
Application for Mauritian Nationality


Can anyone give me information, tips, advice about the Application for Mauritian Nationality.
I am Belgian and I am married to a Mauritian. How long must I be living in Mauritius before applying, from when do they start counting? Is there anyone with experience in this matter?
Also is it a problem to have dual nationality here?

Thank you!!!

See also

Invest in MauritiusRetiring in MauritiusTraveling to MauritiusInvesting in a project under Vente en l'état future d'achèvementMarriage certificate and South African Police Clearance

You have to reside on the island for 4 yrs ( if you leave for vacations or business , the period will be longer to compensate for your absence) before you can apply for citizenship.

No problem for dual citizenship so long Belgium does not prevent you from doing so.

Do a search on this forum to see other thread on the same subject with govt websites


Thank you! :)


Above all requirements, Plz note that the PMO still reserved the right on whether or not to grant you citizenship .

All the best!!


yaassinnn wrote:

bring original and copy of ur resident permit,marriage certificate,birth certificate and identity of husband and proof of address in mauritius

hello yassin

is that's all you need/

does it cost much?


Thank you all for the responses!! Merci beaucoup!