Wow, not sure at all since Hungary is now part of the EU.
I do know there is a law in Hungary is unless it is stated in a contract written up and signed that if you have any children, they
automatically get half the property as an inheritance.
If you want to leave the flat 100% to your wife only then it is best to get it in actual writing.
I have heard horror stories from Hungarians who's spouse passed and the kids wanted their share of the property straight away, they had a legal right to sell their half of the property from under the surviving parents feet.
The living parent had to sell off their property to pay their kids off.
I know as it now stands if anything should happen to my husband our only son would get half right away. I don't care because I would just move in with him and his wife, drive them crazy and they would be sorry in the end.
I would double check legally, perhaps your lawyer here just didn't fully understand what you were asking.
let us know what happens, it is interesting to know.
In my HU
husband's family it was a huge mess up, hurt feelings and bad words.
His mother bought 2 large lots of land and also had a flat in the city.
His elderly uncle also had a flat in the 5th district and had no children.
When he died his only living sibling, my MIL should of gotten the flat but she let one niece have it.
Silly really on her part but the niece was smart enough to have her name put on the flat before the old man died.
My MIL could of fought it but didn't.The niece now rents it out for a pretty penny.
My MIL had the 2 lots of land. My husband was out of HU and his 2 siblings took the land which was meant for the 3 of them.They bulit houses and left no extra room for my husband to build anything ever.
he didn't care really but his mother did, she knew it wasn't right.
When her husband passed my SIL had a written contract to take over his half of the land and house. His only son was not going to get a thing.
She was suppose to take care of my in-laws in their old age in exchange for the other land and house.
She was cruel and mean to them and basically caused so much trouble that my FIL had a stroke because of her crap.
She walked away and let him die on the floor, all alone, my MIL was in hospital at that time.
My MIL freaked out and decided to make sure my husband got something from them as he was the only one willing even from the US to help them out.She wanted to write her daughter out of he will but it was too late, the father was dead and her contract to get his half was now valid and couldn't be changed.Like I said, very insane laws here.
We traveled to HU almost every year to help them out at our expense.
My Husband and MIL had a contract where we wrote the sis and bro out of her half of the property.
We had to pay my MIL every month making deposits into her bank account to show we supported her in all ways.
When she died she was nice enough to give us back all the money we had sent her every month and that is basically why I found myself here in HU.
I almost wish she didn't leave us a penny because it cost more in every possible way, emotionally, physically and mentally more then if she had just written us out of her will.
That's the HU way, my mother had 6 kids and made sure when she died we all got exactly 1/6th of her estate in cash money, my mom was the best!!!