
Moving company


Hi, I'm trying to find a moving company in Antalya to come and take a few things from my home and move them to another house in Antalya. Does anyone know a company or someone with a truck who may be able to help me with those? Great thanks so much.

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U can search on the internet.  I hv a moving company  close to my house they move things using lift. I could help u get their contact in the evening.


I have tried googling moving company's. And come up with nothing. As I don't speak Turkish this is turning into a nightmare!! That would be very sweet of you.


Or maybe u should pin me ur number to help u talk to them. Which area do  u live and where are u moving to. Pm with details so as to know how i can help u talk to them since u cant speak Turkish and i can speak on ur behalf.


You are very sweet to want to help me. Thank you so very much. Your very kind. I tell you what I'm doing. I have about 5 or 6 pieces of furniture that I am trying to move out of my home because we bought all new. I have found this very poor family that has nothing. They lost everything in a fire and they are sleeping on the floor of their home. And I want to give them our old things. But I need to find a way to get it to them. I don't want to spends hurands of dollars to get it to them. Because I can't really afford to do that. I live 5 mins away from Terracity. And their home is about 15 mins away from me.


Then u dont need a big moving company. I  know some people who use their open van to move things from one house to another. thou they dont use big vechile they use the moderate open van. I used one when i bought  something from konyaalti to the city center and he took 60tl. I can still get his number if u think that is okay for u.


Thanks soooooo much. Let me get it together here and I will get back with you later today. Thanks so much again. 😀😊☺️😉