
Getting Medication in Costa Rica

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anybody know a good Dr. in Liberia who will write scripts for Adderall?


Have Crohn’s disease, diabetes and arthritis looking for pain medication I take 20 mg OxyContin 3x day . In us I can only get 7 days per visit. Does anyone have doctor names near San Jose ?

Asa Bryan Jarvis

You should get a new doctor


What pharmacy? I need adhd meds


LittleBigfoot123........Bring your meds with you.Do not expect Costa Rica pharma to have the exact same medications that you need.


i bought the oil in a little store near our market in me from my profile i think its there not ALLOWED HERE GOD KNOWS WHY

/ good luck


psst the admins may think i am dealing drugs LMAO...

Tramadol is a synthetic opiate.

t@davidwwatsonjr  : Dr. Watson I presume?    just joking.  Hard to resist that one. :)

It’s interesting that most of the people worried about finding drugs here are primarily looking for scheduled drugs like Adderral, pain meds etc….. if you’re in pain try some physical therapy, use anti-inflammatories. This is not Mexico where you can buy Vicodin without a script. Most pharmacies will allow you to get vacation quantities if your doctor writes it in the script and your insurance is told ahead of time. If you think you’re gonna walk into a pharmacy and walk out with Oxy, forget it. You will need to see a doctor, get X-rays or MRI just to get a diagnosis and they may not prescribe opiates like they do in the US. Costa Rica is not in the pocket of big pharma so doctore aren’t pushing the latest opioid.
I'm hoping to wean off pain meds t that's a huge reason I'm moving, the weather there is perfect for me.  I know I'll have to get a Dr probably for a few of my meds,  so I'm going there knowing that.  If you're on Vacation I'd schedule around when you can fill a script before you leave
It’s interesting that most of the people worried about finding drugs here are primarily looking for scheduled drugs like Adderral, pain meds etc….. if you’re in pain try some physical therapy, use anti-inflammatories. This is not Mexico where you can buy Vicodin without a script. Most pharmacies will allow you to get vacation quantities if your doctor writes it in the script and your insurance is told ahead of time. If you think you’re gonna walk into a pharmacy and walk out with Oxy, forget it. You will need to see a doctor, get X-rays or MRI just to get a diagnosis and they may not prescribe opiates like they do in the US. Costa Rica is not in the pocket of big pharma so doctore aren’t pushing the latest opioid.
- @Llholly

Hola. You might keep in mind that not everyone who uses opioids wishes to be on them, nor are all patients addicts. Have you ever suffered from severe chronic pain? There are many conditions where PT isn't going to do anything, believe it or not, many opioid patients may have already sought PT and been through the rounds. Unfortunately, PT is not always the golden ticket. There are far more patients that use their medications responsibly than not, we just hear about the abusers because media loves reporting bad news. It's sad that a handful of abusers have made legitimate use for real cases much more difficult to obtain some level of relief. I suffer from chronic severe debilitating lower back pain with extreme muscle and nerve sensitivity in the legs and feet along with balance problems. I've tried years of PT almost daily, tons of different modalities with ZERO improvements. Zero.

I don't believe most people are just looking to walk into a pharmacy and walk out, most are more than willing to consult with a doctor to get a legitimate prescription, or share their prescriptions with the appropriate contact. I too have a crate full of medical documents and test results. The main question is whether these medications are actually available for pickup if prescribed? Since I too am considering a permanent move to Costa Rica I've had to look into this at length. So far I've gathered that the medications are available, but a bit harder to find as not all farmacia may carry them, and that duration of refills could be problematic depending on who you work with directly to obtain the medications. Similar to other commenters, there is the belief that a move to a warmer climate like Costa Rica could drastically improve ones health. My condition is dramatically influenced by environmental temperatures, so getting out of a cold climate for better health is an absolute must. I certainly wouldn't miss a snow covered ground in the slightest. Who knows, maybe the need for medications would subside, at least that's the hope. I know it is for many.
@hellosampham I am writing you back to let you know a little of my story. I have been in chronic sometimes debilitating pain for over 15 years. I became addicted to OXY after a mere 3 months. There are other options to opioids and I would hope that people will try all the options before resorting to a pain med to manage chronic pain. Not only do they not work in the long run, you need to keep taking more for the same effect. People will avoid surgery, rehabilitation etc just to keep on taking the pills. They are NOT A CURE. Not only that, but the pills themselves begin to become a self fulfilling prophecy and actually CAUSE more pain than they help.
I think there are a lot of med seekers looking for an easy way to get pain meds and other scheduled drugs and they are going to find it's not as easy as one might think.

