
Safety in Thailand

Last activity 05 August 2015 by dwr

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We would like to talk about a sensitive but important topic: do you feel safe in Thailand?

How would you define the level of safety in the country?

Can you walk safely during the day and at night without any fear?

Do you think there is a high rate of criminality, social problems or tensions?

Share with us your insight on safety in Thailand and in the city you live in.

Thank you in advance,



No it is not safe in Thailand, people will run you down trying to cross the street, depending on where you live it is not safe to walk at night unless you are with a group, you must keep your car doors locked at all times. It is not safe to live alone in a house. Most live in condo's.  The streets are not maintained so it is difficult to walk on without steping in a hole or worst. There is no safety Net in Thailand. If you don't get run down by a scooter while walking then a car will get you. You will notice that there are accidents just waiting to happen, sewers that you can fall into, open drainage canals just waiting for you to fall into, nothing is fenced, I could go on all day, but I think you got your answer. Patrick


For me... it is really safe.
Thailand is not my first travel, and also, i not just stay hotels 5 stars or other tourist area (also.. i not like this hotels where you never see the land, and meet no one who know culture of the land).
I saw South America (french Guyanna), Africa (RDC, RCA, DRAC) and Europe countries (Italian, French, German, Swiss, etc...).
For my own experience, Thailand is one of the safty country all around the world i can see.

There can be exceptions (like every where... except some part of Africans countries, where it is totaly not safe for no one) like special area where bisness is illegal and/or around human bisness (particulary sex bisness for sure).
If you can see sailor for cheap but wrong marks products, there is chance that the area is not totaly safe.
So... in Thailand, these area are really little part of the land (and then, if you go for see that... you will never be able to talk about Thailand).
I can read that (precedent post) some people here feel not safe. This make me thinking about some kind of "golden residences" around poor African countries where people come just for make big bisness or for paid lmower for have a getter life, but don't care the other peoples and culture... i think it is particular way of (not) thinking (where africans work with weapons for securise the area...), this is totaly not the situation in Thailand because there is not same story and not same situation could be possible so far.
I rent house here and i stay all open all the time... one day i forget money (400 baths...) guy run after me for give him back... what can protect yourself every where is not meet peoples, to be symaptic and after peoples know you and take care same you can do with them (but this is normal human relations, right ?). Know peoples protect yourself as well... everywhere.

What is sure also:
stole is something very bad for bouddhism culture, but maybe you can find stoller all around the world, and specificly around big cities, but in the campaign, it is really difficult to find stoler. I remember than the danger from be stole is particular to tourism companies (maybe not the company itself, but what is around). I see two of my friends as been stolen in tourism bus from Bangkok to a little place for go Koh Tao (the fact is stoller was someone works on the bus and have access to the bagages on the first floor... these bus offer them the possibility to quietly open baggages and search for money...). But if you go by Thai "normal" comnie, it is not possible to do that... all the problems are around tourism area... all the time, 95% of the time (and also... there is nothing to see real by this way).

For constructions, sure it is not same as european constructions (and/or US one), but the number of peoples die because of lake of normalisations are very low. In fact, you have to take care about electricity (but much more for have something work for long time...) and protection for your computer when storm (but, just unplug it... easy). Then i can understand some peoples who never go out from luxry area could be afraid about every thing, but all is relative to own experiencies, and mine is not to stay far from big city or far from campaigns or also jungle... i think i can talk about what could be really dangerous for humans in situations.

Here, in the Thailand, there is no real danger, i fell very safe (more than in my own French country).
Some people can talk aboiut snakes... how many people die because of snakes ?
Take care the malaria... but don't be silly about that. (i have it because i go every where before... and then what more ?)

