Thanks for all the info Elizabeth and Stumpy. I want to be able to stream netflix and youtube without having it to buffer. My So and I are too addicted to technology.
I'm really thinking about getting the Unitel prepaid USB Stick. How much is the Unitel prepaid USB Stick?
I'm reading from one site that it cost 200,000 LAK including one USB stick 7.2 MB and one SIM 3G and the best package is 120,000 LAK for unlimited. Is it capped at 1 gig per day?
It is definitely cheaper than fiber! at 120,000 LAK times 12 months = 1,440,000 LAK or 176.85US
Fiber is 6 times the cost.
My SO wants us to get beeline Fiber at 5Mbps at 750,000 which cost 800,000 LAK for install, and 800,000 for the router
so the the total is 2,350,000!!! =288.61 US
750,000 per month times 12 months is 9,000,000 LAK =,1,105.33US per Year
So many choices....Thanks for the help. Hope we make the right choice.