@Ziminar It's not easy but you can do it. You may need a doctors help to do it properly. Good Luck to you.

You would be better looking for doctors in pain management around San José, not presuming that 'every town has them.'

I just received word yesterday that a long term friend from the US, had passed away in CR. He had cancer and was in such terrible pain, when only massage for hours at a time, would elevate the pain for a very short time.

Luckily, his therapist also is still helping his wife.

I wish one had helped me, after my loss.

Unfortunately, the climate doesn't help everyone with their pain and suffering...
Also, opioids are not highly prescribed here as they are in the states. Even after a surgery you might not even get Vicodin. Luckily CBD is here now and that's a great pain reliever for many.

Medical marijuana was just legalized here and that many also help with your pain.

And if you are trying to kick opiates I highly recommend Suboxone. Only few doctors ( addiction specialists ) are able to prescribe it but it's similar to methadone but you can take it at home. It removes the cravings and blocks the receptors so that if you were to take something it will have no effect.

@hellosampham this is exactly my issue.  I've been taking the same amount of pain killers for 8 years.  I don't get that "buzz" unless I take 2 when I'm in severe pain and even them it's only a mild wooziness.  I've never felt the need to increase my dosage.  Cold weather is brutal on me.  I can't wait for the day that I can stop taking them.  That's a huge reason for my move. That environment is perfect for me.  Here in Colorado it may be in the 70s but at night it still dips into the 30s sometimes mostly 40s and I can tell you before I get out of bed how the weather is temperature wise. I don't want my body being a human thermometer.  The fluctuations in the weather here are just too much anymore. I've even moved up my move by a year because I can't handle another bloody winter. I feel for you so much.  I'm going to talk to the Farmacia I went to when I was there last time, next week.  If you get a Dr that works with the Farmacia it may be easier to get the prescription filed,  hoping I can get one.  Or I better wean myself quickly or I'll have to fly back every month.

Costa Rica seems to be being very careful about not having an opioid problem.

I used to take valium about once a month for anxiety. I used to be able to get it without a prescription in Costa Rica. Then they made it available only through the doctor.

As of late last year, I was unable to even get it. The doctor did prescribe me something else similar. But if you are a person who is taking a lot of tranquilizers or opioids, you may find it difficult to get them.

Thankfully I only use these things very sparingly so it wasn't a big problem for me. Except for the day I had to run around to 12 different pharmacies just to get my prescription of my next 12 months supply of 30 Valium ... I went to every pharmacy in town and no one had it and had no idea when they were going to have it. I ended up getting it through the caja national health insurance of which legal residents have to become a member of, which is always a pain in the butt to deal with... at least it was in my area. (Standing in long lines sometimes...)

@kohlerias sorry to hear about your wife. My condolences


@Ziminar see if you can find a doctor that prescribes Suboxone. It's similar to methadone but you take it at home as a pill or film, it reduces or eliminates cravings and blocks receptors so that opioids have no effect. It worked for me, clean 3 years


@ExpatDave I just saw that you needed an Adderall prescription. I prescribed Adderall XR in the states but we are planning to be in CR for 10 months. I’m finding conflicting information online as to if I can even find Adderall in CR (we’ll be in the tamarindo area). I would love any and all feedback you have regarding this. Thanks so much!

My husband is prescribed methadone for chronic pain management in the states. We are going to be in CR for 8 months so he will need to find a doctor that can prescribe it for him. When he looked online for pain management doctors in SJ he found an acupuncturist, a chiropractor, and a massage therapist. CBD, medical mj, chiropractic, acupuncture have all been tried in the past and although we have an excellent therapeutic massage therapist the relief only last a day or two. It's too expensive to fly back to the states monthly to get his medication refilled. I would appreciate any info or feedback, thanks.
I switched to marijuana for a lot of my symptoms, a life changer for me
As usual the US has a drug problem. It's approach to medical treatment is much more heavily based on drugs than other forms of treatment. ADHD is diagnosed and treated very differently outside the US.

Adderall is a highly regulated drug because it's so abused. There are many countries (eg most of Europe) where you would be arrested if you possessed it, even with a prescription.

Check the government regulations carefully of each and every country you may pass through on your travels
In Uvita yay went to the farmacia yesterday. I can get all my meds without a Dr except for Ambien and Percocet so I'm totally happy
In Uvita yay went to the farmacia yesterday. I can get all my meds without a Dr except for Ambien and Percocet so I'm totally happy
- @Ziminar

Also speaking of Uvita the new clinic is really nice. We used Mora Valdez Advanced Dentistry, to have a quick fix to my wifes retainer yesterday and we were in and out in little time and the price was very fair.

