
Safety in Thailand

Last activity 05 August 2015 by dwr

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The funny part is that so many people always point to pattaya and Phuket BUT
I live 5 years in Pattaya I never HAD any problem what I not can say from Bangkok

People in Bangkok are a lot more aggressive than the Thai in pattaya or Phuket if I can go back to pattaya next week, I go today. I found it also strange if I look to Thai visa (daily) that I read complete different stories that what the most people write here.
It seems like that all the people here are very lucky or maybe live too long here in Thailand and start to find everything normal, I’m the last to say that Thailand is the most dangerous country in the world but I’m also the last that gone say is saver than European capital cities.

And yes I’m agree places like Udon Thani are saver than BKK, but maybe the problem of save or not save depends on how the police react to problems and till what I have seen the do nothing and I know what I’m talking about because I work 2 years for them


alaintouillet1... j'ai rien compris.
I don't understand your post.


OK sorry did not directly address your topic! I have lived in Thailand for over 8 years, in Bangkok and in Chiang Mai in safety, no issues. I do not go alone, do not usually go to any areas that are bars etc.. I have been there but not my cup of tea!  I love it here, have no safety issues,  no thief,  no confrontations! 
Hope this is better for you all?


I was out many times alone late at night in Chiang Mai. Just moved to Hua Hin and though I live about 2 - 3 Kilo's from city center it's fairly countryish here.....


The last thing I want to say about this topic because I have the feeling the most people know only 1 part of safety what we not call safety but security

Safety is a personal experience
You have Normative, Substantive and perceived safety and security (social or public)

And the moral issues a death due to murder is considered worse than a death in a car crash

Explanation like if you not go to this place and this place and avoid this area, not go to bars, don't rent anything is bullshit (sorry for the word) every city is safe if you avoid this and that
Is Paris save, yes it is if you avoid the suburb’s
Is Brussel save, yes if you avoid the area around station North.
People from esean don’t talk about safety in bkk, pattaya Phuket etc. how can you know you live 800 km away from this places, security becomes a bigger problem if you not speak the same language
safety is more than robberies, theft, confrontations etc, safety is also riding on the roads, Thailand is on place 6 with the most dead people on the roads in the world, rating 42.9, Namibia is on place 1 with a rating of 53.4   so if we look to this part of safety, Thailand ISN’T safe
Vietnam place 46
Indonesia place 56
Cambodia place 87


I must say that people have a negative way of considering if Thailand is safe or not
If you consider the population of plus minus 62 million and the "Farang" population, which nobody can give an accurate figure, and you stay away from bars,nightclubs and known drug area users your chances of being a victim of crime are extremely remote.
I have in all my years travelling Thailand never felt endangered except for the road carnage 
Have a look at Thailand crime statistics and you will notice that violent crime is very low and mostly in the large cities in the less nice areas of the city
I am relaxed here and do not consider crime a negative factor in Thailand.I have actually become less vigilant due to the low crime rate in my area
As said in my previous post the greatest danger in my opinion in Thailand is travelling and on the roads due to no law enforcement and 10 year old kids driving motorbikes


Depending which Thai City and places you are in. How you carry yourself such as flashing money or ladies with lots of gold jewelry and thick gold chains, bracelets etc. How you talk with people as some boast they bought a house, car etc. Thus one is open to thieves and robbers.

Down south Thailand, bombs explosion and getting shot at is part of life even you are innocent.

Look at below news link as a foreigner and his thai wife were robbed in their home. They report to the police and their case is not accepted.


I've lived 10 years in Thailand, traveled regularly here before that.

I've stopped over in most of the major cities and some of the larger towns, even the deep south where I missed a bomb attack by hours.

I've never had an accident, on or off the road... (my car, bought new has 100,000kms on the clock), never been robbed, never come down with a serious ailment, never been conned, ripped off or asked for a bribe by anyone in uniform.

I don't think that record is anything to do with luck, I'm always careful and I'm always polite. (Other than online....  smile.png  )


Life in Phuket is pretty safe I think.