For transports, i use a feeling technic (because sometimes bus drivers can be dangerous and drive to quick): i look at the guy before take the bus (for long run), and if he is young, it could be not so safe... if the man looks experienced and quiet (i think every body can see if someone is quiet or not...), it can be very safe.
Mini vans for long run very quick... sometimes drivers trust Bouddha to much maybe lol. To be safe, go slowly, take time. In fatc, nothink different than every where: logic also.
But what is really special here is that: peoples are really peacefull and quiet 95% of the time. they are also happy to be Thai, and never speak bad, nevere think bad, never be angry is the best way here. You smile and be sympathic, it s fine... and saftey. Don't follow starnges peoples you don't know where there is no one around also... but this is right every where around the world.
Go by motor-bike is a way for little runs, and if you just go slowly and never try to go first, look at peoples, take time, you will be safe at 100% (nut... this seems to be logic, right ?).

What i think about be safe for my self, is to be able to not go to quick somewhere i never go before and take time for look at the situation... try to understand and never go where people semes to have strange/unlogics comportments (and this works every where). If you are someone who scare lo leave to yellow tourism line on the floor, you will never feel safe other place than, your mother home. So i think the answer is probably dependant of the peoples way of life/ way of thinking. I can not tell you i know the tur because it is a sbujective question where the answer has to be subjective to (for Thailand or other country as well).

And then here, if you need help, you will ever find someone happy to help you also.
I was also goes in Bangkok at the same time of informations talk looks like a war happens in Bangkok due to politics unstability... it was so quiet ! I think some cities in my country has never been so quiet and safe (French)...

don't be scare, just smile, be quiet and take time to go where you feel good and where peoples happy and simple (no drug, no alcool, no illegal activity... then simply no problem).

prat guest

i m from Singapore and living in thai, i feel safe here like Singapore

patric why Thailand is not safe
if you think you are from America and there is safe  it's not
people walk with guns there and killing many people, even kids
it's on people's thinking how you think make friends u will feel safe if you try to show u r American in asia it won't work for you
life is small don't waist it think negative , enjoy  every moment


I think you are a bit off thinking Thailand is so safe, not everyone practices Buddism everyday of there life, some are very poor and have to steal for there families. Some have drinking & drug problems and have to find money to support there habit. Even the rice farmers have had to steal at one time or another to feed there families. Then there are the slaves that are kept for the fishing boats and are left to starve. Sweat shops are everywhere in Thailand and they have little to eat after working 16 hours a day without breaks. Then you have human trafficking, these people are sold into sex slave industry.  Open Your Eyes and see what Thailand is really about. Sure you can still live here if you just ignore all the problems that exist in this country.


What part of America are we talking about?  The US is huge, but if I loved it there so much I wouldn't be here in Thailand. California is the size of thailand, do some research and tell me which country is safer, cleaner, nicer beaches, burns anytime of the day, garbage everywhere, open sewage canals, freedom of speech without being put in prison. And has laws that people obey


Familly of my wife are all Buddhist. all are poor and farmers, but all are very sympathic and gerenous.
You are the luck to stay a country where Boudhism culture is the first old one (Terravada), no one ask you to try to understand what is it, but no one ask you to have judment on them also.
Sure... there is also some people have drug and alcool problems... but not to much, and it is a choice to just look at them and think they are dangerous to. Understand how the mind goes is simple: the day you buy a red car, you see red car every where (before not)... then the morning you wake up and afraid or focus a bad thinking, all the day you will se bad thinks more than there is really. I think Thailand is a good luck for you to learn this reallity.
Maybe you have to move far from big cities... we not see the same Thailand. The Tailand you tell me is part of Pattaya, part of Koh Phuket, part of Bangkok (little part). Why do you choose this way ?
Did you try tyo help peoples here for works ? i done it for free and i do it when i can help again... for help and really see what we talk about. You want to see the Thailand ? go out from big hotels and luxury residences... stay with peoples and see.
Or if you want to see what is not safe, just go in RCA or DRAC, and then you will touch what is not safe.

Also, if for you Thailand is not safe... why do you stay in the Thailand ?
Maybe you want the Thailand to be like USA ? Who is not a safe country. Also, Thailand country in his story never invade another one country, never fight strongly foreign countries like USA done... I think by the story of respectives countries (mine to...) we have better way to become humble and look at the concret reallity.

