
Safety in Thailand

Last activity 05 August 2015 by dwr

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I believe I would have moved!


It depends on how one compares between USA or other countries against Thailand on safety.
Just yesterday, in Louisana, 3 people were killed and several wounded in a Cinema. This is not the first time in USA.
There are shooting of students inside the school. Shooting of people in church.
Policemen shooting at Afro Americans few cases.

I have not read or seen such cases in
Thailand. As to driving, there are bikers
in USA in groups with no respect of the
law. Crime rate in USA is not low.

Depending on which state there are
mexicans; puerto ricans; cubans;
Africans; Italians; Russians groups
there. I don't need to say much as it's
known by Americans as well in the

Now lots of Asians there too like
Koreans; Chinese; Pakistanis;
Bangladeshi; Indians and Filipinos.
I consider Thailand much safer than
USA as I know I won't get shot in church
or school or cinema or supermarket.

A child from different race parents will
not be judge different as racist here is
not like USA.

I can write a book on pros and cons of USA and Thailand thus it's how one wish to choose.

I choose Thailand or other Asian countries like Indonesia or Philippines etc but not USA for I will be judge by the colour of my skin; eyes and hair. Though it may not be outwardly but I'm consider 1 step below.

I got relatives living in USA and they are Americans. What is happening there is shared within the family circle.

USA is good for holidays; shopping and seeing some places. But to live there for retirement, I will not wink my eye.

Anytime I would choose this region or New Zealand.


Hello Thailand4me!
About you say"it is much better to live in a state where most people obey the laws" talking about America! Are you really serious? Apparently there are more homicides in L.A. than deaths due to wars in places like Gaza, many areas you cannot even go there at night, and there are crazy people legally walking around with guns that murder innocent persons for no reason, or black people because they are racists!
If you feel safer in U.S. why don't you live there?
Personally I prefer Thailand, I can tell you that even Sukhumvit or Silom in Bangkok very late at night are safer than any French city and I guess most European cities also.
So if "people don't obey the laws" in Thailand I'm all for that, because what they do obey is the most respect and deference for other human beings which makes me very happy. In the West are people even aware of what's going on around them?
Any open minded person without any problems, I tell them don't you worry about safety in Thailand!


I don't live in Thailand anymore but I did live there for over ten years. I never felt insecure or fearful or had one bad experience with Thai people.

This is perhaps for a couple of reasons. I didn't hang out in bars or with hookers. I was married with kids and was not out late in Bangkok looking for "action". I know some people get drugged or killed doing that and others get AIDS. So, I think that is something to be aware of.

Another thing is you get what you give. Kind of like instant karma. If you treat people with respect and you are "jai dee", you get that back big time. If you are an arrogant pushy American, you could die for that. Thai people don't like to be disrespected and "The land of smiles" can become very unsmiley for people who are rude, disrespectful or unconcerned for the local cultural norms. Climbing on top of a Buddha statue, for example.

If you are respectful and kind I don't know if there is any reason you will have anything to worry about in Thailand.

Recent red shirt/yellow shirt controversies should be avoided by foreigners. It's not your business. I have been asked which I prefer and I always say, I like blue shirts. ha ha


I agree with you. I moved back to the US a while ago because of handicapped kids. I never wanted to move back but it was the best for them. I lived in Chiang Mai and miss it a lot. I never felt any fear there, even though a falang and people think I must be rich, I never felt anything but respect, kindness and the charm of the Thai people. I was never in a situation where I felt uncomfortable. This is probably partly because people understood that I loved and respected their culture and partly because people are gracious enough to overlook my bad manners or unknowing cultural errors


That is the best way to live you life, but the cites are different, more crime, more traffic, more problems.  And in 10 years a lot can change.  We bought are condo years ago while we were still in the US, paid for now. But now there is so much traffic on our street, we can't even open the windows, and there are new condo's going up everywhere soon it will look just like Hong Kong, congested, smoggy, poor & rich living on top of each other, very sad. we are going to live half time in California & half in Thailand and probably someday move completely back. It is the Quality of life we miss, the morning & evening walks without getting run down by a motor scooter, the beautiful sunsets over the bay, being able to cross the street without being run down. The joy of driving again without someone right on top of you flashing there lights, and scooters coming at you in all directions. Where the law is inforced, where you can still ask a policeman to help you without having to pay a bribe. A more civilised country to live out your golden years. Where do you live now? Patrick

thailand4me wrote:

We bought are condo years ago while we were still in the US, paid for now. But now there is so much traffic on our street, we can't even open the windows, and there are new condo's going up everywhere soon it will look just like Hong Kong, congested, smoggy, poor & rich living on top of each other, very sad.