The total level of safety in the country is pretty safe to my feeling. I also feel safe to go out and walk around on my own during day and night - obviously you should avoid certain areas, but I think this is the case in 99% of the places you visit. I have not been in a situation where criminality or social problems bring tension. I have to say though that we live in a pretty safe area, with nothing much happening around us.

My main problem here on the island with regards to safety is road safety. People drive dangerously, and even if you keep to the road rules and drive safely yourself, you still need to take the driving of others into account. There are so many accidents with busses with faulty breaks, and drunk drivers. That is my number one safety problem, as I am on the road so often.

Never done that

When i first come here on vacation i go the Tourist town, party at night, walk home 1-2-3-4 AM at Night, Never  a problem.
Even one time i was lost, I ask some Thai on the street, and they walk me to my hotel.

I live here in Thailand now for 4 years 6 month, never a problem for me. I can go out any time of the day / night, Every way i being.

The traffic when i first come here look "crazy" for me, today i don´t even think about it, it is "Normal" now.

When i first move to Thailand, Me and a foreigner friend bicycle every morning around 4:30 / 5:00 AM for 60 / 90 min, Super time we have together, See all the nice and friendly Thai every morning, See the city come to live (Nonthaburi)
Good time, never a problem, all ways welcome where every we come by, Super nice country and people.

Later i move to chaengwattana rd, And even so that street can look crazy like hell, i bicycle on it 3-5 time a week, and never have any trouble doing so.

Some thing to think about (maybe)

2 person live as neighbor, maybe work same place, have many join interests, go the same place.
1 person might find he day Unsafe and worried a lot.
The other person might find is Safe, and never worried at all.

I think it have a lot to do with the person all so, i might be wrong ?

All so, i do think it is a different between females and male about feeling safe.
And what we can do and not do !!!!

When i was here on vacation and a few time after i move here, when i was travel around Thailand, i like to walk out of the small city, look at the nature and so on.
Some time a motorbike / pickup stop, and ask what i was doing.
And we start talking.

After a little time he/she/they ask me if i want to go see they house / farm with them.
So i go with them, see the place, meet the family, hear they histories, eat with them, a few time drink a beer.
And really enjoy live and Thai people.
When time was up, the drive me to my hotel / guest house.

When i tell this to female, they tell me, they never do that, And never think about doing this.
Because they to afraid something bad might happened to them.
I do understand this.

Yes, i love Thailand and Thai, best place every, best people i every meet.


Hi, I feel like saying don't get me started! I have lived in Phuket with my Thai Wife who is also a US Citizen. We met in the USA 10 yrs ago. After a visit to Phuket 5 yrs ago I thought it would be a wonderful idea and experience to transfer with my company to Phuket, so we did.
I wish the hell I had stayed in the USA. I got robbed by 2 Katoys (Lady Boys) on a motorcycle, on my way to the Atm. They stole a $6,000 dollar necklace from me and drove off, and no one would be a witness. I called the Police who were totally worthless, and even asked me for Gas Money to go look for the bad guys. Needless to say I didn't get my necklace back, and many people even said if the Police found it, they would probably sell it and split the money.
If you think this is unfair, then sit with an Honest Thai and watch "Real TV" on a Thai TV station and watch what goes on all day every day in Thailand. My Wife interprets for me, but just watching you can see for yourself.
And it isn't isolated to Phuket or Phataya. My wife went to Udon in the country to visit Family, and during that crazy custom of "Songkran" where guaranteed, literally, Hundreds, die every year. She went for a walk with a few people when a Drunk Driver came screaming down the road in a truck went up the sidewalk, running over several people, "Killing", an Innocent 13 yr old and hitting my Wife, which put her in a wheelchair for months not knowing if she would ever walk again.
What happened to the driver, word has it that the Family had money so they bought there way out of it, he went home.
For anyone not believing this, or thinking I am too hard on Thai people, consider this.
One day it was on Thai news that they caught a whole bunch of Thai men testing to be Police, and they got caught "Cheating", on the test. This is the Police.
One more thing, the Govt released the Stats for the level of Corruption in Thailand, and it was a shocking 89% to 11%
when I said to my Wife in shock, WOW 11% corruption, she said no it's the 89% that are corrupt.
Farangs don't hear about all this because they don't understand nor watch Thai TV.
And I am sure if you post this, people will be very upset because they cannot "Lose Face", if you ask me they lost Face many years ago.
I have never seen so many crazy drivers in my life, do you know there is no real testing, as we know it, they don't know how to back up and you see so many underage kids with 4 on a bike driving without a license.
If Thai people want to save face, why don't they help the Farang and the Police to stop the bad ones. Thai people please note, you have a Beautiful country, and you should respect the tourist, where do you think the money is coming from.
I feel sorry for your Wonderful King, I have listened to his philosophy many times, he is a wonderful man, but sadly his people don't listen to him.
I think the best thing that's happened to Thailand in a long time is "The General", he speaks common sense. Please listen to him and adjust.
Thailand can regain it's great reputation again with some effort, be "The Land of Smiles, and wonderful Hospitality".
You can do it. I apologize if I have upset anyone but please consider the facts, but then "Change Them".
A concerned Farang with a Beautiful Thai Wife.
For reasons of Safety I prefer to be Anonymous.