@LuvsCR You can also see if he can find Suboxone here. A regular medical doctor or psychiatrist should be able to prescribe methadone here. Most likely a psychiatrist. You may have to do some research to find someone who can prescribe these. If you're only here on a 90 day visa you may be able to bring a 3 month supply from the states, I was able to do that and it gives you time to find a local Dr. Buena Suerte

i just got home late last night from my trip to CR.  but I found property!!!!  30 acres about 45 minutes from Uvita. view of the San Luis waterfall, the Whales tail and a river!! Now here's hoping due diligence pans out.  I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much.  While I was there I stopped at the farmacia.  I can get all my meds except percocet and ambien straight from the pharmacy.  they just didn't have my med i inject, Victoza.  its a diabetes med, not insulin.  so I'll need to figure out what to do about that one.  but I'm happy enough that all my other meds are easily available.

now to get rid of everything by October so I can move!!
i just got home late last night from my trip to CR.  but I found property!!!!  30 acres about 45 minutes from Uvita. view of the San Luis waterfall, the Whales tail and a river!! Now here's hoping due diligence pans out.  I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much.  While I was there I stopped at the farmacia.  I can get all my meds except percocet and ambien straight from the pharmacy.  they just didn't have my med i inject, Victoza.  its a diabetes med, not insulin.  so I'll need to figure out what to do about that one.  but I'm happy enough that all my other meds are easily available.

now to get rid of everything by October so I can move!!
- @Ziminar

I would strongly advise you not to move to go to Costa Rica without having rented there for a while first. I certainly would not sell all my stuff before living there for awhile first.

Make absolutely sure you can get every medicine you *need* before moving there, because there are some that are very difficult to get if not impossible.

If you do make the plunge, good luck. Some people adjust to Costa rica, and some do not.
If you haven't already, please read the thread about why people leave Costa Rica after moving there.


@samramon I have read it all.  I don't have a lot I'm giving up to go there.  And yes I'm need to do more research into the one medication.  I keep all of this in mind or at least try to. But thank you for making sure I keep my eyes open!

Ziminar, yes, sorry to say that you won't be the first  person that have had to return 'home' due to their medication not being available there. Plus, it may stop being imported with no warning.

@ExpatDave hi! I am moving to Costa Rica to teach abroad and I will need to obtain a number of medications for my ADHD, anxiety, and depression (although I’m hoping I can reduce or eliminate some of these doses over time).  You mentioned ADHD medication—how were you able to eventually obtain it? Thanks!


@ExpatDave. 'Mornin, I have not yet needed to see a doctor because my neighbors have all been able to provide their CAJA medication to me on an emergency basis.

But now the time has come for me to find my own doctor though I cannot afford to go Doctor shopping. I could use some advice on finding a reasonable doctor in Alajuela that won't Gringo price me.

So are you able to put me in contact with someone who could help me in this matter?

'predicted it ExpatDave

Johnny Mac


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@jamesbernieshort.......Those that rely on fancy designer pharmaceuticals are at a disadvantage because the Caja provides only basic life-saving medications...


This has been a great thread for any/all of us to read; whether already living here, considering it, or other.  It also, via the testimonials, displays for us all that everybody's situation is and can be different... from 'luck' with a pharmacy or doctor, or for getting the right information when needed.

I will say, since it wasn't mentioned a lot; that being a member of the Caja (which you MUST do in order to obtain legal, official residency) has its Positives and Negatives and I am proof that using both the Caja as well as the occasional private healthcare is reasonable and appears to be 'considered' by many, as a good mix.   Of course... with Caja membership, you are not required to leave the country every 180 days... which is a personal choice for some.  It used to be every 90 days and there are people who did border runs; etc.  But I, personally, am not interested in leaving on a regular basis.  I have pets, I teach English, etc...  I just don't want that 'date' to become a monkey on my back... especially when I'm No Longer a young-ish retiree.  Plus... one must consider where they live and how long/far of a trip it is to the border... as well as what the 'situation' can be at the border... Nicaragua is not always 'calm'... I was living there in May of 2018... it was not anything 'but'.

