
:/ I am wondering if there is a demand for Spanish lessons in HCM?  I would like to setup a small (10- 15) student class room to teach Spanish. Why advice?

So you're not leaving? i thought you booked your flight to California?

Ashard Deen wrote:

So you're not leaving? i thought you booked your flight to California?

I was being sarcastic about that , I will discuss my relationship status with her during the holiday break.

Good luck ;-)

I can't imagine any demand for Spanish language lessons in Saigon. Perhaps in Hanoi, but that may already be covered by governmental programs. Vietnam does have embassies in Mexico and Cuba, and I presume Panama by now, but I'm not sure about the rest of Latin America.

You'd have far more success with teaching Latin style dancing to Salsa, and perhaps Merengue, or setting up a Latin band..

ps. Te lo digo como hispanoparlante.