Like you, i not like durg and some little part of land where have mafia. But this is a so little part of this nice land. No one tell you to go stay this place. Also, if no one go there, there will have no bisness to do around that to... that is a fact. Then i'm a stranger here and i think it could be not so good to speak politics as soon as i'm not Thaï and it is not my counrty. Peoples here are really tolrent and good whith me, police also very good (never se that). If one day i wake up and think same you, i think i will leave the country instead of thinking bad thinks. The question is: why do you stay there if it is so unsafe for you ? i can not understand.


Living in Chiang Rai for two years now and I feel pretty safe. I have never worried about strong armed robbery, breaking and entering, someone raping my wife, or just not safe walking around  etc. Memphis Tn, Chicago, Washington D.C. (our capitol) is much more dangerous than Thailand by a long shot.

I do agree with how dangerous it is just to walk, or ride a motorbike and drive in Thailand. There are no road rules or enforcement by police and some of the worst, inconsiderate dangerous drivers. Also, there is a road rage fear factor if one was to blink lights or honk a horn at someone....That aspect of danger I agree with.

Sitting here now with my doors open in at dark in our coffee shop and feel quite safe. Even take a nap sometimes with the doors open and the neighbors are very considerate and watchful about what goes on around us.

Now, Bangkok, Pattaya and Phuket etc. would be a different scenario I am sure, but Chiang Rai great.

What does bother me is the disgusting trash, open sewers, the noise that is allowed on motorbikes, cars and trucks.
Cannot understand the loud advertisement trucks that drive around and literally have to plug my ears.

The soi dogs and rampant loose dogs running around and barking all night.

That my take here in Chiang Rai...oh and the loud speakers in the villages are turned up to the maximum...

Much more dangerous when it comes to crime in America.


Nowhere in the world is 100% safe, but I find Thailand the safest country I have been in! ( I live in France, have travelled to India, Indonesia, Laos, Cambodia, Brazil, Venezuela, Canada & U.S.) The only place I have ever been robbed was in Paris on RER (suburban railway). Even if you go out at night in Bangkok it only becomes unsafe if you are drunk or go with bad lady. Some taxi driver don't want to use meter at night but I always find one.
Even the motor bike taxi is very quick I never have accident.
People are paranoid about traffic in Thailand say don't take mini-bus BKK to Hua Hin it is dangerous. They drive fast but I never have any problem.
You should forget about Western rules for traffic and just LOOK everywhere when you cross the road! No scooter or motor bike ever ran into me, on contrary I would say that Thai people driving are much more alert than Westerners!
I agree subscriber who talks about Buddhist, Thai people behave according to Buddhist principle, very much respect and look after the other person!
Of course you might tell me stories of Pattaya or Khaosan Road, but I don't go to those places, they remind me too much of Western countries.
Don't you worry about feel safe in Thailand, with good heart you see how the nice feelings you will get with the Thai people!


Jerome, My wife & I moved to Thailand to help her family, we left California because we couldn't afford to live in san Francisco any longer on retirement income, and we wanted to be with her big family to help each other. We bought a place 5 years before we retired. we live in Nonthburi about 10 miles from Bangkok (downtown) we came here many times over 20 years for vacation, those were the days when Thailand was so Beautiful, beaches were untouched, very few Tourist, now all the places are packed with Tourist, and the Thai government let them destroy the beaches and the beautiful little beach towns. We do volunteer, my wife was a RN in the US, and she has gone to schools to give shots, villages etc. We help fill sand bags when we had the floods, we help our neighbours with health issues.  I think that perhaps you are right I need to get out of the city into the countryside to enjoy the real Thai people. We were in Chiang Mai in January it was quite nice up there, very low key, not a lot of tourist. I enjoyed that and I really like Hua Hin it doesn't really have any swimming beaches but you can walk on them & listen to the waves at night, and it is pretty safe down there. We always go where the Thai are, we never go to tourist spots, and that makes a big difference. We will someday return to the US, when we get old, but for now Thailand is a hub for us to travel from & see the world while we are still healthy, we are 64-67 years old now.  I promise to try to spend more time out of the city to discover the real Thailand. Thanks for your advice. Patrick


