Hello Bernier
Thank you for the links. I was able to read it using google translator but I am not sure the content came out intact. From what I understood there were two main arguments.
- French Muslims should respect freedom of expression
- “There is a need for a revolution within the Islamic faith” said a group of Muslim intellectuals.
As for the first argument, It is true that a Muslim has to respect the laws of the country in which they are living in as other nationalities respect the laws of Saudi Arabia for example. We are in agreement on this. But what is freedom of expression? This article by Yvone Ridely discuss it very well. https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/artic … s-massacre
As for the other argument about a revolution in Islam to solve the extremists’ problem, I don’t think a revolution is needed as much as re-educating Islamic principles to these groups and the community at large. If you understand the conditions of freedom of speech in Arab Muslim countries, you will understand why there are groups who decide to take matters into their own hands. SA has strict restrictions on freedom of speech so when a problem arises in the Muslim community, the government allows the community to discuss it within very strict limits. Imagine we live in our own country but we don’t participate in how things are run. Because of the government’s fear of criticism, many activists were jailed because they gave their opinion on how to solve the crisis of Al-Qaeda and ISIS. The solution was to make political transformation to allow true representation of the community in the government which was not acceptable. Having no representation these ISIS and al-Qaeda groups immaturely launches to the world out of frustration, ignorance and lack of strategic goals. Islam doesn’t approve of violating the treaties with individual decision because it bring about chaos. In addition to the limited freedom of speech, our country was part of the CIA torture program. Such incidents are further implanting distrust between our government and the community. The cure for this is to have more knowledge, patience toward the governmental abuse and the double standards of freedom of speech in the west.
However, Islamophobes are trying to frame Muslims as a whole as barbaric with lust for world domination. They take the actions of Al-Qaeda and ISIS and say that is the true nature of Islam. this attempt to defame Islam is an attempt to exclude Muslims of human rights. It also instills fear of Islam in the rest of the world and leads to requests like the solution to end terrorism is to have war with Muslims or remove all Muslims from the west.
Their diagnoses of the complicated problem is misleading, so their solutions are absurd. However, to achieve these goals they spread Islamophobia. That is why sites like Islamophobia are important because it helps people understand the Islamophobic rhetoric and its dangerous consequences on the world's peace.