Teaching positions???
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Hi there,
I am a native speaker ( New Zealand) and am a teacher of Social Studies and English. I am currently nearing completion of a second year in Thailand. I hold a BA in Social Sciences and a teaching qualification plus numerous other course certificates in grammar etc. Prior to Thailand I taught in South Korea for 3 years.
Are there teaching positions in Laos?
I visited Laos last year and really liked the place and would really love to live there.
Also would there be any issues for my wife, she is Filipino regarding visas? If I was to secure a job in Laos, is there a spousal visa available for her?
Thank you in advance.
I work for the 21st Century English School in Vientiane (I found them from an internet search. I'm also a native speaker with a teaching qualification). It seems to me they often want English teachers. So try searching and writing to them. If you have any trouble, please email me on diana@ambache.co.uk. Good Luck - Diana
If you click on schools and studies in the category list right hand side of the page there is a list of schools there you may want to contact.
KiwiinKorea, Get in touch with the Deputy Director of Kiettisack I.S. There are 2 DDs. Ask for the one at KIS2. He is a really nice man and will help you out. Working for an I.S. is FAR better than working for a language school.
i'd be interested to teach in laos too, especially teaching English, math, science, and business related courses. I have a BS and MBA from America, working in civil engineering.
charlie x wrote:i'd be interested to teach in laos too, especially teaching English, math, science, and business related courses. I have a BS and MBA from America, working in civil engineering.
Click on schools and studies right hand side of this page and check out the list of schools I put there.
Also try Google search for "teaching jobs laos" and see what comes up.