Yes "thailand4me" (or Patrick), i understand better.
I love the sea also, because i'm diver and born near the sea... then if you like the sea and want a quiet place, there is good plans, but difficult to find because of adds system in place (same system than every where in fact). Then if you go ask in tourism agencies, they will bring you the same tourist area (it is there job to make money this there own partners).
So... maybe you will be happy to go to see Koh Jum (a very quiet island). For rich destination to Koh Jum, you need to go to Krabi and search to go to Lam Kruat pier (where you maybe never see tourists... or one or two maximum in one month). Then from here, you have choice to go to little islands by long tail boats... on Koh Jum, there is bungalows inside resorts (and no bars... only famillies or people quiet like to come here, in front, you can see Koh PhiPhi were youngs go for party... nice island to, but to much full of exentricities for me, and just tourist area), there is also some houses for rent (and if you really want confort because you are old or fragile, there is also some with air condition). Then, you will sea quiet place and very good peoples. But there is many many different plans for see that. First, never trust tourism companies if you want to see other thinks than tourism area, and then you will be safe, because Thailand is really safe.

Also i think you can meet some people where you can speak same langage and who know this land better (there is many... i can see here for exemple), and these peoples know a lot more and can tell you where to go and how to be for by safe.

Hop you enjoy and smile this simple life in Thailand and good luck for you.


Thailand is real value for your buck. Nothing to complain about. I have traveled to BKK and Pattaya. Found both places to be safe even at night. I will be traveling to other parts of the country in August so let's see. However, I detected racism/slight rude behavior towards South Asians from Thais not every Thai but some of them I came across during my last trip. I ignored it because it was not my fault if they carried so much hate in their heart.

Bad apples can be found in the city of angels, too.


I am an older gentleman and have lived in Chiang Mai for nearly four years. I have also traveled all over Thailand. I don't drive a car or a scooter, so all my getting around town is by foot, but mostly bicycle in Chiang Mai. Two years ago on an early morning bike ride I was held up at gun-point to be robbed by a couple "thugs." I said "No" and drove on. That would never have happened in a big USA city. The Thai "thugs" were too polite to follow through. But I have heard other stories of very later night robberies, the point being: beware in any city anywhere when you walk alone in the darkness of night. In my experience I can say that I feel extremely safe walking alone down any street in any city and town in Thailand between 8 am and 10 pm.


While I' haven't travelled extensively in Thailand, I have lived in Thailand for over two years mostly in the largest city Bangkok. I am actually very surprised at how safe such a large metropolitan city is, I've travelled extensively including some of the largest cities in the world and I find myself equally at ease here as I did in Paris, or Tokyo.

Of course here just as everywhere in the world you need to do the common sense things that help reduce becoming a target of the criminal element that exist in every city.

All if that said, The authorities could take some strong measures to deal with the Nigerians particularly how predominately they negatively effect the tourist areas of the city.

Dakan47 wrote:

I am an older gentleman and have lived in Chiang Mai for nearly four years. I have also traveled all over Thailand. I don't drive a car or a scooter, so all my getting around town is by foot, but mostly bicycle in Chiang Mai. Two years ago on an early morning bike ride I was held up at gun-point to be robbed by a couple "thugs." I said "No" and drove on. That would never have happened in a big USA city. The Thai "thugs" were too polite to follow through. But I have heard other stories of very later night robberies, the point being: beware in any city anywhere when you walk alone in the darkness of night. In my experience I can say that I feel extremely safe walking alone down any street in any city and town in Thailand between 8 am and 10 pm.

ho yes... thanks for the information, i didn't know that.
Only one time i stay alone and walk in the Thaïalnd night time (from Krabi City to Lam Kruat pier... 20 kms far on little roads) and it was dangerous by the attack of dogs "gang"... i was lucky to not cross the road of rage one and to not be afraid dogs, but it was long and difficult this night. In fact, it was mosquitos the winners...
But other time, i never go outside the night time (i stay quiet at home with my wife and my cats).
So ok, if i have to go by night, i will take care about that.
thank you for share your experience.


