Will Malta leave the EU?
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What is the mood in Malta towards the European Union?
Do you have any observations or were there any recent public polls about it?
Is there a significant number of Maltese, who think they will be better off outside the EU?
I'm really concerned that if Greece leaves the EU, they may cause enough damage to pull other countries with them.
Is there enough anti-EU sentiment in Malta, in your opinion, to cause a Maltese exit if conditions in the EU deteriorate after a Greek exit?
Thank you for your opinion!
i think there are a lot of maltese who would willingly want their country to leave the EU - i think they think its been a bad move - but from my 6 yrs living there I'd say they 've benefited big time by being part of it - you can see where the money they have had has been spent.. maybe some of it has been frittered / salted away into some peoples pockets but by and large i think they have done a lot over the period of their EU membership but they have still got a long way to go.
Malta is a small island and benefits enormously in monetary terms from EU membership.
They would have to be mad to leave.
so good it had to be done twice...lol
Thank you tearnet and Toon.
Do you think that the situation will be the same if the EU is not as beneficial to Malta as it is now?
I am concerned because if the people who want Malta to leave the EU are, for example, 40% of the population, a Grexit could shift the scales in their favor very quickly and weaken the position of supporters for the EU.
But if the numbers against the EU are more like 20% of the population, for example, it will take more time for people in that camp to gain support.
Would you say that the situation in Malta is more like the 40% or more like the 20%?
This was the result of the vote to join the EU
For 143,094 53.6 %
Against 123,628 46.4 %
Registered voters/turnout 297,881 90.9 %
Malta is all about politics and corruption so the Majority will still be in favour because there is big money involved.
tearnet wrote:This was the result of the vote to join the EU
For 143,094 53.6 %
Against 123,628 46.4 %
Registered voters/turnout 297,881 90.9 %
Malta is all about politics and corruption so the Majority will still be in favour because there is big money involved.
Thank you Terry.
I did see the results from the vote, and it is the reason why I'm concerned. I was hopeful that things may have changed since 2003.
if Malta is all about the money, nothing unusual in that, but if there are no other ideological reasons for membership in the EU, that's even more worrisome for me, since the moment the EU becomes a losing side, there may be nothing to stop Malta from parting ways.
I will be really happy if I'm wrong with my conclusions.
it always seems to me that most votes in Malta are decided by only a few percent (spring hunting, divorce, general elections).
as Malta is all about politics and money - - - - and the poilitics generally initiates corruption i think its a safe bet as long as EU generates cash for them it will likely remain so... however if the politics of the EU enforce the tackling of tax evasion and corruption then the votes will swing the other way as the populace seems to like tax evasion and corruption - in other words money..
What on earth makes anyone think Greece may leave the EU? A Grexit refers specifically to the Eurozone NOT the EU. On the other hand a Brexit (another thread for the referendum) Does refer to the EU please don't conflate the 2 different definitions
redders_61 wrote:What on earth makes anyone think Greece may leave the EU? A Grexit refers specifically to the Eurozone NOT the EU. On the other hand a Brexit (another thread for the referendum) Does refer to the EU please don't conflate the 2 different definitions
Thank you for the clarification redders! : )
Do you think that if Greece leaves the Eurozone, they will not cause enough damage to the currency and trust in the EU, which may trigger other debt stricken countries to go under and leave as well, giving good reasons for the UK to exit, causing others to follow and essentially dismantling the Union?
No the markets have more or less priced in a Grexit it is giving way to them that would upset the Spanish Portuguese irish etc that have already done austerity. The euro might fall a bit but it's got 5 cents to go to be back where it was last week against the pound. The euro is strengthening against the dollar with the Greek stuff going on anyway
redders_61 wrote:No the markets have more or less priced in a Grexit it is giving way to them that would upset the Spanish Portuguese irish etc that have already done austerity. The euro might fall a bit but it's got 5 cents to go to be back where it was last week against the pound. The euro is strengthening against the dollar with the Greek stuff going on anyway
It's reassuring to hear that the markets are at "Grexit" levels. I hope they don't do the 2008 act, if an actual exit occurs
Thank you for the information!
