
New members of the Belize forum, introduce yourself here

Last activity 24 January 2015 by abdurrashid

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I didn't think that I was being evasive. Lol. Just cautious. You never know what to expect on forums. I am a virtual business owner. The internet is definitely the way to go if there is a reliable connection available. I am an Artisan as well. Thus the use of the word "Crafty" when referring to possible employees. I think the products I create could actually do well. Especially with tourists. I won't be a millionaire but I could live a nice simple life.


Hello.  I just happened upon this forum and joined because it looks like a good place for information. My husband and I desire to retire (at some point in our life) and think Belize might be the place at least half time. I had heard so many good things about Belize and kept pestering my husband about it. He didn't understand my attraction to the idea but after coming across and talking to friends and relatives that have been there we are now making plans to visit.  I guess what we have to figure out is which way to go; tour company, hotel or private rental?


If you are looking for re-locating to Belize, private or long term rental may be a good idea. This way way you may be able to have a better experience as to what this country can offer.


Hi again, It's Michele. No one has offered any information about the schools in Belize. This is the main thing that would keep me from moving there at this time as my daughter is just starting out. Is there anyone on this forum who may have some information please? Thank you


marmorado, and others

You will be able to find a short to long term furnished rental.  We searched online, found one we liked, and in just a couple of weeks had everything pre-paid and set.  It was nice coming to town knowing we had a place for us all ready.

We rented our first home a 2 bed for $500/mo. on a month to month lease.  utilities were about $40/mo.
It was in Santa Rita Heights neighborhood about 1-1/2 miles north of town heading towards Mexico. 
It is a nice quite area with a good mix of Belizeans and expats.  Paradise Found handled this rental and they have a couple more in the area.  They have a website: - They don't list the rentals on-line so you will have to e-mail them.  We worked with Angie and she was great to deal with.

We didn't want a car so this ended up being to far out of town for us.  Taxi was only $7 from town and $4-5 to town from the main road.  The nearest store was about 3/4 mile from the home.

We next found a larger 2 bed rental only a few blocks from the ocean in the Finca Solana neighborhood at the north end of Corozal.  This is a growing area that for now is mostly Belizean, but many of the new lots are being sold to expats.  We have 1 expat neighbor out of our 5 great neighbors.  We now pay $650/mo. have a nice ocean breeze and are only 3 blocks from a store, a park, and the ocean.   We are about 10 blocks to the central market.  Abi from Abi Casa handles this rental.  Her website is: - and she is also very good to work with. 

We looked at a couple other areas as well:

Gringoland - Lots of expats, nicer rentals, prices - $800-$2000/mo. for a 2 bedroom.  on the South end of town 15 blocks to central market. Check out the Copa Banana - they have longer term apartment rentals at:

College area - Mostly Belizean rental prices $300-$800/mo. for a 2 bedroom.  on the West side of town by the community college, about 8 blocks to the central market.  There wasn't much out this way but the quiet so we opted for something closer to the ocean. 

If you want Internet for your couple months.
We have our internet through Centaur cable - $35 installation fee $180/mo for 2Mps - no commitment no modem rental. They said to just bring the modem back when you are done to end your service.  They are pretty laid back down here. 

* Note all prices are in Belizean dollars (BZD) * 1/2 in U.S. => rent of $500BZD is only $250 U.S. dollars


Me and my husband left our jobs (early retirement) and sold everything to move to Belize while still in our 40's. We've been coming to Ambergris Caye for 9 years before making the move full time in  June 2013. We have a small dog, don't plan to own a house, don't want to run a business or work, and want to explore new things. I hope that I can share my insight- the good, the bad, the ugly, about my experiences in Belize.


Sound like a wonderful plan and a great service for prospective ex-pats


Lindatrue, I look forward to your input. We will visit Abergris Caye on 9/26 for a week. A romantic reunion coupled with relocation exploration, so we're all ears.


I am so grateful for your post. It provides details and some new contacts that we haven't heard of before, so that is really helpful.

Sounds as if you've got yourself well situated and are very happy.

We plan to come down some time next summer to experience Corozal during the least attractive months so we would no what we're getting ourselves into. We'll get a b & b or hotel for about a week. Not much time, I realize, but we hopefully can make up for that by doing lots of research prior to our visit.

Again, thanks to you and everyone  - lots of helpful folk on this site.