I have read above posts and all I would like to dd is that as far as I am concerned Thailand is physical crime wise one of the safest countries that I have been to or lived in. I come form South Africa where I worked in police and the security industry and as we all know South Africa is one of the most violent countries in the world
There people are killed on a DAILY basis for a cellphone or less.
People are killed for no other reason than being in the way of a gang fight
This is one of the reasons why I left SA and am now living in a small village about 150 KM from BKK as from Jan 14.
Here is no crime as to speak of and I never lock the house or the car when I drive around the village
I see people going to Big C place their groceries in the back of an open truck then return to have a meal or watch a movie..
There is no chance this could be done in SA where they Hijack a vehicle every 30 minutes.
Yes here is unbelievable corruption the same as the many other developing countries in the world,this, has at this stage, no effect on me as I am not involved in any business.
The driving is atrocious especially the motorbikes and the people with no helmets.
This to put it crudely does not effect me as I do not ride any motorbike and just pray that I do not hit any person on a motorbike entering a main road without stopping and with no lights on the vehicle at night.
I have been coming to Thailand since 2001 and have been tot BKK many times and have not been robbed or suffered a loss in any way but I have never gone to the Night Club scene or walked in the dark areas at 02.00 in the morning
I agree that the dirt and trash in this country is a major factor for me and i do not understand this mentality of them
Violence is the one factor that effects most people when it comes to crime and this is low in comparison with many other countries.
I have had several friends who have been shot in South Africa or hijacked and numerous of my friends have left for Aussie,The States,Canada UK etc
In fact over a million whites have left and 99% due to the violence of the indigenous people of Africa. The same as the rest of Africa.
I can continue but my point is the part of Thailand where I live is as far as I am concerned crime free.
That is important to me.
Barry Taylor


It will obviously vary from place to place and in any big city in the world you are more at risk than suburban or rural areas. I have been pretty much all over Thailand and lived in the North, North-East and Phuket. The only place I feel scared is on the roads where people seem to lose their minds. It is hardly surprising Thailand has the 2nd highest road accident death rate (per 100,000 of pop) in the world. Compared to South Africa where I lived for 20 years Thailand must be one of the safest places in the world to live (if you don't drive!!!!!). I have lived for 6 years in the villages with the poorest people and I've never felt remotely threatened by physical violence, day or night. I don't think it would be a problem living anywhere in Thailand. In South Africa a white man, with all his marbles, wouldn't even entertain living with Blacks in Khayelitsha or Coloureds in Mannenburg on the Cape Flats. He would be history in one day!!

Penelope Blume

We are Australians  who live and work in Bangkok We live in a local area in a shophouse in Prah Khanong.Unlike Australia  our neighbors  talk to us an look after us
Yes pavments are tricky  but if you watch where your  walking no problem. Same with traffic.
If your a pedestrian  be mindful. Dont step in front of fast moving traffic like tourists in Soi11 Sukumvit. I consider Thai drivers tolerant when faced with the idiotic  behavior  of some westerns.
Yes I feel safe but I also do not put myself in situations  which would be unsafe  in any country.
I value living in a country  that is not a gun culture and is a Buddhist  Country
People who think corruption  and slavery dont happen in western  countries  are naive.
Thailand is a great place to live.