Don't worry Deithrian, Malta will never leave the EU as long as the EU exists!
The negativity about the EU is only backlash mostly influenced by the British tourists and English people living here. As like everywhere the general public think through their hind or at the best their heart. Never through their heads, nobody studies the real story and statistics. Governments however DO! And although you might get the occasional anti European speech with all the usual blame and shame by some extreme party (yes even here we have one), it is only for political mileage. Everybody knows where our main food larder is; nobody will throw it outside the window!
Enjoy your stay here.
Absolute tosh!!
"The negativity about the EU is only backlash mostly influenced by the British tourists and English people living here."
The vote in 2003 was a very small majority in favour of joining the EU with an over 90% turnout.
Labour and the trade unions were all against joining.
I doubt that the moans of a few expats will or would have had any influence on the Maltese vote.
Well yes indeed, I stick to my words. This is only my opinion of course, However, being Maltese since a few decades, I know my compatriots quite well. In fact to be more precise It's not just a matter of a few expatriates living here. You must remember that the Maltese in general follow rather well the situation in England; news papers, Internet, TV you name it. Furthermore, they still somewhat look up to Britain and take it as "THE" reference, (ex-colony left-overs). I assure you the influence is real, very real. Just ask any Maltese what they think about other nations compared to the British? Nobody follows the other nations except maybe Italy being so close (Even here we get influenced against Europe though to a much lesser extent). I repeat, very few go to the trouble of checking things out for themselves and measure the true pros & cons of being an E.U. member. Human nature I guess, it's always easier to repeat what one hears rather than do some work!
There is also another effect which is more partisan politics. In fact the Maltese Labour Party of the time was vigorously against joining the E.U; today there are still quite a few labour die-hards who can not admit that their party has changed face after so much hard talk during those times.
Apart from all this, I think 53.6 % in favour and 46.4 % is proportionally enormous. Jesus, politicians all over the free world dream about getting anything over 50% in any election, let alone 53.6!
It is undisputed that Malta has gained enormously joining the EU, all the numbers speak for themselves. Any other opinions are bias. That's why I wrote that Malta will never leave the E.U.; Politicians know better!
It wasn't an election it was a straight in/out vote, so nearly half were against!
This at a time when the UK were in and keen to stay in!
So if the UK did influence the vote it was by a very small amount.
Mike44 wrote:Well yes indeed, I stick to my words. This is only my opinion of course, However, being Maltese since a few decades, I know my compatriots quite well. In fact to be more precise It's not just a matter of a few expatriates living here. You must remember that the Maltese in general follow rather well the situation in England; news papers, Internet, TV you name it. Furthermore, they still somewhat look up to Britain and take it as "THE" reference, (ex-colony left-overs). I assure you the influence is real, very real. Just ask any Maltese what they think about other nations compared to the British? Nobody follows the other nations except maybe Italy being so close (Even here we get influenced against Europe though to a much lesser extent). I repeat, very few go to the trouble of checking things out for themselves and measure the true pros & cons of being an E.U. member. Human nature I guess, it's always easier to repeat what one hears rather than do some work!
There is also another effect which is more partisan politics. In fact the Maltese Labour Party of the time was vigorously against joining the E.U; today there are still quite a few labour die-hards who can not admit that their party has changed face after so much hard talk during those times.
Apart from all this, I think 53.6 % in favour and 46.4 % is proportionally enormous. Jesus, politicians all over the free world dream about getting anything over 50% in any election, let alone 53.6!
It is undisputed that Malta has gained enormously joining the EU, all the numbers speak for themselves. Any other opinions are bias. That's why I wrote that Malta will never leave the E.U.; Politicians know better!
As you say you are Maltese why are you posting on an expat site, you seem to have suddenly come out of the woodwork and feel you should post on everything but yet you have no idea what affects Expats!
If you are Maltese then your experience of the way the system works is totally different to that of an 'immigrant'.
