
New Rules for Ex-Pats ?

Stephanie Troy

Hi Everyone,

I was just wondering if there are any new rules regarding ex-pats since Mauritius has a new Government ?  I think I remember Julien bringing changes to our attention before after new budgets etc...  Our visa is up for renewal this year and I just wondered if anyone knows of any changes before we apply.

Kind Regards.


See also

Invest in MauritiusRetiring in MauritiusTraveling to MauritiusInvesting in a project under Vente en l'état future d'achèvementMarriage certificate and South African Police Clearance

Hi there.

Up to now, there are no changes.  The government, even if different from the previous one, won't impose drastic and sudden changes. We all agree on the importance of expats and their contribution to the island economy.

If there are changes, they will be announced in the forthcoming budget speech. There is no speculation in this area up to now.



So far no news, but I'll post any info I will receive

Stephanie Troy

Thanks Folks.


Having lived and worked in Mauritius for 18 months, I would suggest you keep a very open mind, as rules change faster than lightening.. it really depends who's sitting behind the desk and what information or requirement you need!.
play your cards very close to your chest, as there are many an opportunist waiting for new prey (wolves in sheep clothing comes to mind) can be very costly if your not wise to the tricks.

      good luck and Gods speed my friend


Funny !