I've been always felt save in Thailand for 2 and half years living here (in Bangkok) until last week. I was just out of 7/11 waiting for a friend when suddently two guys on motobike showed up, stopped in front of me and grabbed my phone the ran away. Street was relatively busy that time. A motobike taxi offered me to chase these guys. We stopped after about 10 minustes driving. The morotaxi stopped and calling his friends. 2 mototaxis arrived and asked if I have money so he would take me to get my phone back. I refused for sure because I am not sure what was waiting for me. Hope this wont happen again to anyone, please always be aware and better to not show your phone on the street. Or always hold your bag to show that you are fully concious. Take care.

thailand4me wrote:

No it is not safe in Thailand, people will run you down trying to cross the street, depending on where you live it is not safe to walk at night unless you are with a group, you must keep your car doors locked at all times. It is not safe to live alone in a house. Most live in condo's.  The streets are not maintained so it is difficult to walk on without steping in a hole or worst. There is no safety Net in Thailand. If you don't get run down by a
scooter while walking then a car will get
you. You will notice that there are
accidents just waiting to happen, sewers
that you can fall into, open drainage
canals just waiting for you to fall into,
nothing is fenced, I could go on all day,
but I think you got your answer.

Hi Patrick,
I have to agree with you on your posting.

I can comment on Bangkok; Pathum Thani; Thonburi and Nonthaburi areas.

When you walk on pavements, it's never flat and smooth thus if you are pushing a baby pram then it's like you are going through a commando obstacle course.

When you walk in certain areas, you need to look ahead to avoid bumping into stalls that sells good or hawkers selling food.

You need to look down too as there are beggars lying on the road begging. In Chinatown, there's a beggar on skate board but he owns 2 taxis and put out for rental. People in that area knows as they speak thai and news spread.

When you are at Silom Road from Convent road downwards to the junction of Soi saladaeng between 5.30 - 6.30pm, you need to look up at pigeons flying and their droppings may land on you. You can look at top of phone booths to see many of their droppings.

Likewise in the morning if you are walking on the bridge going to the BTS train station, you can see pigeons flying as they rest below the train tracks. Droppings might land on you too.

When you cross at a zebra crossing at any road, vehicles will not stop for you. So be careful.

Penelope Blume

Learned  that lesson the hard way in Camodia.
Had a necklace  ripped  off my neck by motorcycle rider .Have been there many times before and no problem. Now I dont use my phone on the street wear a backpack and dont wear experience  jewelry.

prat guest wrote:

i m from Singapore and living in thai, i feel safe here like Singapore

patric why Thailand is not safe
if you think you are from America and there is safe  it's not
people walk with guns there and killing many people, even kids
it's on people's thinking how you think make friends u will feel safe if you try to show u r American in asia it won't work
for you
life is small don't waist it think negative , enjoy  every moment

May I know in what way or aspects Thailand is same as Singapore in safety?

There is bombing in south Thailand. Last weekend, 7 bombs were exploded. 2 young adults rob 7 stores (7-11) at Din Daeng area. If you are a young girl sitting in a bus, some guy might be rubbing his groin on the girl's shoulder. University students shot and killed another. Now new law that alcohol cannot be sold 300 meters near a school. Technical college or polytechnic students having gang fights often. I can keep going on and all are in the media.

Depending on which city, district and kind of accommodation you live in. What transport you are taking and which places you go. If a lady, is she young and lovely plays a part too as many wolves are lurking around.

I can go out of my house without locking my door and windows wide open. Why? The housing estate is safe as no outsiders are allowed in without authorization. Only garbage and sewerage truck can goes into the estate.

Neighbors know each other and help each other. I was watching my neighbors house when they are away for a month. Their 2 dogs are under my care.

I got friend who walked on the street and a bike pass to snatch her handbag in broad day light.

Thailand is safe depend on many factors and variables.

Asian or western guy. Young or older lady, pretty or normal etc etc


No, Caution!
Be always on your guard and vigilant.
As for me though I love living here I object strongly to their attitude about safety, pollution and so on...
you should know that it's impossible to walk (except downtown in Any big city) or ride without being attacked by stray dogs or even with a supposedly master.
Then there is so long to tell stories about rogue and thugs that's is another topic.
Let me add in conclusion
driving is incredibly dangerous.
Again another broad topic to tackle.
To the Thai people you are merely a "farang" meaning a stranger.
You are source
of their daily business as well.
However as a mere tourist who  tans at the beach in a deck chair and go back at dusk  to your hotel there is nothing to say but beware of your credit card, OK?
As a knowledgeable person who speak neither policy nor about the king I promise you unforgettable hollydays.
To live in some help is required.
Have a good stay in Thailand.