It was a wrong decision to buy a condo, did you live in condo in USA? I don't think so. Your wife is Thai you will enjoy a house with garden and view on mountain in the north like Chiang Mai. And if you want to walk with your dog and feel more safe you should invest 20 years ago in a gated community, as price go up quickly in Chiang Mai.

thailand4me wrote:

being able to cross the street without being run down. The joy of driving again without someone right on top of you flashing there lights, and scooters coming at you in all directions. Where the law is inforced, where you can still ask a policeman to help you without having to pay a bribe. A more civilised country to live out your golden years

I wonder what your Thai wife think about all negative things you have written in many forums about Thailand, whichever she has been brought abroad it is her country and her family live here ( same situation than mine ), I don't think she read all your post. Your main problem is you are bored here, you don;t go out a lot or scare, and living in a building does not arrange all of this, sell you condominium, it will take years as many are built each years, and buy a house in city far from tourist attraction. When you were working I a sure you have long days at work, stress, etc.. like many now are depressed, burn out in "civilized" countries ( to use your term ), now yu have lot of free time as no more working but it look like you live in a jail, you close yourself into a bubble. I travel nearly all over the world, as I was born in a small french carribean island, I studied in france, I work in france, UK, travel a lot in japan for my work,,, now I give up everything just to live, it was my choice. have a nice day


You don't know me I was a Chef travelled all over the world, my wife was a RN, We both worked hard, now we are retired and have lost the freedom we once had. My wife knows everything we are very close, she is also unhappy, we thought we would have more contact with her family, but the family stays to themselves and if you don't have children then you have nothing in common with them. So even though we do not have any children we thought we would have more family support. Before you judge someone try to get to know them first. I have sense stopped express myself, you should be happy, let people figure it out on there own. Good Luck to You. Patrick


You are so Blind, I lived in the San Francisco bay area, walked everyday or rode a bicycle on a path made just for that, no scooters running you down, no gated communities, no bars on your windows, little smog, great sunsets. where you could walk on the beach without stepping in garbage or dead rodents, where you can still swim in the water. Some beaches without a single person on them. Where driving was a pleasure not a video game to see who get's killed first. I have been to Chiang Mai it is much more low key than Nonthaburi, much like a college town, perhaps that is where I should be living, but I miss the bay area and everything it has to offer. I am homesick for friends. And am missing out on life experiences. We use to go sailing on the week-ends, we must get the happiness back in our lives. I will say that for me I didn't know how much life would change & not for the better. a big part of it was about the money exchange rate, and that should not be what you make you decisions on. You can live with less and still enjoy a Quality Life. Good Luck to you. Patrick


The US is a big country, parts of it can be very dangerous, but I lived in California in the San Francisco bay area, I don't think it can be compared to Thailand even though it is the same size as California. We do get some shootings sometimes, but we don't have human trafficking, slaves on fishing boats, foreigners used as scape goats to murders that were committed but with no one to blame. Everyone blames the US, but considering how big it is compared to Thailand I think it is not so bad. And another thing the US has many different races unlike Thailand which is mostly asian. It's a difficult issue to try and discuss. But it is best to live where you are Happy in your Golden Years. Patrick


We are.

thailand4me wrote:

now we are retired and have lost the freedom we once had. My wife knows everything we are very close, she is also unhappy, we thought we would have more contact with her family, but the family stays to themselves and if you don't have children then you have nothing in common with them

If you think you lost your freedom only you can fix it, nobody force you to come here, nobody take it away from you.
Advises given to many expat before to settle is to try during 6 months or 12 months before to take a decision, and clearly never invest if you don't intend to live here as maybe you will never get the money back, resell of condominium is not easy.

thailand4me wrote:

Before you judge someone try to get to know them first. I have sense stopped express myself, you should be happy, let people figure it out on there own.

I am not judging you at all, but as you post permanently things negative about Thailand this annoy people honestly, and comparing 2 countries like Thailand and USA it is completely silly.

I put this link for you to compare crime index and safety scale between San Francisco and Bangkok ( not the whole country as you want to focus in your SF bay ) : … y2=Bangkok

Except the problem of corruption and bribery, specific to Thailand, San Francisco does not look better for crime and safety, sorry mate.

