
Driver's License in Panama

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Savvy Link

Tip of the week...
Tourist visiting Panama may drive with a valid driver’s license from their home country for a period of 90 days.

See also

Driving in PanamaCar rentalVehicle Importation to PanamaMoving to Panama and driving from NJ.Wheelchair accessible van in Bogota or Panama

Hi Savvy Link,

Thank you for this sharing of information !  :top:



If I stay longer than 90 days, do I have to exit the country and return to "renew" it's validity?

Savvy Link


You must be a resident to authenticate your foreign license... Here are the steps...

There have been a number of minor changes in the process and location since some of the other guides posted, this is current as of January 2014. Plan on 2-4 days
1. Get Your Foreign License Authenticated at Your Embassy
Panamanian holidays, so it's a good idea to check ahead of time to make sure theylll be open in the 'Contact Us' section.
TIP: double check that all numbers, dates, ID numbers on the letter they give you are exactly correct to your originals.
One wrong digit wrong and you probably have to repeat the process.

2. Panama Authentication of Your Foreign License
Next step is to go to the Departmento de Autenticacion y Legalizacion (Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores) which is
located on Tumbo Muerto, just past the El Dorado Mall on the same side of the street. Downstairs is Banco Nacional so
quite easy to find the building as 2-3 story blue building. Facing the building from the street pick the external stairs to
the right, go to first floor. A few steps on the left you will see a recessed doorway, go in there. Hours are 8:30 to 3:00 or
so, but best to get there about 8:30 if you can.
Take a number tag for the submit process, I think it was yellow. Watch and wait for your number to be
called, for me it was about 20 minutes. Go to the desk to submit your paperwork that your embassy gave
you. The clerk will have a brief look at tit and then give you a small form to take to Banco Nacional
downstairs to pay your $2 fee. That is all you will get. The clerk told me to come back at 12:00 to pick it
up my paperwork.
Now go downstairs to Banco Nacional, there may be a lineup outside but moves quickly. When you come in the door
turn right as there is a long counter for paying all sorts of government fees and such. Is a good idea if you complete the
form they gave you upstairs with your name, signature, passport number and date. The girl helped me do it at the
counter but the Panamanians had to go to the side and do it. They will collect your $2 and stamp your paperwork as
About when you they told you to come back, head back upstairs, grab a number ticket for the pickup window (green
dispenser I think) and sit down until your number is called / shown. I went back at 1:00pm and perhaps had to wait 30
minutes. When you go to the counter, had your bank receipt and they will grab your file and hand you your paperwork
that is now authenticated by Panama. Easy enough. I always had my passport with me just in case.

3. Blood Type Report
Although your original license may have your blood type on it, it will make life easier to get an approved blood test. I
went to one of the Clinic Rally for my test, although probably almost any clinic that you would feel
okay with can probably do it for you. There is a list on the the SERTRACEN (the drivers license
department) web site. Just ask for a blood test for SERTACEN. They will ask for your ID, take a small
photo for the test page. I suggest you show your passport. I had my test ($10) done at 11:00 and was
advised to pick up the results at 5:00 pm. Almost there TIP: use the time difference between the
above step to get your test done.

4. SERTRACEN (the drivers license department) your last step
NEW As of October 2013 the only office that can issue new drivers licenses for
foreigners tat are co-validating their home country license is the one at Plaza Carolina
on Via Espana, out past Rio Abajo. The office at Albrook will not accept you so save
your time. The SERTACEN office is easy enough to find, it is just past via
cincuentenario (where KFC is), about 1 km on the right hand side heading away from
Panama proper. There is a huge sign on the building (SERTRACEN). Go to the License
door entrance, the one that faces the parking lot, not on the building front.
MAKE SURE you have with you; (1) your authenticated paperwork from your embassy that has been authenticated by
the Panama Departmento de Autenticacion y Legalizacion, (2) your passport, (3) your original drivers licence from your
home country (should be good for at least one year I suggest), (4) your original Panama visa / pensionado / permanent
visa card, (5) and $40.
When you go in the first door there will be a line to get to a window where the clerk will meticulously check all your
documents and data and dates. I think there were a few questions as well. But if even one digit is off I am sure you will
be rejected here. The clerk will fill out a small form, staple your copies to it and then you get buzzed into the next room
for the final steps.
As you enter the final room, go to the right and at desk 4-8 is where they will do the final review. I just stood around and
a nice girl waved me over. They ask a few more details like phone, marital status, where you live and such. They will take
a picture of you there and also get you to sign an electronic pad to capture your signature.After they hand your
paperwork back wander to the left side and about cubicle 1 is the eye test. The girl will wave you over and give you a
simple eye test. Once you are done that sit down or stand around and within a few minutes they will call your name for
an audio test which is in a side room. They will enter your passport number into the PC and then grab the headset. If the
sound is from the left side, click that button. Same for right. Easy enough to know when you are done.
Now walk out of the small hearing test room and over to the cash wickets. Tell then your passport number and they will
ask for $40 and give you a receipt. Almost done. Have a seat by the exit and within 5 minutes or so you will hear your
name being called from the window on the same side of the wall as the hearing test. Walk up, theyll ask you to sign a
few places on a few papers and hand you your brand new Panama Drivers License!


Whewww Too much bullshit to go through. I've been here for going on 9 years and have a Costa Rica drivers license. Been stopped dozens of times and issued 2 boletas. Never once was there an issue with the license.  When I was asked by the cop who gave me a speeding ticket in a speed trap, I just said I'm a resident in CR too. That was it. The good news is that when I went to pay the tickets, there was no record of them. The Panama system is not conducive to the CR license numbers???? Hooray for me !!!!

So if you have some spare time, go to CR and stay in the Puntarenas area, look for the license office, get the medical test($10.oo) then your written test but insist on an English version, no driving test if you have a current DL in the States. They take your picture there. Then you may have to return in a few days to pick it up. I don't remember the total cost but it was cheap. Thats it and you are good to go for 5 years.

Good luck.


how do you get a costa rica drivers license

invader609 wrote:

Whewww Too much bullshit to go through. I've been here for going on 9 years and have a Costa Rica drivers license. Been stopped dozens of times and issued 2 boletas. Never once was there an issue with the license.  When I was asked by the cop who gave me a speeding ticket in a speed trap, I just said I'm a resident in CR too. That was it. The good news is that when I went to pay the tickets, there was no record of them. The Panama system is not conducive to the CR license numbers???? Hooray for me !!!!

So if you have some spare time, go to CR and stay in the Puntarenas area, look for the license office, get the medical test($10.oo) then your written test but insist on an English version, no driving test if you have a current DL in the States. They take your picture there. Then you may have to return in a few days to pick it up. I don't remember the total cost but it was cheap. Thats it and you are good to go for 5 years.

Good luck.


Can't you read and understand English??? Maybe it's not a good idea for you to be driving a car here.


don't be rude learn decency and get some education

invader609 wrote:

Can't you read and understand English??? Maybe it's not a good idea for you to be driving a car here.


Calm down please.

The topic here is Driver's License in Panama.

Thank you.


Wow!  Thanks for the advise.

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