I have to start of by saying I have known the Thai people for over 40 years.  I came here to live out my life. I do not go to the bars, to go crazy. I live here cheaper, have all I need and want.  I have never been in jeapardy or in a bad situation of harm. I love it here in Thailand!
All of this may not help you or anyone, but if you treat these people with a smile then you will get it back. I find the hospitals very good as well and comfortable if I require help. It is a nice place where you can travel too. Best of luck!



You need to go home, this place is different. If you use common sense and do not put yourself in a bad situation, you will be fine!


Safety in Bangkok is very different from Pattaya and Phuket. Having frequented bars and streets of Bangkok for ten years (mostly Soi Cowboy, Nana and Patpong) I feel qualified to comment on this area only.
Without hesitation I feel safer walking around Sukumvit in the small hours than I ever did in my home country of New Zealand. Only on one occasion was I accosted by a very inexperienced lady pickpocket who clumsily lifted my wallet then dropped it . So theft and fraud are widespread, there is always someone trying to separate you from your money but thankfully not in a violent way.
I have been the victim of two serious thefts in my home from seemingly lovely ladies I had met, taken out for dinner, and taken home. Both woman were  from  dating sites. One grabbed my laptop, phone and wallet and ran for it while I was using the bathroom.( It only takes a minute to escape with the goods!!! security guards?, don't make me laugh The second had a very elaborate plan. Again while I was in the bathroom, she went into a cupboard, found my wallet and switched my Bangkok Bank ATM card for one of her own. By accident, I was checking something on my online banking, smelt a rat and eventually after ten minutes on the phone contacted a bank person to cancel all bank transactions until I could get to the bank to see what was wrong.
I handed my bank card over to the Bank officer who informed me it was not my card. These cards do not have names on them, just numbers. Later I found out by contacting the person, he had forgotten to take his card from an ATM machine and somehow this lady had possession of it. This lady had withdrawn up to 10,000 Baht every day for ten days, had bought jewellery, a phone, using my bank card and her ID card. I contacted the police and eventually with the help of an English speaking liaison officer got photos of her transactions and proof she had purchased the phone my name. The police were absolutely useless and lazy and made no effort whatsoever to track down this lady whose name address  and photograph they had.  From what I understand they sent a letter to her ID address (which was in Chang Mai) asking her to come to the police station. End of story. The moral of all this is I now have a safe in my apartment, in which I lock all my valuables. My computer is padlocked to a table and I never leave anything of value around the house when I have visitors. I have now put a zero limit on my bank card and only use it to withdraw cash from ATM. The bank had never told me there even was a B10 000 limit on my card, I thought it was only for ATM withdrawal, and I did not think that someone else could use my card if they show their own ID ......this is an appalling state of affairs. Hopefully,  if there is one other person out there who learns a lesson from this, then it is worthwhile to spend the time writing.

nongprue wrote:

No, Caution!
Be always on your guard and vigilant.
As for me though I love living here I object strongly to their attitude about safety, pollution and so on...
you should know that it's impossible to walk (except downtown in Any big city) or ride without being attacked by stray dogs or even with a supposedly master.
Then there is so long to tell stories about rogue and thugs that's is another topic.
Let me add in conclusion
driving is incredibly dangerous.
Again another broad topic to tackle.
To the Thai people you are merely a "farang" meaning a stranger.
You are source
of their daily business as well.
However as a mere tourist who  tans at the beach in a deck chair and go back at dusk  to your hotel there is nothing to say but beware of your credit card, OK?
As a knowledgeable person who speak neither policy nor about the king I promise you unforgettable hollydays.
To live in some help is required.
Have a good stay in Thailand.

