
processing documents


Hello guys, I am Filipina living in Italy. I have working permit and not yet permanent residence. I want move in Denmark with my husband and my little daughter for more opportunities. The thing that is not clear for me is about the what we will apply for. Do we need to apply a visa or just to register? Can you guys help me? Thanks!

See also

The Working Holiday Visa for DenmarkVisas for DenmarkThe Greencard in DenmarkWorried about my Denmark Visa Application - Need AdviceCivil Parternship for Accompanying Family Member Visa

I think your husband has no problem moving if he wants and if he is EU citizen. And then probably you will apply for spouse visa or not because EU usually interferes with your kind of case. but for some people i know being that if married to a EU citizen they will have better advantages over Filipinas married to danes. Normally as i hear from people. if they are married to a danish citizen they are granted 2 years visa and have to learn danish language and pass some exams before 2 year visa expires or else sent home and apply again. its not easy to find a job here if you dont speak dansk. unless you are lucky enough to find a job that doesnt require you not to know danish but they are mostly cleaning or factory jobs. visit mo ate ito