in Madrid on a one year internship. Really love the city and the country and looking forward to discover and learn more about the culture. I speak English and Hindi and know a little bit of Spanish.

Olá!estou vivendo em malaga e gostaria de conhecer mais brasileiros que vivam aqui.

Hello i will be more than happy to hang out with u.loves sports...go out, music and good company

Hello, where are you from? What do you do in Sevilla?

hi I am planning to move to madrid and will be looking for a hairdressing job it doesn't have to be full time. I am fully qualified four years and if you hear about any opportunities  would be great. Thanks

(Moderated: off topic)

Hey, I'm gabby!

I am thinking about moving to spain next year... probably in February! And could use a little advice especially with finding a job....

Anyone from the expat community in Madrid? Please do get in touch! Would love to hang out.

Hi all

My name is Desiree, i relocated to Malaga 2 weeks ago. I am Mauritian, married and would like to know if there are other Mauritians living in Malaga. I don't speak spanish and this creates astonishing awkward moments sometimes :D Luckily, Spanish people are nice ;)

Mauritians do get in touch with me

Hi ,

My name is María. I have 2 daughters, aged 3 And 6, and after coming back from Englsnd, I would love to keep them bilingual/bicultural.

We live in Madrid, so I am thinking about the idea of having someone native to come And play with them in English ( a couple of hours per day daily, from Monday to Friday).  Please, let me know if you could be interested, kind of playpal/ live-out au-pair.

Also, we would love to do plans with other families with native children.

Thanks you!


Hey everyone I am moving to Madrid more so the calle bucarest area is anyone near there?
I'm.looking to meet some great people to explore the city with and build some fantastic memories with my sk ype name is jennaobie or email is, hope to hear from you soon

Hi all me and my family are thinking seriously about moving to ibiza there is me my wife and 4 children we are both motivated and we can work in just about anything my job in the uk is building maintenance painting / decorating tiling working at heights industrial painting also I've ran restaurants working in bars and food places won't be a problem. How hard is it to find all yr round work etc. finding apartments seems fairly easy and I've researched schooling so I'm quiet confident I'd find schools and living accommodation I no most work revolves round the summer months there must be more hard labour work to do in the out of season

Hello to all!

I am a 20 year old, single, fresh college graduate from Manila, Philippines.

I joined the in hopes of looking for a job in Barcelona.

I am currently living in Manila but I recently came back from Spain. I lived in Spain for 6 months while I was doing internship in a Michelin restaurant in Tortosa, Spain as a kitchen apprentice.

During my stay in Spain, I got to travel different parts of the country and definitely fell in lve with what Spain has to offer. The people are nice, and disciplined, the environment is fresh and clean. Everything about the country is great! And so I decided I want to live and work in Spain.

And here I am at looking for jobs and offers for a restaurant/hotel kitchen position that the company can also help me with the visa processing.

If any of you can help me to pursue my plans in moving to Barcelona it will be a great pleasure!

Hi I am Karen, a new member. I am thinking of moving to Oliva in Spain so anyone similar with this any help needed. I live currently in a small rural village in Wales. Having lived there most of my life i fancy a change.

Hello karen I am from sevilla, dont know where OLiva is....I am spanish and would love to chat with you if I can be of any guidance

Hola de hecho hay muchos brasileños en malaga yo soy de sevilla...como te llamas??

Hi i live in Sevilla where i can be of some help and guidance.

Hey Expats: Hope you are well. I´m a North American photographer and moved to Spain in 2009 after meeting my husband while photographing the Spanish festival Las Bodas de Isabel de Segura. I live in the heart of Spain, Aragón, and get a rare glimpse of what life is like for those Spaniards living in rural villages where the only daily connection to the real world is the television. I have walked the fields with shepherds, taken private tours of hidden tunnels from the Spanish Civil War and was chosen to be the town crier (pregonera) at the 2012 Las Bodas de Isabel festival in Teruel. I real honor and crazy experience for a former city girl (Los Angeles & New York). I have a website, Lori Needleman's ESPAÑA ( dedicated to my visual experience as an American living in Spain. It was selected by Photo District News Annual 2011 as one of the best photography websites of the year. In 2012, I began blogging for the Huffington Post Travel section and I have my own blog, Inside Spain: ( Some of my images are award-winning and I have been featured in several magazines. I can be reached via my website. Look forward to learning more about each of you.