Never done that


If you like the bay area and to be able to do some sailing, Why Nonthaburi, and again why write maybe Chiang Mai ??
Don´t make sense to me at all.
Go live where you have that, and yes many place in Thailand have this.

Why not try to sell you apartment / condo, or rent it out, use the rent you get in to pay rent for a house in a area you want to live.

Patrick, Sorry to hear you wife family stay away because you don´t have kids.
But i can tell 100% it is not normal Thai stay away because you don´t have kids, it is normal something else that keep them away.
Maybe it is because your so negative about Thailand and Thai ??


Greetings to you all.

No one is perfect neither in anything. This we all need to accept.

Let's not be a judge as all of us have our own sets of problems and lifestyle.

At times, some Thais don't accept a foreigner because of various reasons whereby it's no fault of the foreigner.

Take me for an example. I don't drink a drop of alcohol or wine or beer. Immediately not many thai men will sit down with me to talk especially at night.

I don't smoke so there is no moments like small chat over a stick of cigarette.

I don't party so no night life like bar girls or kinky massage etc. Automatic those thai men have no subject to talk to me.

Though I speak fluent thai as my work needs to speak Thai. I can do business presentation in Thai too

I love quiet and private lifestyle thus I don't have thai friends pop over my place to fine, watch tv and drink.

I maintain my life style and I had learned this phrase from a foreign lady who works in China for 5 years when I met her in 1995.

Her words was, "I rule China and China does not rule me." Immediately her words engraved into my heart and mind.

Therefore I live to my lifestyle and be happy in Thailand. Those who can't accept my style, so be it as I don't expect them to follow. Neither fo I need to follow their style.

18 years here, I NEVER join in the water spraying during Songkran as I feel I got more important things to do then just spraying water at each other.

I may check into a 5 star hotel and enjoy the hotel facilities. Laze and watch tv or have spa or room service. Draw the curtains and it's dark then sleep till I don't know the time.

Everyone has different likes and dislikes. I know what like in sailing as I do enjoy it or riding bicycle in nature.

It's how I plan and do it. Perhaps Thailand 4 me doesn't know where he can do in Thailand.

Let's give him the benefit of the doubt and try to see from his side. It's easy to see the other side like the grass looks greener.

All of us made mistakes and let the person stand up again.

Thank you; Merci; Denker.


You see what you want & close your eye's to everything else, I am not talking about the whole USA, only California. Your right it was my mistake coming here, but am going to fix it. The family wants the condo so no worrys there.


Yes I enjoy sailing as I said I was born in a small island, and one of my uncle had a small sailing boat 9m and each holidays we go to visit new places, it was really relaxing to navigate, I have seen so many islands in this area, sometimes there is not even a small airport on some island, all the islands between Barbados and virgin island... but I never live near the sea. However the sea is not far when you live in a island, all around, like you born in the mum last wishes was to put her ashes 3 miles away from the coast with floral wreath in sailing boat shape ( near diamond rock which is a big rock in the sea...)...

And as we talk here about safety, yes it is beautiful island called Martinique ( if you google it ) for vacation but unemployment rate is very high ( more than France average ) and young have nothing to do, crime, robbery, drug.... increase and you not feel anymore secure, even my mum ( who already passed away ) drove windows close and did not wear anymore jewellery since 2 people on motorbike snatch her necklace at a red light and nearly strangle her, she was shocked until the end of her life, and another auntie who was leaving a restaurant they snatch her handbag but as she resist her arm was dislocated as she was pull on the ground again by people on motorbike... this can happen anywhere in the world, but it is her country and people doing this are also in their country, local people.


Hello thailand4me and other contributors,
Mr. dwr got it right when he said: " get what you give. Kind of instant karma. If you treat people with get back big time......" In other words what you are yourself you get back reflected to you by the people and situations you meet. That is why the views are so different, I sometimes wonder if we are talking about the same country.
Thai people are reserved, to know the culture requires some effort and curiosity on the part of the visitor, but this can be well rewarded! Of course, if someone is Westerner with only the ideas they get from their country they will be unaware of many things, generally Westerners are preoccupied with their thoughts so do not look at the other people.
I notice Thai people are very observant even if they have a smart phone, they can see who you are! So if you are disrespectful in any way you will get this back by a very closed attitude.
Personally, I am impressed to see so many temples and shrines even in the midst of the commercial centre of Bangkok. Just see how many people stop to make offerings at Erewan shrine on the corner of Ratchadamri near Central Chidlom.
So if you like Thailand and are interested in the culture and speak a little thai you will find everybody is very pleasant, kind and respectful, perfect strangers even smile at you on the street!
Do you get this in America?