People....   Belize is not like the USA or Canada.    It does not snow here.  English is the official language.    The English here is not the English of the USA or Canada.   When you visit, turn on the tv and listen to the local news casts.   Can you understand what they are saying?   do you like what you hear?

     what is experienced in a week of B & B living is not at all daily life.   The cayes are not at all like the mainland.  Each of the 5 districts is greatly different.  This is like Vermont are different than Nevada.

It lacks the ills of industrialization as well as the perceived benefits.   Little pollution by cars and trucks & manufacturing only because there are relatively few vehicles and almost no manufacturing.    they do burn garbage and rice fields etc   The air is full of mold and fungus spores.   the dust that blows is full of bacteria.  The ground harbors gut parasites of both human and all animal species.  My eyes & nose, itch and run here.

Education is almost all in the hands of the religious, mostly Catholic and Adventist, & plus groups of various christian zealots.   Most Belizeans are of 3rd grade literacy.  I include the government employees.

Many on this blog with reveal expectations of  "fresh fruit and vegetables and a healthier life style"!       Fresh produce is available only if you grow your own.  to do this you will wage war with the ants and many other insects over your crop.   There are no organic Farmers markets?  fresh?   depends on where you live.   In Corozal, the trucks come from Mexico 2 a week with produce that was picked many days earlier.   The rare fresh California peach or plum is up to $7 BZ.   Genuinely home grown and fresh tomatoes are not available.   watermelon, papaya, cantalope, mango, avocado, bananas. pineapple, plantains, rice, sugar cane, oranges, limes, onions, marijuana and red potatoes are grown in Belize.   all in their own season.   Produce from the central market stalls is all from Mexico and drenched in insecticides and herbicides.   the garlic is all imported from China.

Most retirees are not doing  much walking an physical excercise in 95 degree F temps with 90 % humidity.   

Almost all of the hard goods are also imported from China (Taiwan) and are shoddy inferior goods.  I have an inexpensive microwave purchased from Target for $69.   Here a microwave from an Asian mystery manufacturer , will be $2-300 Bz dollars.

There is little or no entertainment or intellectual stimulation available, other than American tv.   pornography late at night on cable, if this is your interest.. 

The clearance rates from reporting crime to arrests that make it to prosecution is 12 %.   prosecution often fails because of witness intimidation and "loss" of evidence.     I may take 5 years for a person arrested for murder to be tried.   Please do not be sucked into the excuse that "crime is everywhere".   Yes there is crime in USA urban slums.   I am not seeing slum dwellers looking to retire in Belize.

The "simple" life includes no automatic washer or dryer.  the water has too much lime and algae to run a dishwasher.   stoves are not ventilated to exterior.  the cost of A/C in 900 sq t house with cement roof and block walls, will be $1000 a month.

Simple health care is cheap and good.  an office call by a gringo (who is charged 2x as much as a Belizean) is between $20-40 bz.    routine meds are cheap and available over the counter.   Trauma care, emergency care is grim.   Care for chronic illnesses and support for diabetes etc is minimal. 

Housing is whatever you will settle for.........    cost of living is not cheap.    Land is cheap, relative to the USA & Canada.   domestic labor is cheap at $2-4 per hour.   

Plz do not compare Belize with where you are coming from, compare it with other Central American and with other Caribbean Islands.   People with money will like Aruba better.    People with less money may like Mexico better.    Nicaragua has a dictator who keeps his expats safe, with a very low cost of living and vastly better available health care, including health insurance!   

So what I am saying is, do come.   Do enjoy the many many fine aspects of Belize.  then evaluate it compared to your financial resources and wish lists and with the other countries.   

Do not buy the rose colored glasses.  do not believe most of what you read here.   Most of those who post here are part timers, (spend half years elsewhere) or have lived here less than a year.   the mosst misleading posts are the people who came and spent too much money buying property so they can not afford to leave.   currently it is taking 3 years to sell a gringo house in the Corozal district.     If you think you may want to build here, talk at length to at least 3 people who have built in the last 3-5 years.  find out about having materials stolen, and incompetent workers and dishonest contractors.     Read up on the land scams and other problems in the lands Department.  Do you really want to wait over a year for title to your property and then find out you do not really have the property, that it was "mistakenly" sold to someone else?   

