
Moving to Riyadh

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I admit that even though I attended private school from the 2nd grade in Boca Raton and Town of Palm Beach, FL (USA) attended Debutant Balls, surfed, sailed and went to college I have still a bit of a tobacco chewing redneck southern boy. I have published two books, dozens of poems and newspaper/magazine articles about ESL, Travel Abroad and living abroad, but when I read the blog conversations on here I had to comment. I have taught in 4 Asean countries and if you are an expat moving abroad to teach you should have done your research before you arrived. Asking about dating in Saudi is about the dumbest thing I have ever heard, for expat man it just ain't done and women must know what the are giving up and maybe gaining. We are guests in another land, so act like it and if you have urges old them until a long weekend and fly to Hong Kong or someplace where it's acceptable. Very simple expats date expats, no ifs, ands or other options.
Enjoy the culture and different country, but if you must cross that line then I hope you don't screw up a local lady's or man's (whatever ur flavor) life forever! Hate to say it since I'm from America, but the only really true assholes in all four Asean countries have been Americans or Australians and I have 17 countries under my belt and this is true in just about all of them, Americans were assholes in most all of them. My only question is can I chew tobacco in Saudi?

See also

Living in Riyadh: the expat guideWant to do data flow and hrdProfession changing in iqamaLooking for a Compound in Riyadh for ExpatsFake hit and run case
Full Monty

Hong Kong?!


yes you can


Not sure about your response back, but I have a place in Mui Wo, Lantau Is. KH SAR and almost anything goes in HK especially on the Kowloon side. I don't partake, but have been solicited numerous times. Something about the foreign face/skin, but that's just something to get use to. I ordered my lunch exactly like a local Thai did today and she paid 30 baht and mine was 75 baht. Price gouging is just part of life when living abroad in some places. Oh Well!

Later Daze


You asked about something in my countary
And answer it
And you can pay tobacco from any market
Do not forget I am from Saudi


Sorry if there was a mix up on my end my comments were for the other blogger with a strange reply to me. That's great to know though since I don't smoke or do drugs and gave up drinking beers or anything several years ago due to too many beers adding on 200+ lbs. to much. Thanks again.


finally someone with some sense, minus the tobacco chewing


Thanks, but we all need vices and since my Chinese girlfriend wants to stay in China (I understand that) and I am now in Thailand and scared about who a girl or shemale? I know just look at the hands, feet and Adam's apple, but this isn't my ball field so I am not playing right now and Saudi Arabia will be the same minus  the altercations to the body, so if I want to date it will be within strict segment of Saudi that's not from there, expats? But until if ever that occurs I need something to enjoy once or twice a day.

Hate to gross you out but I don't usually spit the tobacco juice (swallow) and after 20+ years my dentist and doctors said no signs of tooth lose or cancer, YET???

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