My experience in Thailand and others that have lived and traveled in Thailand have said the same - that in 7 years of living there I have never felt insecure or unsafe. As others have pointed out generally Thai people are non-confrontational but common sense applies as in any place. If a conflict does occur then it can escalate so best to avoid (eg arguments with taxi drivers). Also robbery is not common but there are places to be careful of mobile phones or handbags for example being taken. I am Australian but lived in the US, Brazil, and India and travelled widely through the Americas, Europe and Asia. Thailand is probably the safest of those foreign countries lived in. Chris K

thailand4me wrote:

You see what you want & close your eye's to everything else, I am not talking about the whole USA, only California. Your right it was my mistake coming here, but am going to fix it. The family wants the condo so no worrys there.


Please don't use this thread to vent your frustrations. I am frankly a bit tired of hearing how bad everything is and how much you want to leave Thailand, but cant because of your wife and your financial position.

I have every sympathy, but please give it a rest.


Hi All,

This thread is more about you telling us how safe you feel as in - " We would like to talk about a sensitive but important topic: do you feel safe in Thailand? " and to share with us your insight on safety in Thailand and in the city you live in.

We should avoid engaging into any kind of personal debates !

Each to their own and lets avoid drifting off topic please

Thank you



You got it, not another Peep out of me.


Yes, in California, or the San francisco Bay Area.  Can't say about the rest of the USA.


Im sorry I promised not to say a peep about this or anything else, to each his own. and Good Luck to all of You.


It is very sad to see crime happen to senior citizens, they feel like they can't leave there homes & have to have bars on there windows & gated doors, no way to spend your Golden Years.


Hi Patrick,

Know that this is not a chat room - try to group all that you have to say and post it all at once please and some of your posts are a bit off topic here

Thank you


prat guest

thai people are nice and good place
thief, accident all over happen this

Moderated by Christine 9 years ago
Reason : Useless comment. Please avoid controversy posts.
prat guest

Thailand giving you good life cheap then your country  and please let other people answer too
active on blog is good but going extra active makes abuse with others

take it easy

Moderated by Christine 9 years ago
Reason : Useless comment. Please avoid controversy posts
Lancashire Lad

Over the past 12 years I have stayed in Thailand between 1 and 3 months every year. I have spent time in Pattaya, Bangkok and more recently, lovely Chiang Mai as well as other places all around Thailand.  I am single, like to explore and enjoy a late night beer (in moderation) so I have always visited bar areas. I travel alone so enjoy having a chat and laugh with fellow patrons and staff in preference to sitting in a room alone all evening.

I have many times walked "home" alone in the early hours of the morning in all 3 of those cities and never had any problems. However I'm not daft enough to walk around wearing a $6000 gold chain. (May as well have a flashing light on your head & recorded message blurting out "I'm rich, please rob me").

I'm only 173cms but of larger build and walk purposefully looking like I'm sure of myself. I'm not staggering around drunk trying to remember my way back to the hotel. Then you are a target - not only in Thailand but anywhere in the world.



My experience living in Thailand was great. I don't know how people say thailand isn't safe. I was living there 3 months (1 in Bangkok and 2 in Phuket ) and I've been traveling all my weekends around Thailand (Chiang Mai, Koh Tao, Phi Phi, Samui, etc...) and I had not problems.

I am 28 years old and I was in partys until 6AM many times and never had a problems. Always speaking with people and if I had a problem there, the thai people tried to solve my problems.

I rented a motorbike many times and never had problems with that. I had not accidents too smile.png

I think that Thailand if you know how to move and where you go, you never will have problems. Obviously I walked without gold chains, normal clothes and many times with Thai people (friends).

The people that say Thailand is not safe is because had a problem at one point. In all countries you can have problems and altercations.

Is my humble opinion.



Hey pariick you  just  said a lot of  things that is not true  about thailand! if it's that bad why don't you go back to Frisco where you feel safer!  that comment about open sewage waiting for somebody to fall in and how unsafe it is at night to be home by yourself and how you got to keep Your car lock at all time. I think you exaggerated a little too much!
you're the type of guy who can't even live in Oakland California because  you're such a  scaredy cat.
P.s. This goes out to any one else this may concern have some respect for the kingdom.  Speak the truth! and don't exaggerate.

