adopting a cat
im wonder is there any place you can adopt a cat???also about the cats foods and veterinary....if there's anyone knows about those imformation will be a big big help .xxxola tudos, gostaria de saber sera que existe algum gantil ou abrigo que eu posso adotar um gato em luanda??e outras imformacoes relativo a assunto sera muiot util para mim. bjsss
Hello sarag50626 and welcome on board In which region are you seeking to adopt a cat? Where are you from, and where are you ready to travel to, to find adopt a cat? Team
hello Kenjee, im living in lisbon but i got job offer in Luanda. im not sure yet about the extect location. but do know is in the center of Luanda.and therfore, im thinking of adpoting a cat in Luanda. xxx