
Help! Help!! Heeeeeelllllllppp!!!!

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Uzeey Darlington

Goodday all. my name is darlington from nigeria. please i need to sucure some info about USA, because anytime next month i will be in either florida or califonia. my question goes thus;
(1) Is there any opportunity for nigerians to work in any hotel/company in USA?
(2) If yes, how good is their pay? can one make a living out of it?
(3) Is there any five star hotel in the province of florida and califonia?
(4) Can i ever find my missing rib in USA? and make a family of my own without any descrimination?

See also

Living in the USA: the expat guideLooking for friends in USALooking for friends in USANew Here and Excited to Connect!meet american people

Uzeey there is discrimination everywhere in the world sweetie.  However, in working make sure you have legal working papers. I would secure a job before relocating. In other words, sent resumes to companies and get a foot in the job world first. Illegal immigrants have difficult time anywhere in the world if they don't have some type of working permit. So get something in order.

American women are very independent and have a different mindset. If you are ok with a strong female who is not submissive, sure you might find love. 

There are plenty of 5 star hotels in Florida and California...but again do a search for hotels and get on their employment site.

The pay can be decent depending which hotel you work for. If you already work in the hotel business, check into their US locations.

good luck


Uzeey Darlington wrote:

Goodday all. my name is darlington from nigeria. please i need to sucure some info about USA, because anytime next month i will be in either florida or califonia. my question goes thus;
(1) Is there any opportunity for nigerians to work in any hotel/company in USA?
(2) If yes, how good is their pay? can one make a living out of it?
(3) Is there any five star hotel in the province of florida and califonia?
(4) Can i ever find my missing rib in USA? and make a family of my own without any descrimination?

Please review this post to aid in your job search:


3. The province of California has a lot of great hotels.  Unfortunately, the province of Florida has recently been annexed by the king of Spain.

4. There are a lot of great rib joints in the United States.  I would recommend the Midwest, where they get lost less and there is ample dry rub.

Uzeey Darlington

Thanks so much phoenixro. perhaps i still need some help.
(1) How can one obtain a legal working pappers to enable him/her work in the US?
(2) Do you know of any site where i can apply for a five star hotel job in US?
(3) Can one do more than one job in the US?
(4) What is the minimum wage in US?
(5) How easily can one make friends in US?
(6) In all the states in the US, which is the most economical to reside in?
Please members from  the US indicate by sending me your digits and i'll call nor chat you up asap cz their are some hidden questions which i would'nt want to publisize. THANKS TO YOU ALL.


I think it would be better to private message each other.......but the fact that you have questions you don't want to publicise makes me wonder what you are really up to?
Please don't give out ANY personal details, please private message.
Safety first and foremost.
Sorry to be so suspicious
Chuckle Butty

Uzeey Darlington

Quite funny chuckle_butty. i've come in peace. the reason why i wanted it private is because i would'nt want what happenned between me and a certain kenyan lady to repeat itself again. anyway leme inbox you.

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