
Should I be worried of racism

Last activity 19 March 2018 by idonald1

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I disagree with you moyes14 ... They aren't losing anything and the maltese won't even notice the loss because he never came and gave it a go - the company will find somone else and life will go on the way it has before.
If you want to challenge racism you have to do so head on ... You can't let small minded bigots dictate your life .

There are a lot of racist people in the United Kingdom but because it's a larger country is not so noticeable ... I saw pictures of the white man March in the paper from Newcastle , you have the EDL and the Bnp and to a much lesser extent UKIP .

I understand he wants to protect his children but you can't shield them from everything and for every racist person there are hundreds and thousands of jolly decent human beings who couldn't care less what you look like , who you are or where your from.

Anyway bornonthe12th wish you well and sorry that you don't feel safe moving to malta ,all the best


When you have children you put their security and needs first.
Why subject them to it all when you can avoid it especially if it meant a loss of income?
His decision, whatever it is, is the right one.


and this from a country devoid of true homegrown talent.. which usually brings wealth that the country needs to run....  true homegrown talent tends to leave for something better.

very very sad


Hi, I have lived on Malta since December 2013.  I am not black, but I have noticed that the Maltese are really friendly to everyone.  Many blacks work here, and I have never experienced them as being treated differently.


Especially IT talents are sought after in almost every country, not only in Malta. And it's easy to find better weather than in the UK  wink.png
In Malta the boom at this moment is driven by software comanpanies relocating here because of the tax incentives. It's good and easy money for the government, but the remaining EU members are complaining about this exceptional status of Malta and if the foreign companies loose the financial advantages they will swiftly move somewhere else (like Malaysia).

Different nations are discriminated in different countries at different levels of intensity, but the racism is everywhere. And it's not only the color of skin or religion, it's the way other people want to tell you how to live your own life so that it fits in their drawer ... this also starts with foreigners moaning and complaining about inactivity and obesity of Maltese people and make them look silly because of their traditions and educations hmm.png

I met people from different countries here and even (white) Germans, Bulgarians or British feel discriminated here whereas people from Nigeria, Somalia, Tunisia or India like to live here. And vice versa, of course.
People are not all the same (surprise)  yikes.png , neither Maltese ... nor foreigners ...


Hi, I'm Michael from Nigeria, i'm black, I want to study for a six months computer program in Malta, does it mean that I will be humiliated and insulted as a black African since Malta is a racist country?.


in which country isn't this the case ?  unsure.pngsad.png


Malta is not a racist country.  You will be treated with respect here.

rtintle wrote:

Malta is not a racist country.  You will be treated with respect here.


robpw2 wrote:

I disagree with you moyes14 ... They aren't losing anything and the maltese won't even notice the loss because he never came and gave it a go - the company will find somone else and life will go on the way it has before.
If you want to challenge racism you have to do so head on ... You can't let small minded bigots dictate your life .

There are a lot of racist people in the United Kingdom but because it's a larger country is not so noticeable ... I saw pictures of the white man March in the paper from Newcastle , you have the EDL and the Bnp and to a much lesser extent UKIP .

I understand he wants to protect his children but you can't shield them from everything and for every racist person there are hundreds and thousands of jolly decent human beings who couldn't care less what you look like , who you are or where your from.

Anyway bornonthe12th wish you well and sorry that you don't feel safe moving to malta ,all the best

Thanks robpw2. Yes I am sure there are racist in the UK. but the difference is racism is not tolerated here . It is dealt with head on. In my 20 years in the UK I have never been racially assaulted, refused a job or entry into any where because of the colour of my skin. This society does not encorage racism or condone it in anyway. MALTA Does.

I only received the message below as a PM a few mins ago from a maltese. Another black american sent me a message of how she and her kids were racially assaulted whilst walking their dog .