My my Mr Ray, You are in love with Malta & the Maltese aren't you!
How dare you speak to me like that, who do you think you are bossing people around like that? Allow me to remind you that colonial times are over. Today Malta is a free country and we do as we like in our own country. Besides how dare you again assume anything about me, who I am and what I represent. I am entitled to have my say here just as much as you or anybody else.
I am a double national and have spent many years abroad, nowadays I live and spend my time in between countries and have several close "foreign" relatives in various countries including Malta, This Mr Ray allows me to see things from both ends so to speak and therefore can assimilate more to their difficulties. An advantage I like to share and when possible help foreigners in every way, and yes even on ex-pat forums. (too bad for you)
Now when I'm greeted with such pompous aggressiveness against an honest opinion, I can't help think that truth hurts and that I was right! Not that in my opinion anything I said about the English influence in Malta is insulting or degrading in any manner, on the contrary I think it shows esteem towards Britain and the British. So why did you answer aggressively with something that has nothing to do with the topic but just to attack me? Or maybe it does in a more subtle way! Maybe you're annoyed because I touched a sensitive nerve...maybe to you what I wrote insinuates that British or to be more precise the English general negative opinion about the E.U. is undoubtedly right, and therefore perfectly evident that others see the light! It can never be a matter of influence but simply as downright obvious. Of course seeing things from this point of view I can understand your vexation!
Or is it simply as I already hinted, your love and respect towards the Maltese and maybe you felt that in some way I degraded my compatriots! I pity you Mr Ray, It is attitudes like yours that make the Maltese stay at distance towards certain foreigners who have never and never will understand us. In fact I feel so much for your suffering that I suggest you return to your country and stop the sacrifice.
As a Maltese, I can reassure you that the anti-EU sentiment in Malta is very limited and the large majority would strongly vote to keep Malta in the EU.
Mike44 wrote:My my Mr Ray, You are in love with Malta & the Maltese aren't you!
How dare you speak to me like that, who do you think you are bossing people around like that? Allow me to remind you that colonial times are over. Today Malta is a free country and we do as we like in our own country. Besides how dare you again assume anything about me, who I am and what I represent. I am entitled to have my say here just as much as you or anybody else.
I am a double national and have spent many years abroad, nowadays I live and spend my time in between countries and have several close "foreign" relatives in various countries including Malta, This Mr Ray allows me to see things from both ends so to speak and therefore can assimilate more to their difficulties. An advantage I like to share and when possible help foreigners in every way, and yes even on ex-pat forums. (too bad for you)
Now when I'm greeted with such pompous aggressiveness against an honest opinion, I can't help think that truth hurts and that I was right! Not that in my opinion anything I said about the English influence in Malta is insulting or degrading in any manner, on the contrary I think it shows esteem towards Britain and the British. So why did you answer aggressively with something that has nothing to do with the topic but just to attack me? Or maybe it does in a more subtle way! Maybe you're annoyed because I touched a sensitive nerve...maybe to you what I wrote insinuates that British or to be more precise the English general negative opinion about the E.U. is undoubtedly right, and therefore perfectly evident that others see the light! It can never be a matter of influence but simply as downright obvious. Of course seeing things from this point of view I can understand your vexation!
Or is it simply as I already hinted, your love and respect towards the Maltese and maybe you felt that in some way I degraded my compatriots! I pity you Mr Ray, It is attitudes like yours that make the Maltese stay at distance towards certain foreigners who have never and never will understand us. In fact I feel so much for your suffering that I suggest you return to your country and stop the sacrifice.
" colonial times are over."
"Malta is a free country and we do as we like in our own country"
and the icing on your cake
the last statement shows your true colours...... like many of the host nationals....
Mike44 wrote:My my Mr Ray, You are in love with Malta & the Maltese aren't you!
How dare you speak to me like that, who do you think you are bossing people around like that? Allow me to remind you that colonial times are over. Today Malta is a free country and we do as we like in our own country. Besides how dare you again assume anything about me, who I am and what I represent. I am entitled to have my say here just as much as you or anybody else.
