
Need help from Italy

Miss Lara

I am a non Eu national with an Italian Permanent residence(EC).
Could you advice me on which EU country I could live, work and school especially (with little tuition fee)?

My dad is an EU national residing in the UK at the moment and our aim is to join him, could  any one  possibly state /help/ advice how me and my sister who are over 21 years of age could join him and obtain the residence card and as well have the opportunity to study and work?

Thank you.

See also

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Good morning Miss Lara,

I would suggest the first thing to do is to check the UK BORDER AGENCY website.

It is very informative and I think may have your answers.

Good luck,


Miss Lara

Thank you Chuckle-Butty good morning,

I have actually been on the UK BORDER AGENCY website but much is not explained.
I am 30 and would want to move to the UK  to study but as I am over 21 which if I was I could possibly be entitled to ask for the EU family visa.

I was thinking is it possible to ask for a visiting visa (6month) and switch to the EU family visa since my dad already resides in the UK , does any one has such experience or could advise me on what can be done?



Hello there! I suppose you can apply for a visit visa to your father (he can send you the invitation) and then when you apply to university, to switch your visa into student visa.


Miss Lara wrote:

Thank you Chuckle-Butty good morning,
I was thinking is it possible to ask for a visiting visa (6month) and switch to the EU family visa since my dad already resides in the UK , does any one has such experience or could advise me on what can be done?

No: if you come to the UK as a visitor you cannot switch to any other kind of visa.

And I hope you know that UK universities have very high tuition fees: much higher than in the rest of Europe. The exception is Scotland, where the universities are free to students from Scotland and from other parts of the EU, not the rest of the UK. So you might want to contact a university there and see if you qualify for free tuition.

Try looking at the web site ImmigrationBoards: you have some rights under EU rules on freedom of movement, particularly if you are working at the moment.

Miss Lara

Thanks ladies.
Voyager_ 2002: do you have any idea of scottish universities or colleges with free tuition fees to non-EU students
with residency in  the the EU?I have tried searching on line, you might want to make my search a bit easier and direct.
Now, I am sure I can't come to the UK on a visitor's visa and switching but as a student(coming in first as a student even if on a short course) and then switch to permanent stay on grounds that my dad is an EU citizen, what do you think?

I will love with any minimal help, God bless!