I have received over 10 PM from Maltese and others who have visited/living or lived in Malta and not 1 single message asking me to give it a go. The messages have been clear STAY AWAY.
I read your post in which you were asking regarding malta and if it's a racist country. I didn't read the replies you got but this is what i can tell you about it:

firstly i am maltese and have lived in malta all my life. regarding if malta is a racist country, up to a couple of years ago i would have told you no, not at all. unfortunately this is not at true as it used to be.

in these couple of years, a lot of illegal immigrants have been arriving to malta. the majority are from sub saharin africa so dark in colour. the issue of illegal immigrants has been turned into a political farce on this island and i feel that this is the main reason why (some) maltese see immigrants in such a bad light. another 'thing' that i see happening in malta (which is completely stupid) is that since most of the illegal immigrants are dark skinned the negative emotions associated (or politically induced) with illegal immigrants has spread to dark skinned ppl in general as they are immediatly thought of as illegal immigrants

I am in a lecture right now and cannot explain more but if you want to ask questions about malta please feel free to comtact me


Rtintle , with all due respect , you are talking nonsense !!!! - I have lived and worked in Malta as a Registered Nurse and even my Maltese colleagues openly admitted to being prejudiced and I witnessed on many occasions , open racist abuse towards African nurses !!!! - not only at work but in general !!!! - not sure which Malta you're living in , but certainly not the same one I did !!!!
Rob , I have to disagree with you and say that Redmik is right about the guy wanting to protect his children , having children myself , I know their safety/welfare pretty much overrides everything else !!!
I would also disagree with your opinion of this sort of ignorant behaviour not being detrimental to Malta , it will harm their economy to some extent if they are known to be openly racist towards black people and those same black people choose not to relocate there because of it !!! - to say they will just find someone else to do the job and nobody loses , is naive and simplistic in the extreme !!! - this is supposed to be a European Union state , they would really , at some point , need to start behaving as one !!!! - I'm not saying the UK is perfect , far from it but I can tell you that if a UK nurse came out with the sort of insults I used to hear on a regular basis , they would be escorted off the ward , suspended and very likely , struck off the professional register !!!!


That person made a very good and important point, we have it here in Ireland also that people hate Nigerians for they come here and rip people off including benefits scams etc..and when they do work they are classed as very lazy.
This is not my opinion by the way it's just how everyone perceives them, but the point being is not necessarily he color of their skin because an African American wouldn't have the same stigma against them as they would be classed as American so my point being it doesn't come down to skin color but nationality, another example is Roman gypsies.


How do you white people handle this racism? I mean, I'm moving to Malta for the weather, the culture and the open minded mentality, but I feel like this pretty much contradicts that open minded mentality. I feel really bad reading this. How do you tackle this in everyday life? Do you enjoy life anyway? Do you confront people being racist? I've always heard people are open minded and friendly in Malta so even if I'm not black this concerns me.


Great weather , loads of history/culture minded mentality , I'd advise you to get the map out !!!!😩

JohnnyIreland wrote:

T another example is Roman gypsies.

I assume you mean 'Romany'.
Romans are from Italy!

Moyes14 wrote:

Rtintle , with all due respect , you are talking nonsense !!!! - I have lived and worked in Malta as a Registered Nurse and even my Maltese colleagues openly admitted to being prejudiced and I witnessed on many occasions , open racist abuse towards African nurses !!!! - not only at work but in general !!!! - not sure which Malta you're living in , but certainly not the same one I did !!!!
Rob , I have to disagree with you and say that Redmik is right about the guy wanting to protect his children , having children myself , I know their safety/welfare pretty much overrides everything else !!!
I would also disagree with your opinion of this sort of ignorant behaviour not being detrimental to Malta , it will harm their economy to some extent if they are known to be openly racist towards black people and those same black people choose not to relocate there because of it !!! - to say they will just find someone else to do the job and nobody loses , is naive and simplistic in the extreme !!! - this is supposed to be a European Union state , they would really , at some point , need to start behaving as one !!!! - I'm not saying the UK is perfect , far from it but I can tell you that if a UK nurse came out with the sort of insults I used to hear on a regular basis , they would be escorted off the ward , suspended and very likely , struck off the professional register !!!!

