
New members of the Belize forum, introduce yourself here

Last activity 24 January 2015 by abdurrashid

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Shaneque Stephenson

Hi, My name is Shaneque and I have recently come back from abroad. I am a certified In home health care provider / caregiver with two years experience.  I enjoy taking care of people. Being back in Belize feels so wonderful I miss my country since the little time I went abroad but now I am here again and am looking forward to continue my work in doing the things I love which is providing outstanding caring


Hi all,
My name is Michael Stapleton and I am married to a Belizean woman named Ethelma. We are currently living in the states but have property in Flowers Bank which is about 27 miles outside of Belize City and in the Jungle. We are currently planning to move back to Belize permanently and hope to be there before years end. I met Ethelma on Ambergris Caye back in 2005 while I was on a scuba diving trip. We now have two children, ages 2 and 6. I have been to Belize about 12 times staying as much as a month at a time on some occasions. Our property is on the Belize River and we have around 25 acres for our cows and a 3 1/2 acre lot for our home. I have a dancing business and own half the cows with my wife's brother, Elton, owning the other half. I am currently working on a couple of other businesses in Belize. I want to hit the ground there with some kind of income. There are lots of opportunities in Belize to make an income if that is what you want to do.


IF you come with money and IF you are married to a Belizean.    These are not usual for people on this forum


mps1973, you are correct there are many opportunities to make money in Belize.  If one comes with a skill that is needed, employs Belizeans, teachs them, and if one is respectful of the Belizean people and laws then one can make won't become rich but one can make money and friends.


Hi, My name is Margo and my boyfriend and I are planning to come to Cozomal in Belize to see if it is the right place for us to retire.

How long should we stay to get a pretty good sense of what life is like there? Will we be able to find an affordable short term rental of an inexpensive place to stay? Are there any parts of town that are best to meet people who might be able to give us some good tips about living in Cozomal?

Thanks so much for any suggestions.



Hello Shaneque,
I am still quite new to the Belize but joining turned out to be a great move since I am all about finding everything there is about Belize. I was able to find someone who was willing to provide some info I was looking for. It is nice to see that not only expats are eager to communicate with the rest and find new friends. So, thank you for joining blog.
Skyler top.png


Hello. Hope all is well. I work in treating well water. Making it drinkable. My wife and I plan to move to central america most likely Belize after she retires. I will still be of working age so I was wondering if you know of any publications that mite help me investigate the job market.  I have many years of both residential and commercial experience.  Thank you


We can definitely use your service in Belize. Hope the Belize Government let you work here


Yea were working out the details. The company I work for is international so getting temporary work isnt the problem its  long term that may be an issue. My wife's pension would afford us a living without me working but I want to.  Is it that hard to get work permission there?


Hi Margo,

Do you mean Corozal?  I can't find Cozomal on the map of Belize.  I am just curious where that might be as we are planning a visit in August to Belize.



Yes from what I hear. But never know until you try it out yourself.  Water purification is primary for any undeveloped country. Lot of people will benefit.


To answer part of your question- How long..
Well you may want to experience the worst seasons in Belize ,every body will enjoy the best seasons.
March ,April  and May are very Hot. July to almost Nov will be the rainy season. If you can survive these seasons ,you may be happy with the weather here


Thank you for your responses

Carol sue Janasik

Looking to rent for one mth in hopes of buying a home in good neighbourhood. Perhaps on island or near fishing waters do not want in forest regions could someone help us out. Have contacted remax but no one will reply to us. Looking to be there in dec, jan. Or February. Moderate price for one bedroom with bath, kitchen, etc. perhaps a condo with a pool?

Carol & jim


If looking on Ambergris Caye definitely recommend Sunrise Reality.  Becky Stoops was wonderful to work with.  She made the process very easy for us.  We love the island!!


(Moderated: please post in the housing section)

belize boy

I have been reading Dr Ali's agrophobic bile for a long time.with some amusement, and a lot of irritation... there is
a degree of truth in some of his outpourings, and hopefully it will stimulate  individual research. I have spent 50 years
developing simple agricultural machines for the real third world. I have worked and supplied equipment in 42 countries,
starting with plough shares and slides for ox ploughs...
and on my scale, after six years experience,   belize is "pretty damn good".,,,,.most imported food is available if really needed,at twice American prices, but in many other countries living is cheaper because imported options do not exist.
as far as corruption is concerned try Mozambique. three police "shake downs" in 350 miles September 2013.


