Cost of living in Chicago - 2010

Potential expats in Chicago need your help and your info! :)

Would you please give up in this topic what is the actual cost of living in Chicago? However, as no one has the same lifestyle or the same needs, please mention the size of your household;

- price of your accomodation (mention which type - house, flat.)
- public transport (metro, bus, taxi, etc...)
- monthly food budget
- average price for bread, butter, milk, eggs, kg of meat...
- medical insurance
- visit to the doctor
- school fees (mention the type of school)
- water, electricity, gas
- petrol
- internet, landline, pre-paid and post-paid mobile
- average price of a good menu in a traditionnal restaurant
- price of a beer or a coffee in a standard establishment

and of course, if I left out a category which you deem important, don't hesitate to add it!

Thanks for your contribution!

I would like to know how much will be the rent of an unfurnished appartment and how wuch will  the cost of fully furnished appartments mostly looking for one bed room or a studio inside the city chicago??? and would also want to know how much will it cost to do medical insurance for 2 ?  and what will be the cost of water, electricity, gas, petrol
internet, landline, pre-paid and post-paid mobile?

Hi and welcome on fizashaik :)

I hope other members can help you find answers to your various questions soon ;)

Good luck