
VIPER Visa - Valid for 30 days..



I received a viper visa valid for 30 days, so from the moment I arrived to Brazil I need to go to Policia Federal.
The Visa is based on Reuniiao Familiar.

My wife and child is still in a different country and should be arriving within a month or so.

The question is: Do I have to appear in Policia Federal with my wife and child or it's ok to go without, and is it ok that they are outside of the country when I go.


See also

Work permits for BrazilThe Working Holiday Visa for BrazilGeneral visa requirements for BrazilDigital Nomad Visa RenewalRush Appointment for Federal Polícia?

Sorry, but I've never heard of a VIPER Permanent Visa that is valid ONLY for thirty days. Are you certain that it doesn't say that you must register with the Federal Police within 30 days of arrival, that is something completely different altogether?

You can report to the Federal Police by yourself, provided that you have all the documents necessary, in hand. You should however take someone with you who speaks both English and Portuguese because you're not likely to find anyone there who speaks enough English for you to carry on a conversation.

William James Woodward, EB Experts Team


One of my friend got married to a brazilian and his VIPER visa is under process. He and his wife are working and hence will be away from home between 9:00 to 17:00 Hrs every day. Is there a possibility of police federal visiting the house during this time to verify the applicant's status? Will the couple be intimated in advance on the house visit so that they can be at home during that time?