
Moviing to middle east help

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I am considering moving to the middle east (probably saudi), as I have just finished a BA TESOL (with 5years experience) and I am looking to make some money before settling back in Thailand. I have a few questions and hope you can help.

I have already done some research on here and found some answers, but i would like some advice about several things; and here they are

1/ Good city to live for quite life? I enjoy the sea

2/ Dangers  specific to Saudi

3/ Live in a compound or apparment or take supplement for accom?

4/ How much for a basic 1 bed flat in Ryhad?

5/ Rent deposit required

6/ Is the internet any good? Want to skype family in Thailand

7/ Can I use my phone from Thailand?

8/ Teach in University, international school, private school, or language school? I want to teach older students which would offer the best pay and perks, which is the worse type of work in Saudi?

Any help on these questions would be appreciated, but I would really like some advice on agencies etc. I have already been offered skype interview opportunities, so does anybody have any info on the following?

M2R education
Desert Recruiting Services
English today  recruitment.   (Alhussan education group) King Saud University
Chase resourcing. (Ireland)

Again thanks for any help in advance


Hi nellyp3,

Welcome to! :)

Your topic is now on the Saudi Arabia forum.

I would also invite you to have a look at other topics on the Saudi Arabia forum.

Thank you,
Best of luck,


if you utilize the search button of the blog by placing keywords you shall find posts and discussions about your "questions" so i will be brief in my answers -

cities by the sea are all cities on the west coast or directly east coast of saudi arabia - riyadh is not one of them - i'm assuming you're looking for the quiet life - and that is found away from larger cities

what dangers? only unstable area is the south (west) of KSA where yemen borders and that also is under control alhamdulillaah

compound life vs apt is usually decided upon based on your offer

riyadh is a huge place and depending on the neighborhood the prices will differ

some require deposit, yes

the internet is fine

if you phone is unlocked, you will be able to use it here

if you want to teach older students you have no business in international schools. language schools generally do not pay as much as uni

-- agencies have been discussed as well


Thank you for your reply, and believe it or not, I did use the search option. As it did not give me the answers I required I used the "topic" function as well

The dangers were, specifically, what you suggested i.e. Yemen, and also Saudi's reaction to ISIS. I am looking at this from the outside and was hoping for some information about how life as a teacher would be affected.

My intention is to garner some information on compounds, supplied apartments , and opinions of renting privately, and taking a contract based on that; rather than the other way around.I was hoping for some experiences and examples of rent in the city and whether people felt they had a better deal paying for the rental themselves. Again thank you for your help though. By the way, your city looks beautiful, and is an option I would consider. Do you think it is as good as it looks, or are the photos on google telling the wrong story?

When I mentioned older students, I meant older than I teach now. So teaching in an international school; would be completely viable. Do you think international schools are a better proposition than a university?

Thanks again for your replies


well - i'm living here as a teacher and my life is not affected at all alhamdulillaah by Yemen nor ISIS. I'm muslim though and my intentions for being here are beyond just saving money. Which is why you should take that more inconsideration than anything. - Islam is rooted here in the daily life of saudis and it is not like a sunday in church it is what saudis live their whole life around - it is in their culture it is in their secular dealings and of course their religious ones.

they're respectful people, for the most part, and if you come with an open mind you can make things work for yourself.

the compound vs apt thing, i will reiterate, is mostly based on package. you cannot ask for a compound if the company you work for does not rent one.. generally western compounds are way more than a teacher generally makes in housing allowance, making renting an apt the clear choice. since you have not settled on a city yet your search is wide and deep for apts and/or compounds and western compounds generally all have webpages.

my city.. :) very very very beduin, conservative - has greenery, nice weather, emphasis on bedu - some international schools i heard pay very well, i also know that the more they pay the more problems (responsibility, stress)


Thank you again for your reply, and this is a much more interesting, and personal one. i understand your concern over the religious aspect of life in Saudi Arabia, though I am a very tolerant person who believes that people have the right to live how they want, and that it is my responsibility to fit into a new culture not for it to work around me.

I have already applied for jobs that have compound accomodation included as this seems the way forward for me; particularly as i am now considering bringing my 2 sons. This is also a reason that i am looking at international schools, especially as i am not worried about the work. I may be mainly looking at the money, but I am still prepared to work to be good at what i do.

Thank you for the info about compounds being available to find online, I didn't realise that.

By the way i have actually focused my search on your city now. It looks ideal and a good option if I finally decide to take my boys (my wife will continue her studies in Thailand), as I would like them to have access to the sea.

Thanks again for some great help

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