Hola a todos

Hola a todos! Soy Ahmed de Irak vivo en Madrid y me gustaría practicar mi español también Inglés
hablo árabe nativa Inglis B2 B1 español

soy ingeniero de informatica


In Madrid There is a lot of Languages Interchanges Bars, i go  to jj and Books in Street Spiritu santo Near Street san Bernardo the wendesnay start about 9 oclock

@ Ahmed Al Salam > Can you please post in english on this english speaking forum please, it will help the other members to understand.

If you wish to communicate in spanish, feel free to create a new thread here : https://www.expat.com/forum/viewforum.php?id=2300

Thank you,

Priscilla :)

many thanks for all  :)

    @Ahmed Al Salam hola Ahmed, bienvenido a este foro y a nuestro bonito país. Un saludo!


This is a 9 year old thread and Ahmed hasn't visited the site in 9 years.