Thank You.


I feel perfectly safe every time I'm in Thailand. just don't be flashy or act like you better than everybody else mind your own business don't be walking late at night by yourself. look left to right every time you cross the street so that you don't get hit by vehicle passing through. And you'll be alright.


You see what you want to see & your Blind to the Rest, these are personal experences of people I know. And you are just plan Stupid about Oakland thinking it is so Safe, I grew up there went to High School, JR college, then it was a Great time to be living there, not now. Look who is telling the Truth or Not.


First of I never said Oakland was safe. I might be younger than you, but grew up in the east bay for the last 22 years of my life. I know  what's going on between here and Thailand. 
So before you call me stupid  read my statement again.


Oh Sorry.


Hi all,

Again for the well being of the Forum lets avoid hitting on each other so as to avoid being off topic.

We all share different experiences and we all have our own way to deal with some situations - can we please respect the perceptions | opinions of each other and keep going with the aim of this topic which is - " Share with us your insight on safety in Thailand and in the city you live in "

Basically the aim of these subjects is not to create controversy or inviting to post negative comments but to give expats and future expats a better overview of the country's reality.

You are free to go on with personal debates or arguments in private but not on the Forum please

This is a very interesting topic - lets try not to ruin it and lets share our feelings and experiences and keep in mind - each to their own.

Also you may check the THAILAND FORUM CODE OF CONDUCT and If you think that some posts are not acceptable, please let us know by explaining the reason in private using this link here ----> Contact the team pls

Have a grand day !

Thank you


Christine wrote:


We would like to talk about a sensitive but important topic: do you feel safe in Thailand?

How would you define the level of safety in the country?

Can you walk safely during the day and at night without any fear?

Do you think there is a high rate of criminality, social problems or tensions?

Share with us your insight on safety in Thailand and in the city you live in.

Thank you in advance,


I thought I would re-post the original question on this topic. Since it seems to me some folk are way off topic. I would have commented earlier, given that I have lived in rural areas of Thailand since 2008, but to be honest I didn't fancy my observations being lost in a slanging match.

So since it seems to have calmed down here are my thoughts:

"How would you define the level of safety in the country?" Based on my experience of living here for the best part of 7 years I would say that Thailand is a safe destination with a reasonable level of security throughout. I certainly feel safe and have never had a negative "safety" experience(apart from on the roads).

"Can you walk safely during the day and at night without any fear?" Where I have lived the answer is yes. But like any place in any country you apply common sense with your security (if you have any-common sense that is).

"Do you think there is a high rate of criminality, social problems or tensions?" There are examples of all three to be found in Thailand just like anywhere else. Do they impact on my life or the quality of life? No

I live in the north of Thailand on the edge of a large village. Life is sweet and my own safety and security do not concern me. Sure we lock up the house at night but often the gates are open etc.

Please don't reply to this post if you don't have anything of value to add.


Most Americans like to discriminate Asians because they thought they are the only ones with great minds. To be honest, most people creating discrimination in Thailand are those "farangs".My apology to say this but I'm not saying all of them. I'm not going to elaborate further, just observe when you are there for a long time.  To avoid argument or conflict, just ride on them smile.png

For me, I feel safe staying in Thailand as the local people there are very warm, friendly, kind  and accommodating though there is a need for improving their traffic rules and regulations for the safety of their commuters or passengers. But overall, Thailand is the safe country to stay in, just like Singapore, a tiny wonderful progressive country and yet very safe  to stay in.


To me, after 45+years of travel in and out of Thailand I find it to be safe. As others have already stated situational awareness plays a big part in safety irrespective of which country you are in.

There are, however, the inevitable bag snatches, robberies in the tourist areas which I put down to a mixture of bad luck and a degree of ignorance by tourists.

As has been said a hundred times already, don't flash the cash, wear expensive clothes or jewelry, show respect, do not argue with locals. A smile goes a hundred miles further than a raised voice.


Thailand is among the best countries, all things considered, across the board...In the world.


For me, I feel safe staying in Thailand as the local people there are very warm, friendly, kind  and accommodating though there is a need for improving their traffic rules and regulations for the safety of their commuters or passengers. But overall, Thailand is the safe country to stay in, just like Singapore, a tiny wonderful progressive country and yet very safe  to stay in.

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