Perhaps , as you did not live and work here for very long, you should change your location on the Blog back to the UK so that people don't think you live here and pay too much notice to what you say!


Really ? - perhaps if you have anything relevant to say on this particular subject , you should maybe share it with us ?
If not , then maybe you should stick to commenting on subjects that you have some experience of ? - only a thought !!!😀👍

rtintle wrote:

Malta is not a racist country.  You will be treated with respect here.

Malta must be THE most racist country I have ever lived/worked or visited and that's over 35 if you are not White or of European appearance.

Much is covered up because some do not like to admit it. But, read all the comments on any race related/immigration and often legal matters in any online Malta newspapers. I do; I spend a lot of time reading the comments. I also listen a lot to local residents and sometimes I am spoken to without any introduction about these matters.
I have witnessed incidents, I have reported incidents (to absolutely no effect).

Remember a lot of people will say one thing to your face and then act in a totally different manner. They will assure you that they are not racist (we all are btw, it's what we do with it that counts) and then say or do something that is blatantly racist. Also, any logical discussion usually degenerates into insults when the logic is lost or defeats an argument here. That is, if it has not been 'politicised' first.


I have just read an article in Malta Today that is also posted on FaceBook. It is concerning money from the EU to Malta to finance returns of migrants to their country of origin, assist in migrant integration, and help provide migrants with accommodation, food and medical care.

Some of the comments (in English) on FaceBook are revolting and include the words and phrases;
(All in italics are quotes, NOT my words.)

They can't integrate , our culture is way ahead of theirs ,they still live In the pre history
It would be better if they keep the money and take this shit out of our country
They want us to integrate with them and not they with us. Please clean our island.
They are running on our streets pulling out knives, robbing old people. Soon Malta will cease to be a safe place.
And poor brain
Have a walk at hal far and see how much they believe in integration ,its a no go zone at night
Integration means more dirty million in criminal's pockets

One of the worst comments: Drown them and give us the money
but none for the wogs.

This is not the only article I have read and I have read far more disgusting comments than these.
I have tried to discuss, online, but all that comes back is more vile comments.

Whether one is here legally or illegally, if one is of Black African appearance, or Asian and Muslim one is going to be thought of as something less than human. Sorry but that is the way it is here.

Illegal immigration is an issue for Malta, it lacks space and is underfunded by the EU. It is a shame that anyone of Black/Asian appearance is treated as illegal with such hatred because of the illegal immigration issue.

Once, a male victim of crime was Black African and he received a lot of abuse, simply for being here and as an example of considerate logic, when a Black African woman was assaulted in the street, comments included, 'well if she hadn't been here, it wouldn't have happened'
She was a tourist.

Just about every case reported in the press, concerning a person of Black African or Asian or Muslim dress appearance brings about comments such as the above quoted.

On An Island
redmik wrote:

Illegal immigration is an issue for Malta, it lacks space

redmik, don't start repeating one the local's main arguments, I hear it time and time again and it really annoys me.

"We're a small island, already densely populated, we don't have any space for them."

So what about the 70,000 or is it 80,000 properties which are sitting empty in Malta at the moment?? If 150,000 immigrants landed on the island tomorrow, there would be more than enough space for everybody!! That argument doesn't stack up I'm afraid.

If 150,000 immigrants arrived in London tomorrow, it would be a serious problem, because there is already a chronic shortage of housing there. But in Malta? I don't think so.

New Horizonz

Good morning redmik,

Your latest posts are very chilling. I admit reading them made me uncomfortable for living here: indirectly and by implication tolerating/admitting/accepting/supporting racism.

Though am not in a position to disagree with you (and am not disagreeing), as I haven't witnessed or felt to the same extend the widespread existence of racism in Malta. I've to say that in well over a year that I've been here and in my limited regular contacts with Maltese people (my landlords, neighbours, shopkeepers, local people near me, etc), I've also seen many acts of kindness and toleration. I've also experienced acts of generosity.