I am a double national and have spent many years abroad, nowadays I live and spend my time in between countries and have several close "foreign" relatives in various countries including Malta, This Mr Ray allows me to see things from both ends so to speak and therefore can assimilate more to their difficulties. An advantage I like to share and when possible help foreigners in every way, and yes even on ex-pat forums. (too bad for you)
Now when I'm greeted with such pompous aggressiveness against an honest opinion, I can't help think that truth hurts and that I was right! Not that in my opinion anything I said about the English influence in Malta is insulting or degrading in any manner, on the contrary I think it shows esteem towards Britain and the British. So why did you answer aggressively with something that has nothing to do with the topic but just to attack me? Or maybe it does in a more subtle way! Maybe you're annoyed because I touched a sensitive nerve...maybe to you what I wrote insinuates that British or to be more precise the English general negative opinion about the E.U. is undoubtedly right, and therefore perfectly evident that others see the light! It can never be a matter of influence but simply as downright obvious. Of course seeing things from this point of view I can understand your vexation!
Or is it simply as I already hinted, your love and respect towards the Maltese and maybe you felt that in some way I degraded my compatriots! I pity you Mr Ray, It is attitudes like yours that make the Maltese stay at distance towards certain foreigners who have never and never will understand us. In fact I feel so much for your suffering that I suggest you return to your country and stop the sacrifice.
As you obviously missed the point of my previous post, or chose to ignore it, there is not much point in posting further.
I would just point out that the purpose of this blog, as it says at the top, is to 'share your Expat experiences' and you have not lived in Malta as an expat, but still, in 2 days of membership, give your opinion / advice on 5 different topics.
Yes Mr. Ray,
I understood very well what you wanted to say, and I do not give you or anybody else the right to dictate to me what I can or can not do, or decide whether I have the right to be here or not; especially in the disrespectful manner you did it, while by the same starting a discussion which has absolutely nothing to to with the initial topic on which I gave my opinion. It seems to me that you have appropriate and feel some sort of supreme right to this site. Well let me tell you; "No".
My colours are red & white. Do not ever forget that. I can write a book, believe me you do not want to take me there!
Let me say something to all foreigners and try to help you understand; and I hope this will stop here as things are getting a little bit out of hand and this was not my intention.
We Maltese have suffered for centuries on end by the arm and under the boot of the occupant. British, French, and all the others down the line, except maybe during Phoenician and Roman rule. Despised and abused in our own land. Hence our sensitivity to disrespect now that we are finally our own masters.
Let me tell you, sincerely; You are welcome to our humble Island, more than welcome, you are invited to come and dwell here. But only on two conditions:
The first is that you have to respect us, in our dignity, and as equals, to you and to all other humans on this Earth.
Secondly, You have to understand that a different country is just that, different, with a different culture, different values, different ways of thinking, different ways of doing things.You must recognise our non-negotiable right that in our country (like you in yours), we do things in the way that we want, when we deem right, in the rhythm that suits us, and above all for us.
Now I can understand the inconvenience and discomfort of a foreigner having to assimilate another culture (God knows I've experienced that several times myself). Then again, and without any any arrogance, If it is too hard for an individual to take it, change the country. The world is big enough.
I wish a good day to all and no hard feeling.
redders_61 wrote:What on earth makes anyone think Greece may leave the EU? A Grexit refers specifically to the Eurozone NOT the EU.
can a country leave the euro and remain in the EU ?
would Greece be asked to leave the EU if it left the euro, especially if it defaulted on debt ?
nobody knows as its not covered in the EU treaties
I wish to thank everyone for their opinion.
For someone like myself, who doesn't live in Malta, every piece of information on the topic is valuable.
I understand that it's possible that 100% of that information may be inaccurate or 100% may be accurate, but the important part is that if there's any information at all, it's still valuable when handled correctly.
Thanks to everyone
I hope that more opinions can be shares on the case where the EU is not beneficial to Malta, as it seems to be at the moment, and how that would affect attitudes for membership there.