I can cope with most of the difficulties of living here.  I plan to stay here.  I loved the USA.  I was raised, educated and worked professionally in the MidWest for many years.   then moved to So Cal, eventually to NoCal and loved my life experiences there.  I did not come to Belize because I hated the USA.   I was happy in the USA.  I consider myself lucky to be a US citizen & for the life I had there.   I have lived elsewhere in the Caribean.   I came to Belize for affordable retirement in the Caribbean, and because I am adventurous by nature.   I also am happy here.

Please do come to Belize.   Enjoy the Jewel.   Determine what will work for you before you make a financial committment.    You may wish to check out some other places also.

This is my last post on this blog.   I do not like too much of what I am seeing here.   Too much propaganda and not enough real life.    The administrators of this blog banned Dr Al . He was often acid tongued & impolite, and he spoke the truth.    and he was banned for telling the truth.   the people who did not like the truth were insulting to him and they remain posters on this blog.    Cavaet Emptor......   buyer beware.


So sorry to hear Dr. Al was banned...while I did think he could be gruff and acidic I always listened to what he said, didn't always agree, but it was his feelings and I respected them.  What a shame to ban a person for speaking his/her mind.  Not very democratic.


Hi Everyone,

My name is Gail and I currently live in Sarasota, Fl. I want to move to Ambergris Caye but want to take a trip there first to see it. I am a real estate broker in Florida and New York and would want to continue selling in Belize. I'm trying to find a place to stay that is safe and reasonable for a single female 4-5 days while visiting Ambergris Caye. I also would like to look at long term rentals while there as well as meet with other expats that are living there. It's hard trying to get the information online as there are so many different sites. I would genuinely appreciate any advice. I would like to visit in the next few weeks if at possible. Do I need to rent a car there? How far is the airport from ambergris Caye? What airport would I fly into to? Anything else you might want to share would be greatly appreciated.

I'm very anxious to make the move. Do I need anything other than a passport? Would love to meet some of you while I'm there if possible.

Warm regards,


How is your dog adjusting? How hard was it getting the dog into belize?


mzcalifornia ,nice posting ,lot of facts presented very objectively.


Hi Gail,

Good luck selling property in Belize, there are more brokers than properties is seems!  Fly into Belize City and then take Tropic Air to AC.  Or you could take a taxi to water taxi terminal and take the boat over (takes a lot longer...worth the Air Fare to fly IMO).  My husband and I were just there in August...loved it, but one week isn't enough to decide to rip up your life and move, so renting for a few months is a good idea....although we fell in love with the place and plan on going back several more times to make sure.  Crime can be an issue so don't leave anything just laying around and keep your doors locked.  I would suggest a 3rd floor apt...especially since you are single.  I would not be afraid to live there on my own, but I would want a 3rd floor place just so I'd feel safer keeping windows open.  Also, like here in the States, don't stay out late alone.  Use common sense and you will be fine.  People are friendly, weather is great and food is delicious.  It's not cheap so don't think you will be saving a ton of money living there.  But I feel it's worth it to wake up in paradise daily.  Safe travels!


Wow . Banning Dr Al was not very smart. This just convinces me that this blog is not objective or democratic.More a benign dictatorship. Cant hear the truth. Hell of a shame. Doesnt matter. I am off to have a look at Grenada Nicaragua in February. As I mentioned I hope I am an ICU RN with 35 years experience. As it turns out a classmate who I have not seen in years spent time in Belize. She consulted in the north in Orange Walk and Corozal. What she told me was scary. Many nurses speak no English and chart in Spanish which apparently is illegal. But that doesnt seem to matter. She told me other very worrisome stories. Well I am done here anyways


JSS57 - good luck!  Yes, banning Dr. Al not smart...he always gave another side...of the story.  We need to hear the good, the bad and the ugly if we are to make an informed decision about Belize! 



Thanks for the info that helps. There may be a lot of realtors but so far none that have responded to me or another friend. I'm guessing our work ethic is a bit different here in the states. I'm disappointed that it's not more economical living there since that is the primary reason I am leaving the U.S.   Perhaps I should look at other countries as well, I really can't afford to spend more than $1700-1800 a month all inclusive. I guess I better think this thru more carefully.

Thanks again....May God Bless you and your new home.