Belize boy
On the same topic about Dr Al,s and similar comments I like to make a contrast,  people who are mostly silent but doing great deeds in Belize.
I just came back after delivering a fertilizer bag full of Rambuttan to LOL ministry Orphanage in S. Belize ,whom I never heard of before. This couple probably from Colorado running an Orphanage called LOL Ministry (LOLMINISTRY.COM)  with funding  from USA. They are taking in the abused,sex trafficked kids and others and changing their life hopefully for ever. They are doing it out of goodness of their heart for nothing in return. The support from Belize Government is zero ,so far even though the GOB employees do drop kids in to this facility and remind them of rules to follow.
(Again I believe this will change and they (GOB) will start appreciating the work done by LOL ministry ).
Young people like these give one faith in Humanity. Having seen a human butcher butchering another human being on camera it is refreshing to know there are people on the opposite end of the spectrum.


Great to hear!  I have not heard of this orphanage before, but going to look into it . Would live to visit and see where we can help.  Thanks for the story!


I take umbrage at this. My comments are more ascerbic acid reflux rather than bile. Also I would say xenophobic> agoraphobic. Interesting Mozambique brought up as it is nearly tied with Belize for slowest internet globally. As for cost, Panama, Nicaragua and Costa Rica are very much less expensive than the Banana Pepublic of Belize and do not gouge gringos with a plethora of imported goods taxation. Indeed Panama by virtue of its pensionado program provides discounts on everything from Big Macs to medical care for ex pats. Ecuador is the same.Belize could learn from this. (Moderated: inappropriate)
Of course many ex pats (esp on San Pedro) are too busy drinking and tossing darts to care as the ship sinks slowly.
As for the orphanage, I visited and consulted at the Kings Home in Belmopan. A very worthy project.
Not sure if it's the same outfit.


This Orphanage do not seem to have any connection to the one you visited dr.Al


Hi everybody,

Do note that we are completely off topic here !!!

This topic has been created for the new members, as they do not know where to start, they come here, introduce themselves and tell us more about their projects. So please, let's keep this thread for them. wink.png

However, i wish to tell other members that if they want to discuss on another topics ( related to expatriation), they may create a new thread.

Thank you all



(Moderated: off topic)


Oops! Yes, I am sorry. I did mean Corozal. Thanks!


I was down to Belize 2 years ago and loved the country. I with friends drove the length of the country twice and found that I liked Stann Creek area the best. I visited a property in Riversdale and loved the area. I am looking for information on the area in hopes of moving there. At this time I am planning another trip in November to visit the Placencia Penninsula and surrounding area including the other side of the lagoon. Monkey River Town , independence etc. I am looking to establish contact with other expats living in these areas for information.


Hi from California

I'm just now starting to look into places to retire to in about 7 years, so a lot can happen in that time. I plan on living off of social security and any side income from my art. Where ever I go I will need internet for commerce and keeping in touch. I prefer the coastline and even better being able to see the water from where ever I live. I'm sure I am asking a lot...I do not need much square footage. Currently practicing by living in a small RV trailer now (170 sq ft approx), and live out of my Vanagon from time to time camping or off grid.  I have looked at the Mennonite homes and they seem to be a good fit for me... sleep, eat, watch some TV, and create a space to do most of my metal art etc.I am basically a conservative hippy LOL.

sheryl rodina

Can't believe ifound this site  great

sheryl rodina

Been to belize twicw in 6months. Placencia and corozol love itthere


Call Josie with Sothebey's on Ambergris Caye...011.501.226.4309 tell her Susan & Randy sent you.