nikki cairns

Hi I have lived in Thailand for 15 years. In  London I was mugged 4 times. Once in the south if France ! Here nothing. If you are sensible dont hang out in girly bars or have Ex pat friends involved in dodgy business deals or drugs. Get too drunk and are basically  stupid then I feel safer here than in Europe. But I have been burgled  (house broken into) 4 times. Now I have secured my house. I am a woman living alone but now I feeel very safe here.


Read below article


12 years disable girl at home being raped.

Good that new law comes into effect whereby foreigners are screen for pedophile before becoming teachers.

These people who hurt kids need to be punish severly.


Besides being screwed for 10,s of thousands of dollars and gold jewlery by a girl who can only be described as
a sucubus, being labaeled a drug dealer and very dangerous man, (my ex girlfriends parting gift to me) being robbed on many occasions, drugged and robbed several times, shaken down by the police, suffered constant surveillance from the police....a complete invasion of privacy and rights.....and I dont even smoke weed.  I feel safe but violated....cheers


In reply to ckoshman I would like to comment that as I have said it depends with who you associate and where you hang out
I have met several Thai women and not one of them has any of the traits which you described the one lady as.
I have not been followed by the police as a matter of fact they have been very kind to me in the town where I stay.I have never been drugged in my life neither robbed though I lived most of my life in South Africa one of the most violent societies in the world.
I do not know how you can be drugged and robbed without you hanging out in the wrong places  and I have been to  BKK Pattaya or Phuket and have spent a lot of time in those cities.
I have been coming to Thailand for 14 years and imported to SA from here
None of my friends have ever had any bad experience here and many have spent holidays here.
I think start looking with who you associate and where you hang out


I to am unhappy with Thailand, but I came here to support my wife's family, we are both US citizens. This country is a nightmare but it is cheap to live and that is why most Expats are here, including myself.  But the family doesn't really need us, most everyone is busy with there own lives, all of the nieces & nephews have nothing to do with us, thai people can be very selfish & seft centred. We have made a few Thai friends here, but is it enough to want to stay? I want you to know that we came to Thailand every year for 20 years and then it was a beautiful country, had not been trashed by the Tourist.  How many countries do you know that the government allows the tourist to do such a thing. Anyway I have gotton in touble many times on this website, so I don't want to complain to much but it is amazing how so many people can ignore everything that's going on around them, and not care about others. We are using Thailand now as a travel hub, to visit other countries. But we are also planning on returning to the US, one day soon. Sell the condo, car, and move back to civilisation. Good Luck to you.


