We transfer money every few months from Canada and after a few holdups it seems to work OK. Our money shows up in our BROU account about three days later.
You need to follow exactly the right steps or it will get held up.
Keep your amount under $10,000 US. If you need to send more then break it up or make sure you have paperwork you can show at this end. ( BROU wanted to see the actual paperwork for the sale of our house up north including the money entering our account up north.) Make sure the bank sending the money attach a Swift statement stating Bank knows who is ordering the transfer and funds are licit
The money needs to be in US dollars as it will pass through a corresponding bank in the US. BROU uses specific corresponding banks and if your money is sent to any other it will bounce around adding transfer costs until it hits the correct bank. Make sure your bank uses any of the following Wells Fargo, Bank of New York , Citibank or J P Morgan.
If you bank with a different bank in Uruguay there may be different requirements. Hope this helps.