Warm regards,


Hi Gail,

I think in Corozal you can live for that, but on Ambergris Caye it's more costly because everything has to be shipped in.  I'm no expert on the subject for sure, but I have been reading, researching and learning as much as possible since February.  Randy and I spent a week there in August so got a bit of a feel for the place and people.  We loved it over all and are going back in January to check it out some more and maybe look at a small place to buy just to have a foot hold on the island should we decide this is where we want to retire.  Try contacting Josie Nunez with Sothbey's at and tell her Susan sent you.  Not sure it will  help, but won't hurt either.  I understand that it can be quite a challenge to work there unless you own your own business.  Jobs go to locals first as (IMO) it should be.  Keep looking I'm sure you will find something!

April 05

Hello to the Belize forum here.  I wish to follow some or your postings and stories here please.  As I live and work in Belize, I like knowing what is going on in and around the neighborhood!


Hello Folks!

My girlfriend, Leila, and I have planned to stay in Belize for the Winter months from January - May. We really haven't decided whether to go back to DC at the end of our stay or not. Would we just be snowbirds? We don't know.

I've been raised as a City Girl and feel very comfortable in City life. As a child I summered on the beach in the Hamptons for 10 years and very much loved that seclusion at the ocean's edge. It's time for a change for me. Both Leila and I have recently started working virtually full-time. I've been waiting on a way to travel or to spend time out of the country with the ability to earn income and now it looks like the opportunity is here. Although we hear that English is a main language in Belize (I have a friend who has already moved there), Leila and I are learning Spanish through Rosetta Stone.

So are people working remotely at all in Belize? How's the internet situation? What about the cell phone situation? Do I need a new cell?


We have a condo on Ambergris Caye.  We have it in a rental pool and go to the island as much as possible, .  We have great internet service at our condo.  We use skype which has worked very well for us.  My husband has an international phone through his job, but we also purchased a local phone and can change the SIM card  when there, adding minutes to the phone for local calls as well. 
He works remotely while there and have not had any problems with phone or internet service.  We absolutely love the island!  The mainland is beautiful too, but being a beach person....we prefer the island.  Although we have yet to visit Placencia, I heard that is a nice area.

While you are searching, I would definitely check out Ambergris Caye.  The management company that we work with also does some long term rentals, so feel free to contact me if I can help in any way.
Good luck on your search,

sheryl rodina

We picked picked consejo  shores in corozol met people there  loved everything  about it



That sounds like we're off to a good start.

Thanks guys!


Well my name is Rashid 48, I live in chicago USA. I'm retiring next year and very seriously thinking about belize. I read the best thing to do is to visit(vacation) belize. I'm not sure what town. But I read and watch about a town called corazal(spelling wrong) which seem interesting. My pension should be over 2000US a month. I don't want to buy only rent.  I need help!!!! I need a contact person to walk me though the steps needd. Starting from point A. Can anyone help!


Hi Rashid
You may want to check QRP program (For retired people)  since you may be the right candidate to enroll. I do not know much about Corozal but you will get info.. from this website  just about anything you want to know
Good Luck


Hello All,
I am Cary. I just visited Belize last week and had prior interest in a retirement in a foreign land. I enjoyed my visit and would like to visit more and get a better feel for the lifestyle but I am feeling positive about the potential move.


Like everything else and everywhere else, Belize is not for everybody - but it might be for you.
It certainly is for us. We have spent several weeks there in a few different areas over a year period of time, drove a lot of the country, explored a lot, met a lot of great people, and have bought some property off the Hummingbird Hwy to retire to in the next few years.
We are not interested in reproducing our lives in the states after we move - we don't want a lot of processed foods, imported or gourmet foods, 'expensive' red wines, expensive liquors, a new Lexus, etc. We are looking for a comfortable, laid back lifestyle in a tropical region, with a lot of fredom, which we found in Belize.
Read all you can, including the negative aspects. Visit, rent a car, drive the country, try to make some aquaintances, eat with the locals, then make a decision.
Good luck, regardless of what you decide.