I dont know where you live but I can give you the names of the places I was drugged in. Some sort of sleeping pill. Yes , I was out alone but not drunk and in a popular area in Thailand. I had time to get in a taxi and that is all I remember until waking up at a bus stop at 5am with no money ,no ATM, no phone ,no camera. I moved to an old part of Bangkok. It happened there as well. As far as the girls go......I was with this one for 4 years and loved her. All was fine until I asked her where all the gold I bought her went. She said it was in the bank. So I said I wanted to see it....Thats when things went south. It is Thai girls and Thai people who tell me about the money hungry girls here. About 85%.......I thought Thailand was great until I asked the wrong question.What happened to the money and jewlery? I hope your happy journey in Thailand continues......I like many others....share the same story and it,s not isolated or happy....cheers


Hey Mr ckoshman,
Reading your post there's but one thing I can think to say,  ...  You don't learn very fast do you??

ckoshman wrote:

I dont know where you live but I can give you the names of the places I was drugged in. Some sort of sleeping pill. Yes , I was out alone but not drunk and in a popular area in Thailand. I had time to get in a taxi and that is all I remember until waking up at a bus stop at 5am with no money ,no ATM, no phone ,no camera. I moved to an old part of Bangkok. It happened there as well.

predation happens every where around the world. When you are isolate (alone), you could become  target. But not every where in Thailand, i think this is tipically the fact in big cities or tourism area where mafias search for quick and easy money. But... i think everybody know that.

ckoshman wrote:

As far as the girls go......I was with this one for 4 years and loved her.

this one ? is there some other ones you love to ? because i think it can also be possible to not really know someone when we are not married and stay live with only her... then if you have some other ones, it could be a situation who make you probably more difficulties to find someone really good.

ckoshman wrote:

All was fine until I asked her where all the gold I bought her went. She said it was in the bank. So I said I wanted to see it....Thats when things went south. It is Thai girls and Thai people who tell me about the money hungry girls here. About 85%.......I thought Thailand was great until I asked the wrong question.What happened to the money and jewlery? I hope your happy journey in Thailand continues......I like many others....share the same story and it,s not isolated or happy....cheers

But you not married with her ? You give her gold or you borrow her money by gold ?
What i ask you is: you give really ?
and then... if you not give.. she gone ?
i ask you that because i think that love is not something you could sale or buy.
Then if the condition for your(s) girl(s) stay is about what you can give... then it is not real love, do you know it ?

then for show you it is not a fatality, my story in Thailand is so different. I no have gold to give, and i don't want to have relation for monney, because i think it is not respectable relations. I could hlep and give... (happy with that when possible) but in this case, i not wait for something back particular. Aslo around me all the people (Thaï peoples) i know are realy sympathic and generous to. Sure..; i not stay in Bangkok or touris area, i not go in bars, i not drink (4 beers in one year...), night time i stay quiet at home or just go barbecue restaurant with my wife and some friends or familly sometimes. I go for evenment (when someone near familly we know die or when have something special: new house ceremonial with mongs, etc...) and tryu to do integration (i not leave here like i would do in my own country, i try to learn the cultur and have good quality realtioons... here they are better most of the time than in my own counrty).
Maybe it could be a new way for you to find something better ?

It is really a typical story about what's happen when trust or have relations change: money / love . This never works and you are lucky to just been stolen i think. It could be much more dangerous in some other countries.
I hope you will find the only one you will be possibly share love (and not gold for love) for real.