Oliva,  is close to Gandhi and pego near the coast nearly opposite to Ibiza. Apparently when you have a clear day you can see Ibiza.

hi there have you seen the new rules that came into force as of 1st july 2014 ,uk citizens who go to live in another country will lose all rights they had to the national health service basically you have to sign off when you leave the uk you then have to register in spain  and until you have this in place you will not get your residency (you also have to prove you have sufficient funds)  i believe the fee to join the basic health scheme to be 60 euros per person going up to 157 euros per person when you are 64, my partner and i were planning on relocating next year so look around for some private health quotes 52 and 54 years of age  and came across "provision medico " they have offices in and around malaga they came in with the following 42 euros with discount of 4% if you paid annually, i am not sure if everyone is aware of the changes i certainly  was not , hope this helps and all the best with your new life,tony

Hello everyone. My name is John. I'm not an ex-pat. I just travel all over for work, and find myself in Madrid from time to time. I will be in town for a little over a week starting on September 13th. I'm not really big on the whole touristy, walking around looking at stuff thing, and I don't speak much Spanish.

I do, however, like to get together with ex-pats in the various countries that I visit. If anyone has any recommendations on places to check out, ex-pat bars and things like that, I'd love to hear about them.


hi I'm Deirdre, I'm shortly returning for my second year in Madrid, i had originally intended staying a year but Madrid has lured me in! I like running, hiking, meeting new people, travelling, reading, writing, celebrating Irish and Spanish culture, feel free to say hola :)

Hey this is Mustu I am from India wntu visit Spain espicially barceloana

I am 26 year young professional working in the IT field. I am located in Atlanta, GA. I have been running a helpdesk for a booming Cloud Solutions Advisory. I also served four years in the United States Navy in the IT field. I have recently developed a passion for bicycles. I want to gain employment in both IT and cycling markets. I am very excited to relocate to Barcelona. I plan to arrive July 01, 2015. Any advice or resources you can provide will be greatly appreciated.

I got recently to barcelona, studying here for the upcoming years, and it's a bit frustrating as really not so many people speaks english nor french. It'll be cool if anyone is interested in a drink, walk around the city, and do some activities. I'll be learning catalonian so languange exchange people hit me up if you're interested!

I'm Clara. I'm a French Student.
I'm coming thursday to Sevillla to study.
. I'm looking for a roomate and people to discover the city and have fun.

See you soon!

Hiya, I am currently back in Cadiz, Andalusia . So if anyone nearby, let me know.

Hoping to move to spain (alicante) in the new year with my wife first to rent then to purchase a small villa with a rocking chair. Ex Londoner who has been living in St Ives Cornwall for the past 10 years 71 year old who May have left it a bit late to change his lifestyle but who knows. X

Hi Diggly? never too late. Juanita

Thanks one eater, don't how to spell your name only remember it started with a J.
Have you lived out there long?. X

Hi I am thinking of relocating to Tenerife puerto de la cruz I am originally from there and have family who live there I have 3 children 8 7 and 6 I want to start up my own hair and beauty salon there that is what I currently do now I want to rent first does any one know the situation with English hair salons there and is there a need for them

Hi, been in Alicante two months and still finding my way around and getting used to the culture. the weather is superb as is the sea water. you can float in the sea and relax. Best to rent a place first. It gives you time to know the areas and decide whether you want to stay or return home. It is a gradual process. View Costa Blanca news on the internet. It gives you an idea what activities the Brits organise in the Valencia/Alicante area. No doubt other "Comunicades" in Spain organise similar things. A good move is to speak a few words of Spanish. At least it can be fun. I am a language teacher and can assure you that you can learn a language at any age, but only, if you are really interested.
Good luck. Joana Martin

Hi my name is john from London I am on my way ti tenerifi myself.   To look for a business too..  I was tinking  on open a salo ..if we could talk  would be nice ...  I don't know what you think but  alot of friend saying this is not the right  time to invest in Spain. But  I would like to live  the  puerto la cruz..  You think there is  oprtunity over there?

I'm a RN currently living in NC-originally from Miami. Hoping to one day move to Barcelona, Spain. My nursing career won't get me there from what I understand.. So I'm considering taking a Tefl course locally and maybe expanding from there. How realistic is it to get a job teaching English in Barcelona and if so how long will my visa be for? I have 2 little ones and I would like to be somewhat stable and not be moving around every year?? Anyone out there done something similar? Advice or tips are greatly appreciated!
Warm Regards,

Hi all!

I'm another newbie in Spain (though I have been here before). I'm an Australian teacher in my late twenties. I'm living in a small town in Castilla y Leon, not far from the Basque capital Vitoria or the La Rioja border. I was hoping to meet a few other expats but I have found that they are few and far between in this area - actually the only other expats I've even heard of are my colleagues.

If anyone lives nearby, or knows of someone who does, please let me know. I'd love to meet up.

Hi Te! Congratulations on your move to Spain! You mentioned you teach over there? Are you teaching English through a TEFL certification..If so was it hard to find a job and secure a visa/permit? I ask because I've been thinking of doing that but wasn't sure how hard or easy it is to establish yourself in Spain by teaching! Thanks for your input and I'm sure you'll meet many great new friends soon :)
Take Care,
