
Ending a British Marriage in Denmark


Hello all.

I have a complicated situation which I hope somebody can assist with. The information I read online is confusing to say the least!

I moved to Denmark, but I'm still legally married to my British husband. We've been separated for almost 2 years. He's still in the UK.

I want to get divorced once able to (2 years separation), but I don't know how to go about it from here. Can I divorce him through the Danish system or will I have to do it through the British courts? I could see a professional about this, but I want to at least find out what my options are before paying to see a lawyer.

Any help would be appreciated. I'm very confused over it all.

See also

Getting married in DenmarkTravelling to DenmarkIssues with CPR de-registeration if I am coming back in a monthPR for doctors and dentistsImmigration to Denmark
Nellie Berg


You can find everything you need at the home site of (the state administration) which is the authority to deal with separations and divorces in DK. The information is in English as well is in Danish. You can phone Statsforvaltningen, you can ask for them to call you and you can write to them. You can see them Just look for the little box Kontakt above to the right.

You'll find the papers needed on the home site. Statsforvaltningen also offers to help you file in the papers. Statsforvaltningen has 9 departments in the country. Just go ahead and contact them.


Thank you for the information! It seems easier than I expected.