There are 2 interestings links to read

1st one is about a book ( you can have access to 14 pages of preview ) - Thailand deadly destination.... … mp;f=false

2nd one is about BKK sex worker and corruption … kdown.html


We are in the land of smiles and like the prior post this stuff doesnt happen in Thailand. Yes....I didnt learn quick. But in the same breath this was done with the knowledge of people I had known for some time and yes....I trust and I have some faith in people. But why would I have to worry since all the ladys here are above reproachable honest and experiences  similar to mine never occur. The fact of the matter is that most expats refuse to admit they got screwd and this happens regularly .

cthierrymk wrote:

There are 2 interestings links to read

1st one is about a book ( you can have access to 14 pages of preview ) - Thailand deadly destination.... … mp;f=false

2nd one is about BKK sex worker and corruption … kdown.html

directly in the second pages the author writes that Thailand is the capital of crime in Asia... make me smile, because when you stay Thailand far from big cities and tourism areas, you know that it is a wrong generality and also a dramatic view of thinking (you can not denie that many strangers stay and have a good life here in Thailand... ). It is also an extrem vision to said that because there is some problems (is there a place there is not in the facts ?) in some places in Thailand, then all the Thailand is like that... it is definitly make me thinking that it could not be serious but more a sensationalism technics (like some strange medias named documentraries where there is never prouv of whet they said, and repeat again and again the same thinks with songs, musics, ... looks like more science fiction...) just for try to make the media more attractive by emotionnal turns.
i'm not convicted by this form of sensational writing technics who pretend to be a documentation... sorry.

ckoshman wrote:

We are in the land of smiles and like the prior post this stuff doesnt happen in Thailand. Yes....I didnt learn quick. But in the same breath this was done with the knowledge of people I had known for some time and yes....I trust and I have some faith in people. But why would I have to worry since all the ladys here are above reproachable honest and experiences  similar to mine never occur. The fact of the matter is that most expats refuse to admit they got screwd and this happens regularly .

Who don't want to admit what in the facts of stories ?
The fact is not to much expats are screwed, and sure, it could be difficult for you to just recognize it.
The fact is, if you know the familly of your ex girld friend (or one of yours), you will just have to go her familly place for find her. If you don't know nothing in fact about her and talk about love... it could be very strange, no ?
So i'm really convicted than yes... you probably meet people think same you (other ones choose an other way and can not see/meet you the same place, beacaues they are not and don't want to go the same place, don't want and don't think same you...).
All of that seems to be is so logic in fact. Isn't it ?
I not denie your life and experiences, and then you can not denie mine and all other to. Just have to do a choice or change something... or maybe because to difficulmt to accpet the facts of consequences, looks like lie yourself (but it is a thinking, i'm not sure... you know better than me, it is your life, i just give you back my feeling to answer you by your experience you share... do your choices, but denie serve nothing).


add jo-burg, thailand is a safety heaven compared to south africa


I am sorry you have had issues,  think you need to go back to US. I will not go back there,  freedoms being lost there,  socialism is the new way!  I am a retired, disabled Veteran. Good luck!


I doubt if i will ever go back to SA permanently. The only reason will be if I have major health issues as i have medical aid there.
I think Thailand is what you make of it and I certainly have not had any issues with "family" friends or any other Thais
Even when I go for my 90 day report  the officer who signs the 90 day renewal is extremely friendly and always has a joke to make.He has told me to mail it to the office but I enjoy the trip there 75 km and the short chat to him
He has never even hinted for any gift and is a great guy
This indicates to me that Thailand is not so corrupt as it is said and not all cops hint or ask for tea money
I investigated corruption in SA for many years and know Thailand is also corrupt but it has not effected me yet
Could skycop 51 please send me a personal email address as I would like to correspond with him


Hi...I live in the northeast in a rural community not far from Renu Nakhon and life here is very laid back but one must always not take safety for granted...In small country communities there is a lot of poverty so theft is a problem and one must always lock house and gates to reduce the chances of being robbed...
Thai drivers are amongst the worst in the world, in fact they have the second highest death rate on earth and some 26.000 die on Thai roads every year...Whilst we in western countries are professionally taught to drive,Thais' are predominantly self taught and have little regard for road laws...You can add to this the number of under aged unlicensed drivers, particularly on motor cycles and you have a cocktail for disaster...Defensive driving is a must as is the level of concentration which must be high to avoid accidents...The level of policing of road laws is abysmal and nothing short of a disgrace and maybe if the Thai police got serious about road behaviour the level of road carnage would fall...
Many Thais' have hand guns and it is unwise to get involved in any disputes...Whilst I have a background in law enforcement I am very wary of the level of firearms in the community...
I think living in Thailand has it's challenges and so long as we are mindfull of them we will have no problems...