I'm trying to say Malta isn't a monolith as indeed Africa isn't. Black people may have descended from Africa but much has happened in the intervening centuries. Many Black people come from Brazil, France, USA, UK, Sweden, Caribbeans, Netherlands, etc. There are many well educated and cultured Black people around. They are also wealthy Black people. Not all Black people in Malta are illegal immigrants or poor unskilled. Not all immigrants come here by choice or even want to be here.


I maintain it does lack space and the empty property issue is a separate issue. A lot of those properties are uninhabitable. However, I agree that is also a serious issue.

On An Island

Yeah you're right, a lot of the empty properties probably are uninhabitable.

It does beg the question though, what would happen if Malta did fill all the empty habitable places? If 100,000 new northern Europeans arrived, would the infrastructure of Malta be able to cope? The road system is already close to breaking point, could the public transport system cope? The hospitals, the schools? How the hell could the power station handle 100,000 extra people turning on their A/C in the summer!!

And still they build more. I drove down to Pavi just after lunch yesterday, I swear I saw about a dozen cement mixers in the space of 20 minutes.  sad.png


Money is King and cash is the Emperor. That's what it's all about. Malta is ruined by the over development of greedy people ably assisted by a corrupt MEPA.


whilst i don't deny that there are racists in Malta i think we should be wary of assuming all people who comment on social media and times of Malta website are in fact a) Maltese or b) living in Malta

as this forum has shown in the past there are people who don't live in Malta who make comments  or are Maltese and emigrated.


I am extremely wary of what I read and I consider political bias and my own researcher bias; thanks.
My comments are not based upon social media alone but also on Malta press and other sources.
Triangulation = verification.


Hello bornonthe12th,

If you have receive clarification on the subject and have no more questions, I will then probably close this topic.

I have to limit the risk that this discussion drive through a racial debate as well, and goes out of control.

Thank you,

Marjorie wrote:

Hello bornonthe12th,

If you have receive clarification on the subject and have no more questions, I will then probably close this topic.

I have to limit the risk that this discussion drive through a racial debate as well, and goes out of control.

Thank you,

No more questions. Thanks 😀

Marjorie wrote:

Hello bornonthe12th,
If you have receive clarification on the subject and have no more questions, I will then probably close this topic.
I have to limit the risk that this discussion drive through a racial debate as well, and goes out of control.
Thank you, Marjorie

Whilst I agree that sometimes moderation is necessary, in my opinion, to close this subject is to do exactly what should not be done. 
This difficult and uncomfortable issue is too important a subject to 'silence' or 'sweep under the carpet'.
People should be aware.
Maybe best just to remove those comments you feel are 'off topic' but..................housing availability could be relevant.


I just watched a bus driver tell a guy at Hal Far he couldn't get on because he had no change of a 20 euro note for a day ticket. Next stop at the airport he magically had that change for same note for same ticket for a hot blonde. I leave you to draw your own conclusions

redders_61 wrote:

I just watched a bus driver tell a guy at Hal Far he couldn't get on because he had no change of a 20 euro note for a day ticket. Next stop at the airport he magically had that change for same note for same ticket for a hot blonde. I leave you to draw your own conclusions

I forgot to add one stop later a local got on with a 20 note. driver said I cant change it now but will be able to at Valetta and let him on

Junkyard Angel

Interesting points made Red Mick. I have been here on the Island for pushing 8 weeks and have landed myself a pretty decent job through persistance with CV'S, taking advice and of course, some luck. Funny thing is I was at a bus stop and overheard 2 Maltese elderley ladies grumbling about foreigners taking jobsand having no attachment to the Island whilst looking in my direction. I grinned and explained I have taken a job a Maltese person probably didn't want ( shop work, filling shelves etc) and I have pumped 180,000 Euro's into the Maltese economy by buying our apartment. In additon I mentioned  my late granddad being on Malta from 1941-43 in the R.A ! The ladies said the remark wasn't meant to me as a foreigner and I am welcome here ! Ah well I have made some inroads already I hope, but to be fair I am such a newby, I haven't expereinced anything but kindness from the Maltese!!