You will see this website very useful. Most of the people are very helpful

Carol sue Janasik

spending 2 1/2 mths  in jan. feb. march in placencia. any ideas, have never been to belize before? Getting excited to go


Hello all, I am thinking to move to Belize next year. My boyfriend has been offered a position working at a new resort in Placencia as a skydive/scuba instructor. The questions I have are more about my ability to gain employment as well as what the school systems are like there. I am an RN and a yoga instructor so I would like very much to stay in one or both of those fields. My daughter is 7 and is in the first grade.
Any help with information on these topics is greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Emily 15

My husband and I have been researching and looking Into leaving the cold Canadian winters to retire in Belize . We are only about two years from being able to do so . We plan on visiting in Dec of this year and travel to different areas of Belize .
I'm hoping for a place where it's safe for me as a women to be able to go to market and such alone . Any advice on where would be best ?
I'm finding it harder to think about leaving children , grand children , family , friends , any advice on how to leave your old ( cold winter ) lives behind .


New in the Belize forum. I am preparing for a cruise in October that will bring me to Belize. I started researching the area and found that there were quite a few Expats there. I have always wanted to leave the US behind for a more exotic laid back location. I am not of retirement age so I would definitely need a source of income but this place seems to be so filled with possibility. Is there anyone here who is of working age? Does anyone have a small business in Belize? I am more of the little shop downtown or near the beach type. I don't need much. Its just me and my 3 dogs.


Unemployment is very high for Belizeans and the wages are low here.   $2-4 Belize dollars an hour for unskilled labor.  The GOB is does not welcome people who do jobs that Belizeans can do.

I believe a few people have been able to get work permits and support themselves at a subsistence level.   Not many.  A work permit usually takes awhile, goes best using an expediter and it is not cheap.   I hate to discourage you.   If you can afford to travel here, come and check out places to live, climate, go to the 3-4 places you will be sent for a work permit and ask questions.   see how it goes.   This is a difficult topic because we from the USA are so accustomed to going to find a job, but it is not the same here.


Emily, anywhere except some parts of Belize City should be safe to shop.   I do not usually go at night by myself.   The only way to know is to come and stay awhile.   see if it works for you.   Check out Mexico and Panama too.


Minimum wage in Belize is BZ 3.30/hr
It is higher than most most if not all central American countries, main reason why illegal immigrants from Guatemala , seek employment in Belize.
It may be low for American standard   but high for central American standard. This  may be one reason why you do not see much investment in labor intensive ag.. field
For Ex-pats coming from USA the pay is much less than what they are used to.


ref mzcalifornia.
One point about employment.
In the USA, if you are not born here it is not easy to get a job, a lot legal red tape and jumping  through a lot of hoops may help, You cannot live in the states without a visa of one sort or another, and it is extremely difficult to get any job in the USA without talents that are in very short supply in the local population.
So it is always a bit surprising that so many Americans assume they should be able to find work in Belize if they want it.

mzcalifornia wrote:

Unemployment is very high for Belizeans and the wages are low here.   $2-4 Belize dollars an hour for unskilled labor.  The GOB is does not welcome people who do jobs that Belizeans can do.

I believe a few people have been able to get work permits and support themselves at a subsistence level.   Not many.  A work permit usually takes awhile, goes best using an expediter and it is not cheap.   I hate to discourage you.   If you can afford to travel here, come and check out places to live, climate, go to the 3-4 places you will be sent for a work permit and ask questions.   see how it goes.   This is a difficult topic because we from the USA are so accustomed to going to find a job, but it is not the same here.

I am not quite sure that  you or the those posting after you read me the right way. I am not "unskilled labor" and I would not be looking for a job. I would be bringing a micro-business with me and possibly employing  a few crafty Belizeans. Riches don't define my happiness but I do live comfortably just above the sustenance level. I just wanted to clarify that.  I appreciate your responses. They were very informative. The fact that you guys answered at all was impressive. A friendly lot. However, no one has said anything about the possibilities of a small or micro-business. Does anyone own a small business?



I plan on having my own gig as well, but via the internet to push my arts, this too might be the best way for you. Get a great internet connection and churn out your product, and if there is a tourist appeal that you can also consider. (so location would be important)

You seem evasive in regard to what you will be doing and I get that, but what you are doing and who you would hire would depend on knowing what you are doing smile.png


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