I have used the Caja and for the most part... it was just 'OK' and there was $0 out-of-pocket expense.  My 'bad' Caja experiences usually are the 'wait in line' part...  I live somewhat rural and you have to get there before 5 a.m. to be one of the first 15 persons in line... anybody not in that number, most likely, will not get a chance to see the doctor... but you can ask to see the nurse.  Also,  senior citizens (65+) don't have to wait in line... so even if I am there at 5 a.m. and I'm the 9th person in line.... by the time 7:00 a.m. rolls around... 7 old people have shown up and I'm bumped out.  I won't go on about that... it's something that my village needs to address, en mass, with the system.   Only once did the doctor screw up... he told me that my 'rash' was an infected 'insect bite'... (the go-to excuse for many things here, it seems) but I did my own due diligence realizing that the ointment he gave me was crap... only to see 10,000 photos of rashes just like mine!! on the internet... I had Shingles.  I returned to the clinic and told him, in Spanish, that I had Shingles.  He shrugged and said he didn't necessarily 'agree' (I showed him the photos on my phone?)... but nonetheless, he changed the ointment and included an anti-viral.  Good thing I was able to diagnose the illness... ????

But I also used the Caja, A Lot, when I had Dengue Fever.   I never paid for Ambulance, both hospitalizations (3 days, and 5 days), or any medications.  I'm guessing that paying 'cash' for that, in an area where there are ZERO private hospitals, would have been a lot... and I tend to think of things in terms of Colones because that is 'how' the locals think, not dollars.  I was not an easy patient and Dengue is messy.  They even had a specialist look at my face (I had fallen multiple times due to fever; etc.; and had a broken nose and severely cut lip; plus broken collar bone); and after I went home... our local 'moto' nurse (from our EBAIS clinic) stopped by 3-4 times until he saw that I was up and about.  I paid nothing.  (luckily, i have good Tico friends and neighbors, as well).  Not only does the 'moto' nurse look in on you when you are ill; but he has come to my house to give me Covid boosters; and regular shots for a REAL insect bite that happened during Covid so it was nice to not be around a bunch of people.  All free.  He even looks in on the elderly who haven't been seen by the doctor recently.  Wow.  The nearest private doctor, over in Quesada, would not have been able to provide that... not for FREE; if it all.

I did use a private clinic when I had a detached retina and subsequently, a private eye surgery in San Jose for both the retina and cataract surgeries.  It required far too many Pre and Post checkups, out of pocket prescriptions, travel and lodging; and the bills stacked up... all in, I paid around $7,500.00 (US)  At the time, I was new to CR and my Spanish was bad... if I needed to do it again... I would trust the 'system' and use Caja. 

So there are pros and cons to any 'care system' that you may choose and hopefully a person can read all of the posts, testimonials, and advice...  and can then process the information as it best fits their own situation and level of comfort with your new Country.  My guess is that most prescriptions are 'possible' here, regardless of means... it just depends on the frequency they are prescribed here; as to how easy they will be to get... I have friends in the Caja system who still have to pay an out-of-pocket 'extra' for special meds that aren't that common here.  Costa Ricans get sick too!!

Pura Vida all


rain again,

this is Mike ,

am I on the forum. 



that all sounds great to you, but when you're using critical medications that you cannot stop because of severe reactions, you can't wait for weeks for Ticos to get their act together. That's the part that doesn't make sense to me. Waiting for hours on long lines and all of the rest of what I've heard about. Plus one of my critical medications is not available in CR at all, generic or otherwise. Can't figure that one out yet, other than flying back to the US once a year and buying a year supply for $1000. Medical care needs to be prompt, and it doesn't sound like it's very prompt at all. It all sounds like a great deal of trouble and a great deal of waiting. especially for the elderly and especially those of us with complicated relationships to medications because of allergies. It's very hard to convince an American doctor that I cannot take their prescriptions. I cannot imagine how I'm going to explain that in Spanish. My plan will be to avoid the medical system at all costs and just die in my bed if I have to.



cool! I wonder if my medication is available in Nicaragua, since it's not available in CR



I know of a lot of people who use US scripts to get medications in Costa Rica. I'm having a conversation right now via email with a CR compounding pharmacy and they told me they would be happy to accept my American prescriptions for those. They also recommended I find a doctor in Costa Rica but they don't care if the script comes from the US.


A couple of points . . .

First, many (maybe most) medications are available from pharmacies in the public sector without any physician's prescription. If you know what you need, just ask the clerk for it.

Second, almost all medications are available to licensed physicians. If you need something that's not available in the farmacias, ask your doctor to order it. It won't come overnight, but it will come to him or her. (Nobody said "cheap".)

Third (yeah, I said two), like many other commodities, medicines are subject to the laws of availability and economics. In order for a medication to be imported to Costa Rica, the importer (who has an economic interest) has to get an import permit which will include at least a review by the Ministry of Health. That takes both time and money, and no one will undertake the process if they're not confident that a market for that particular medication exists in Costa Rica. And the importer has to have a source.

In the U.S., the seller of a medication has a population of some 330 million potential purchasers. In Costa Rica, that number is about 5 million and many of those folks are wedded to the CAJA, so the potential buyer pool is pretty small.

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