I'm not an expert, but I'm worried when I hear the UK talking about leaving, and recently learned that France has such "talks" as well, let alone Greece and other countries.
It's obvious to me that while the EU is a beneficial option for countries, they will want to be a part of it, but the very fact that there's talk in so many key EU members about leaving, tells me that there may be something wrong.
Personally, for myself, I'm trying to establish an idea about where things may be going and if my personal goal of obtaining Maltese citizenship is endangered, can I do something about it, if anything.
Deithrian wrote:if my personal goal of obtaining Maltese citizenship is endangered.
you are extremely unlikely to ever be given Maltese citizenship, unless you have Maltese in your family tree, or marry someone Maltese
georgeingozo wrote:you are extremely unlikely
Thank you George, I'll take that chance. : )
in that case you should do the lottery as well, as you have about the same chance of succeeding :-)
Deithrian wrote:georgeingozo wrote:you are extremely unlikely
Thank you George, I'll take that chance. : )
You never know you might find shergar and lord lucan whilst your waiting.....,
if your an eu citizen currently your chances of getting citizenship are 0
Please, let a man have his dreams. Thank you
respect doesnt come by right..... it comes by being earned...
Very well said, Toon. Perhaps some bloggers should quietly take this on board before they post.
Not when you're in someone else's home it doesn't.
If you'd like me to elaborate on that we can do it using England and all the immigrants there as examples!
Deithrian wrote:I wish to thank everyone for their opinion.
For someone like myself, who doesn't live in Malta, every piece of information on the topic is valuable.
I understand that it's possible that 100% of that information may be inaccurate or 100% may be accurate, but the important part is that if there's any information at all, it's still valuable when handled correctly.
Thanks to everyone
I hope that more opinions can be shares on the case where the EU is not beneficial to Malta, as it seems to be at the moment, and how that would affect attitudes for membership there.
I'm not an expert, but I'm worried when I hear the UK talking about leaving, and recently learned that France has such "talks" as well, let alone Greece and other countries.
It's obvious to me that while the EU is a beneficial option for countries, they will want to be a part of it, but the very fact that there's talk in so many key EU members about leaving, tells me that there may be something wrong.
Personally, for myself, I'm trying to establish an idea about where things may be going and if my personal goal of obtaining Maltese citizenship is endangered, can I do something about it, if anything.
Why would you want Maltese citizenship? what do you hope to achieve by having it? - even if it was possible - why is it your goal?
Toon wrote:Why would you want Maltese citizenship? what do you hope to achieve by having it? - even if it was possible - why is it your goal?
Oh wow, I can imagine that this answer will sound bizarre to people, to say the least, but it is what it is...
I didn't grew up with the local culture. As a result, I am not a part of it. A strong side effect is that I actively don't wish to be associated with that culture, in any way, shape or form, and this has become a paramount priority.
I want to be a part of something that's meaningful to me, something I can relate to, something I can agree with.
My understanding is that I can find such a life being a part of the Maltese society.
The reasons why are too many to mention, but the more I find out about the Maltese, the more reasons there are in support of my understanding.
Of course, I'm not arrogant enough to think that whatever I wish for should be possible, and that the Maltese people should welcome anyone, just because they say they want to be a part of them.
I just want the freedom to define myself.
And I don't want to live my life being a part of something I'm not.
but that could be any society surely - why maltese?
Hi mike44. I have to say you are talking through your hat. The biggest mistake Malta made was joining the EU. What Malta needed was a good government for the last 25 years. I honestly believe somewhere down the track the Maltese will up rise, as most of their jobs are going to foreigners.
Because of the influx of foreigners coming here and working cheap and filling in job positions that would have normally been filled by Maltese. I wonder how long the Maltese will tolerate that?
The only people the EU is good for is the rich.
The Maltese workers have lost all their bargaining power for better working condition and better wages.The reason being that their are plenty of Bulgarians, Romanians and Croations who will work for peanuts.
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