On An Island

The attitude towards asylum seekers in Malta has shifted dramatically, from the compassion shown when the first boats started landing in 2002, towards indifference, and, in the last few years, outright racism among sectors of society.

In the aftermath of two shipwrecks, that killed at least 1,000 in the last week, one tasteless commentator even uploaded a Facebook post saying he was put off fish because they were now feeding on "Ebola-infected corpses".

Many who posted comments on the Times of Malta website blamed the migrants themselves for taking the trip in the first place.


Should anyone be concerned about racism  - simple YES

Pig Ear

A massive amount of fear has been instilled in people around Europe about this threat of being overrun by migrants/asylum seekers and this has seen a resurgence of far-right rhetoric making it into the mainstream media and politics. In the UK we have a party whose sole purpose is to basically stigmatise and attack migrants and a newspaper that is willing to run a column written by someone who wants to see migrants blown up.

Racism, sadly, still exists in all corners of the world.

When I was in Gozo in November there appeared to be a mistrust amongst locals of the black workers that moved between Xlendi and Victoria. The problem in these situations can be that locals don't want to mix with newcomers and so the newcomers hang out together in groups at bars and cafes instead of mixing. Then the locals mistrust them further and accuse them of isolating themselves from the community (or worse). The same thing has happened with Polish workers across the UK, with locals stigmatising them as untrustworthy despite the fact that the London School of Economics demonstrated that crime rates are lower in areas with a high-level of migrant workers.

It's unrealistic to expect peoples attitudes to change overnight, but all you can do is afford the same hospitality to fellow migrants and asylum seekers that you would hope to receive for yourself. Narrow minded bigots exist everywhere and all you can do is try to lead by example.


"London School of Economics demonstrated that crime rates are lower in areas with a high-level of migrant workers"

That's because migrant workers are less likely to report crimes to the police.
A high proportion of migrant workers means there are less indigenous people who are likely to report crimes.

Regulated immigration is good for a country, unregulated immigration does not allow for expansion of local resources (schools, doctors, transport etc) and always results in some form of resentment from the local population (now called racism).



I been here (malta)for about 11 years now , i didn't notice the rasisim around me before becouse i was little and carefree but these last few years i noticed it , and it is bad. I am seriously worried about finding a job here even thought i am a maltese citizen i mean what dose it matter to them your black so they give you the hardes job and lowes pay , and don't get me started with the rude stares.

I get it  why they are worried about the migrating people but probebly but they would make less of a fuss if those people where white.Its like they don't want to mix with other foregners (not only black people but other countries too)  They want Malta for themselves and they are worried black people will take over , i know couse i hear it everyday. But seriously it's not like the imigrints have a choice they are trying to find a better life escaping death, where is humanity in all of this?. And after those tortures days  on those small boats where they bearly fit they are greeted by this? You don't have to be black to understand you just don't need to be ignorint and selfish one think that is really common here. Mind you i am surrounded by very nice people so not all of the population but the majority.


Well, I am British and have been told to FO back home you foreigner, regardless of the fact they have driven in to me several times and I have been blame free. Our child was told at school by a local to shut up you foreigner and covered his mouth so he couldn't speak. Not the best start to school life. We have found it very racist here on several occasions but I must admit my Maltese friends are disgusted by some of the comments they have heard to us and to their other foreign friends. I came here five years ago and it has got steadily worse. When we rented an apartment we were asked if we were English or Irish as they didn't like the English  hmm.png We thought they were joking but they were deadly serious. Like every where you get the good and the bad. Think carefully before you come, there has been highs and lows of coming here but recently the lows outweigh the highs. We have many foreign people working for the farmers near our house and for friends who have businesses here. They are all polite and helpful. We see them working hard and the locals standing on their phone supervising and bossing them around. We often give them water when it is hot or drop them at the bus station. They are grateful and appreciative. Not one of them has been absuive and told me to go back home.

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