
moving to Muscat - driving licence

Hello Muscat


I am originally from India and had been in Bahrain since 2 years. I have
* a valid Indian license for more than 10 years valid until 2019
* a valid Bahraini Licence since more than 1 year, valid until 2018 I believe

I am now moving to Muscat in December and want to know
* Do I need to take another test on grounds that my Bahraini License if less than 2 years old
* If there are tests to be cleared, what are the tests I would have to take - is it inside and outside the driving school or both?

I am not exporting my car from Bahrain as I intend to buy a new one in Muscat. Anything else need for an answer, please let me know.

Kindly be kind to revert to my email address directly :


See also

Driving in OmanObtaining Driving License in Oman : Tips and SuggestionsINFO ABOUT VEHICLE REGISTERATIONoman driving licence duplicatesRed light violation

Hi Hello Muscat,

Welcome to! :)

I have created a new topic with your post on the Muscat forum for better visibility and interaction.

Gangaram C

Hi - How much time it will take to have driving licence in Muscat and how much it costs ?
I never know the driving..
Pls reply


Gangaram C wrote:

Hi - How much time it will take to have driving licence in Muscat and how much it costs ?
I never know the driving..
Pls reply

Hi Gangaram C,

How much time does it take to read the many similar posts on the same subject under 'Cars and Transportation' topic in the forum ?