I cannot agree more with Co12
Have same background and totally agree with him.
I have just found that in the community I live in honesty at this stage is important to them and sofar have not had any theft problems. I live near 304 Industrial about 20 km.Have never seen Police enforce any law

Col2 wrote:

Hi...I live in the northeast in a rural community not far from Renu Nakhon and life here is very laid back but one must always not take safety for granted...In small country communities there is a lot of poverty so theft is a problem and one must always lock house and gates to reduce the chances of being robbed...
Thai drivers are amongst the worst in the world, in fact they have the second highest death rate on earth and some 26.000 die on Thai roads every year...Whilst we in western countries are professionally taught to drive,Thais' are predominantly self taught and have little regard for road laws...You can add to this the number of under aged unlicensed drivers, particularly on motor cycles and you have a cocktail for disaster...Defensive driving is a must as is the level of concentration which must be high to avoid accidents...The level of policing of road laws is abysmal and nothing short of a disgrace and maybe if the Thai police got serious about road behaviour the level of road carnage would fall...
Many Thais' have hand guns and it is unwise to get involved in any disputes...Whilst I have a background in law enforcement I am very wary of the level of firearms in the community...
I think living in Thailand has it's challenges and so long as we are mindfull of them we will have no problems...

I'm in north (in the middle north exactly) of the Country (so really... no strangers or maybe not more than 50 in the department), people in the campaign very poor here. I let house open, never have problem (sure if i go far, i close), but also, i know the peoples around because i like to go and see them, change food cooking, help for do little jobs (just for help for free), joke a lot, etc... then i have very good relations with every body here.
When i read your post, i would like to tell you that there is maybe two possiblities for you: 1 know the peoples around and have good relations (also accept peoples come to see you said hello without call before , just like that, and share food with them, be open mind, smile, give fruit from your garden, share) or if they are like you said (dangerous... but i never see that except near big tourism area or big cities), change place, because when i read you, it seems to not be the Thailand place i stay... defnitily different (except on the road). Also, i think if it is so dangerous for you, definitly don't stay this place.


Personally I don't drive motorbike as I never did it in m own country and find it dangerous.

I don't live in city center, and no go out night, most place will be bring kid to schools, supermarket, shopping, food market, etc...

I opted to live in gated community, does not mean it is perfect with guard at the entrance as I have window bars, many neighbours Thai, leave light on all night, some have their cctv, middle class thai ( business, doctor, policeman, etc.. )

It is not link to the area which is Hang Dong in Chiang Mai, it is just the way Thai feel insecure I think, and when they can afford to live in a gated community it is to feel safe, to avoid noise, dogs, people sitting on front of your door, selling drug, and for their kids to ride their bicycle safely inside the mooban.

Also in a small gated community ( less than 50 houses ) all the people know each others, kids play together, they meet at meeting also, even many foreigners who bought houses there live abroad and just come for 1 month per year, we keep look at their house.

Outside in the street I will always double check for car to cross a street even with pedestrian path as I know they drive mad and pedestrian have no priority for them.

If you keep good relation in the place you live whichever it is with neighbour, security if any, if you are polite, this put a better atmosphere and more secure climate.

When I go to the market same place for over 3 years, they know me, as I am a good customer and always go to the same people mainly, they are very kind.

Except when I go to school where one parent is foreigner I don't really have contact with foreigners, I don't drink and except few restaurant outside and kid's activity I don't go outside without precise objective.

