I guess maybe I have been living a charmed life, because for all of the 13 years that I have been living in this country I have never had any problem or been the victim of any crime. I've never resided in what you can call a posh neighborhood in any of the 5 states in Brazil I have lived in since my arrival here. It's not that crimes didn't happen there, because they most certainly did, but they haven't ever happened to me.
There are two things that I can say for certain, however. No matter where you go in this world there is crime and travelers must take reasonable precautions to avoid being the victim of crime. That is exactly why I compiled a comprehensive list of safety tips to follow in Brazil in my posting A Gringo's Survival Guide to Brazil. I follow all of those rules religiously and while I can't prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that's why I've never had any problems here, I think the facts speak for themselves.
The second thing that I have to say is that in Brazil, much like in many other places, people will treat you exactly the same way that you treat them. If you treat everyone, but especially all of your neighbors, with the utmost respect they will treat you with respect too. Furthermore, I think here in Brazil that quality tends to build you a reputation that spreads throughout the neighborhood too, even beyond the people you customarily deal with each day. It's that sort of - "Oh the guy that lives over there, I don't know him personally, but I've heard he's a real nice guy" attitude.
A couple of things to point out about crime in Brazil, especially serious and violent crimes are that they are for the most part crimes of opportunity. So if you eliminate the opportunity wherever possible, you will often protect yourself from becoming a victim. That brings us right back to using caution and following the safety tips that should be just, good old fashioned common sense anywhere. Also, most of the violent crimes committed in Brazil are, settling scores between individuals involved somehow in the drug trade or in other criminal activities. (A sort of house cleaning among bandidos); or against people who have done something (or failed to do something) that ultimately turned them into a target for criminals. Again the safety tips help out here too.
I presently live in a pretty seedy area of Macaé. Despite the fact that it has a lot of crime and drug related activity here I don't feel any less safe than anywhere else I have ever lived. In fact after dark you can hear a pin drop on the street where I live. The silence is broken only by the occasional barking of a neighborhood dog, and without exception that is always when another dog is wandering the street. Because of the intense heat here our windows are never closed and when we're at home the door is rarely ever locked, not even at night while we're asleep. There has never once been a time when I've returned home to find anything missing, or the window screens torn down. Nobody has ever tried to open the gate or scale the fence at night either.
So there you have it! Maybe it's a combination of the factors mentioned here. The criminal elements tend not to commit crimes in the neighborhood where they live too. So that's one reason that the killings that have taken place in this bairro don't have me overly concerned. I don't use or deal with drugs, I treat everybody as I would have them treat me, and I follow my own safety rules. It seems to be working well for me.