New member living in Thailand - Phuket

Hi Expat.comgers !
I'm Val, french expat living in Thailand, Phuket since november 2005.
I left Paris, friends and family, to embrace a new life by becoming a dive instructor. I was already a leisure diver for many years, so I did the big jump...
I'm teaching scuba diving, collaborated to the creation of the website: and sells diving trip in South East Asia...
I'm living  a sunny relaxing island but busy island life, and be happy to share my experience and good tips for Phuket, diving around the area, and so more...

My philosophy: don't dream your life, live your dream :)

Welcome on Expat-blog Val! :)


Hello Stanman!

Welcome to Expat-Blog! :)

Maybe you could tell us a bit more about yourself, your hobbies, likes and dislikes etc...


hi valtia..
im also a new member..was interested to know cuz im planning to visit thailand maybe by november and im from the philippines dont have any friends there i hope you can be my friends want to see the beauty of thailand..maybe you can show me if im there.. you can email me at can call me risa..hope to hear form you again..till next please do reply

Hi Risa,

don't hesitate to contact me when you'll be around, will be a pleasure to meet you.

Hi Valtia, my husband and i want to move to Patong we just fell in love with the people the surroundings, but we would like to make some friends first as well as find out general life requirements for ex pats, just to make that transition a little easier for us.
Regards Suzanne,

Hi Suzanne,
I hope you read my reply on the other post.
Patong is crap for local residents... are you sure you want to live in that hell? Come to south, Nai Harn and Rawai are the best area, you can have a lovely villa for small money. And life is more real. I think Val can confirm. But anyway, everyone is different, I think you`d better try different areas for a while before to decide...

Hi Risa,
my girlfriend and I are planning to come to Philippines in November, if weather will turn into better, too many typhoons now... but feel free to wirte me too when you are in Phuket, it would be a pleasure to meet you.

@ Val
Hi Val, you too, it would be nice to meet you as well. I live in Rawai and there are a mixed male/female bunch of friends already in the age between 30 and 40 from any nationality (French, italian, Dutch, German, Colombian, American...) We meet more or less regularly, maybe you might like to be one of us.