Moderated by Maximilien 9 years ago
Reason : send your personal details in private please

Me and my Family live now 5 years in Bangkok. We have small kids and take them everywhere.
Thailand is as safe as any other country in Asia. As long as you do normal things, not going on your own in a dark allly in some dodgy street or going in some weird sex related bar; Thailand is safe.
People are helpful in the streets. Yes, you have to watch when you cross over a busy street.
Yes you have to take care of your belongings as in most places. It's no rocket science.
Thailand loves children and are so patient and calm when you need some help with your kids. Me on my own going out in the night with a group of friends (women) in Bangkok is great too. Never been scared or threatened.
And another safety issue is of course the food everywhere. All these food vendors are doing a good job! I have never had food poison etc. And of course you can see for yourself if it's a good idea to eat at a stall or not.

This all said, we live in a gated community with loads of expats. The maids are till a certain extend reliable same as with drivers. Tips here and there for guards, gardeners etc are most welcome and will help you with your daily life and give you a safe feeling.
Put a translation app on your phone! That is very handy - if they cannot read, you can let it speak wink.png
English is not a common language to speak in Thailand. This was for me a big surprise since there are soooo many tourists all year round.

All and all, Thailand is a great place to live, travel around and enjoy life.
Same same but different wink.png


I agree with all you have said here! Good luck!



Thankyou William....I see one is foolish enough to believe Thais' wont steal if you are kind to them....I have been here for 6 years and my wife who is a High School teacher has lived here all her life as has her parents before that and all of them would never leave their house unlocked when not at home....I have a drug dealer next to me and at the neighouring village there are many young budding criminals....With my past history in policing I have seen many fools both in my home country and here who think everyone is a good guy...The best policy is to do all you can to prevent opportunist theft and not rely on the police to be of any help as they are more often than not corrupt as is the case with the guy next door to me who is paying off the local police....
Stay safe my friend and enjoy Thailand..

Dave Pacho

As in any country, you don't have to look very hard to find trouble in big cities or rural areas for that matter. Wherever there is a lot of tourism and or gang activity/poverty, you will find trouble. I'm currently living in the countryside outside of Khon Buri where not much of anything goes on after 8:30 PM. I've lived in a Pattaya and have visited Bangkok on several occasions, where like in any big cities, trouble areas are obvious, so you simply avoid them. Again, I'm certain I could find trouble even in my neighborhood if I looked hard enough. Personal safety is a matter of staying alert, using common sense and being familiar with your surroundings. There is no self defense art, gun or bladed weapon you could carry that would save you from serious if not fatal injury if the attacker(s) is/are well schooled. The internet is a wonderful source of information. Take the time to do the homework before venturing into unknown territory.


Great advice, but as a senior citizen I have no interest in living in this kind of situation, if I was younger it might not be so bad, I have a Black Belt but at my age I don't have the moves anymore. Time to move back to the US for our safety. Patrick


Back to the US for Safety???  LOL maybe next to Sam Iam or behind Cat N. Thehat..........


I lived in California,  It is much safer to live in a state where most people obey the laws & if not there are consequences. Not just paying bribe money to someone. To Each His Own.


Your message is exactly what I was pointing out and I agree wholeheartedly with you...This country is NOT where we hail from and only a fool would put themselves in harms way....Familiarising oneself with your neighbourhood and those around you is sound thinking....
Like you I have done my homework around my local and I know the problem areas and don't frequent them...Unfortunately I have one living next door who pedals drugs but he knows what my former work was and I know he has an arsenal of weapons and as he is in the older age group for a criminal we have a mutual respect for each other...I know he has the local police on the payroll so I can't do anything about this situation but he hasn't transgressed into my domain so I leave sleeping dogs lie...
I have seen other posts of expats who think they can leave their properties unlocked and kindness cures all but they are fools...Human nature is human nature no matter what part of the world you live in...
My approach is identical to yours and I concur with everything you wrote...


Dave has hit the nail on the head
What he says is so true
I also live in the countryside
I cannot believe that people dont use their common sense when they travel or even leave their house
No gun is as fast as a few drug induced youths attacking you.
As previously stated stay alert,keep up to date in your neighborhood and the chances you will be robbed,assaulted or have your residence invaded is reasonably remote.

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