Hi all, I'm very excited to be here on the Belize forum and can't wait to finally finish the prep to leave the USA...YAY!!!! My name is Rick Williams aka geronimo360. I read a posting from a Stacy Lynn about apt.'s and saying she will be and travelling alone, Stacy please be cautious.I have been to many locations in the C.A., Caribbean etc.and not had any problems but I'm a man, but anyway I'm quite sure you will locate suitable living arrangements.I'll be starting some travelog's, blogspot's and "real time" online streaming of living expat in Belize and people's adventures and travels.If you would like some tips, maybe even write, interview expats, locals and document your experiences feel free to contact me @    I hope I see and meet all the other restless but bohemian lifestyles seeking people and Belizean and C.A. nationals.Bring out the margaritas!!! Thanks, Rick


Hi All

My wife and I will be there in the first week of December. We are staying a week on AC at Matta Rocks.  Would like to meet  and talk to expats there.  This will be our first trip there.  Looking forward to checking out the place and having a relaxing good time.


My name is Ray and my wife and I would like to do same thing you did as far as buying condo on AC and have it in rental pool and visit there 2 or three times a year
Any certain condos you can recomend?


I have never been to Belize and want to come and explore the Corozal area and the country with the idea of perhaps moving there for 3 to 4 months per year in the future. I would also explore volunteer options. I am looking for a I bedroom rental for the month of Feb. or March 2015.

Any info, suggestions or ideas would be appreciated,


We bought at Ambergris Lake Villas just south of town in San Pedro.  Love it!   We currently have it in the rental pool.
Lots of stuff for sale on the island in a wide range of prices.  We used Sunrise Reality for our purchase and were very pleased .
Checkout their website for some options.  North and south of town are very different and prices tend to reflect that.  We like the southern edge of town as it's close enough to bike or walk to shops restaurants etc...

Good luck


Thank you


Hi all,

  I'm a retired military man from Texas interested in moving to Belize just over a year for now. Right now I'm just interested in making some contacts so I can get information from the boots on the ground. I have the standard concerns as everyone else, getting scammed, finding a city that fits my lifestyle, shipping or buying a vehicle, banking, security, realistic expectations and medical facilities. Any suggestions or recommendations would be greatly appreciated. I look forward to earning my place in the community and hopefully making some friends here.


Welcome from other future expats. You will get a lot of information from this forum, which is very helpful, as well as make some contacts who are either living there, are planning to, or have in the past.
My best advice to you is to go and spend some time there. Once you decide if you are going to rent or buy or build, go to the areas you feel you are most interested in first, then visit other areas. It is a developing country, but I would not call it "3rd world" as a lot of people do. Take your time making a decision. Exercise caution as you would anywhere.
We chose to buy some property off Hummingbird  and build. Some rent, others buy lots and/or homes in some of the newer gated developments, or one of the eco-friendly developments. It is a beautiful country with wonderful people.


i agree its not like the US . Its a lot worse than people think it is.  my wife and I just spent a week there on AC . We will not be going back there ever did not like it at all.Food was terrible and everything is way over priced.  the US has nicer places and  resonably priced.  Sorry but it is a third world country in every aspect


AC is not a good representation of life in Belize. Next time if there is one check out the mainland. AC is at least 30% more costly.
Having been a tourist on AC I can only say that my observation was that a large number of the expats there were cynical  grumpy and rather unpleasant. Alternatively they were drunk (usually very drunk by about 3pm) and merry. A number of expats we met call themselves 'consultants'. On what? I am not sure, but they like to give the impression they know the right people etc. We did meet one or two nice expats as well. We also found the swarming of expats rather mystifying. Why not live in Florida if all they want is a good climate and lots of other drunk people from the USA?


Hi - I'm George
I am a 65 yr. old retired single male living in New York looking to retire in Belize on social security income of approx. $1,400/ month.  I was initially lured to Corozal but became interested in Ambergris Caye.  I prefer town/city life with live music, restaurants and some cultural events.  But a very important thing is to be near good medical facilities (Chetumal) because a recent back surgery will require ongoing physical therapy and arthritic knees will require periodic attention.  I hear Corozal has some good city activities and is close to Chetumal,.  Beach is somewhat important.  I like what I hear about Ambergris Caye and San Pedro.  But I hear it is somewhat expensive.  Can a single person making my kind of money live a decent life in Ambergris Caye/San Pedro?  I understand I won't be able to take advantage of everything it has to offer, but is living on a budget there a possibility.

All advice will be greatly appreciated,


My plans are to expat to Belize. I am a certified public accountant in my prime with extraordinary management skills and computer skills. I want to practice them in a nice city either in my own practice as an adviser and service provider or working for a company needing my skills


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