
$$ questions


Hi guys !

I was wondering...
1. What is the property tax in DR ? I am told there's none but I really doubt that.. we plan on buying a condo .Bob K.. do you know the percentage ?
2. do most US expats pay their revenue taxes to the US ? or DR ?
3. what is the  price of an average monthly plan for a cell phone ?

Thanks !

See also

The taxation system in the Dominican RepublicWant to bring electronic goods through airportTax on income from US pensionAirbnb proposal to register and tax in the DR as posted on DR1New Tax Proposals and their impact

Income tax here depends on what type of income it is.  Pension etc is not taxed here.

Cell phones depend on plan and carrier.  For example i have Viva, for 200 minutes and full unlimited data i pay 1,033 RD or about US 23 a month.

Bob K

Ok here goes
1. Property of less than approx. $140K or so do not pay taxes. Over this amount you need to pay yearly real estate taxes and it obviously increases with the value of the property but NO where near the cost in the US

2.  You are obligated to pay DR taxes on income and to work here legally you need a cedula and a RNC (tax) id number. You also have to report ALL earnings to Uncle Sam on your yearly tax filing.  Up to a certain amount of money earned outside of the US is tax exempt.

3. Cell phones costs vary depending on the plan you have if you opt for a plan. As an example my Claro bill is $800 or so pesos a month for 850 minutes and calls to the US and Canada are the same as local calls.  I also have a certain amount of texting and down loads with that.  My wife with Orange runs about $1200 pesos a month with 1200 or so minutes and more texting.
Both pretty cheap

Bob K


Planner and Bob K , Thank you so much ! you guys know so much and are so helpful.. more info to write in my notebook !


Bob K..... if you receive monthly revenues from the US and live in the DR.. you don't have to pay taxes to the DR right? only to the US ?

Bob K

I believe that is correct. My  SS is certainly not taxed here nor any capital gains I may have.

Bob K


Thanks for your response Bob K.. That's what I thought.
Have a great afternoon !

Bob K

Thanks,  Sunny and warm for a change here (actually always sunny and warm here)

Bob K