Tu devrais vraiment essayer de t'éloigner de Pattaya. Là bas c'est certains, tu es une proie (pas pour ta vie, mais pour ton portefeuille).
De plus, c'est le pire de la Thaïlande et il serait dommage que tu ne vois que cela, car franchement, la Thaïlande, ce n'est pas ça dans 95% des cas... sauf à Pataya, certains coins de Bangkok et de Phuket.
Et puis entre nous, les bars c'est pas le meilleur endroit pour faire des rencontres (sauf peut être en Irlande... et encore).
Nous les Français, et même en tant qu'Européens, nous avons beaucoup à apprendre de la culture Thaï. c'est mon sentiment sur le sujet. Le voyage permet toujours d'apprendre quelque chose, mais libre à toi de trainer au mauvais endroit et de ne rien voir d'autre que ce qui fatalement ne peut être humainement que décevant à terme.
Tu sais, nous les Français, nous avons aussi une très mauvaise réputation en tant que touristes: presque partout dans le monde. Il doit bien y avoir une raison à cela...
Ne sois pas choqué par ma réponse, j'aimerais vraiment que tu vois le meilleur de la Thaïlande. Quitte Pataya dès que possible, sois souriant, patient, observe, prend le temps et ne te laisse pas embarquer (ni même par des copains... attention au phénomène de groupe) dans des trucs de tourists imporbables (tu le sais: touristes = monnaie). La meilleur façon de se tirer de situation craignos étant le sourire et la dérision (subtile), les situations d'urgences existent ici ou ailleurs mais sont rares et souvent du à de mauvais choix au départ... la surprise peut être un atout (j'ai due une seule fois en user à cause de choix débiles fait pas des copains de copains débiles), fusse t elle de ton côté, la surprise est un atout majeur au pire.

You maybe need to try to go far from Pataya for see an other reality of the Tahiland. This reallity you talk about is only on this kind of place you stay (like Pataya, some specific places in BKK and Phuket... maybe also on Koh PhiPhi for other reasons). Thailand is far from this situation in 95% of situations out of this specifics areas.
And then,as you will see, bars is not the best way for meet quiet and peacfull peoples by the way... (except maybe in Irland... not sure). 
We... French guys (and European's) we have a lot to learn about Thai cultur, it is my feeling about that. Then you are free to stay at wrong place, not see nothing about Thaï real cultur and fatality, to have a bad experience and have deception at final time.
And then, French tourist guys have really bad reputation all over the world... maybe there is a reason of this fact...
don't be hurt by my suggestion, i really would like you se the best of the Tahiland... leave Pataya as soon as possible. Keep cool, smile and be patient, observe the moves, wait and see, don't folow friends who becomes stupid sometimes (take care of group influences)... don't folow the way of unprobable tourist issues (tourist = quick money). The best way to survive extrem sitations by the time is to smile and joke (but not to much), and rarely, extrem situations is due to bad choices before happens... surprise could save you by this strong time, if this is your advantage (only one time i had to defend myself in extrem situationcdue to other bad choice of stupids friends of friends...).

chok dii


I live here now for many years and to be honest I not feel safe anymore, Thai always have been very aggressive people but the last year it becomes TOO crazy, if we only look to the aggression that I see every day on the roads, the even get crazy because you stop for the red traffic lights. I just go to my work and back and for the rest I stay in my place even at Xmas and New Year.

I walk already a few months with the thoughts to leave Thailand, many of my friends left already in the last 2 years and last but not least I ask myself for what they have traffic police in Thailand they never do something.

I work 2 years as foreign police in banglamung area if I have to believe half of the stories they told me I am crazy to stay here 1 month longer. My mom and dad came here 3 years ago, the left 3 weeks earlier because the found the people to nice and to friendly they are 68 and 72 if even people with that age complain …………….

I don't think I gone make the end of this year in Thailand a lot of other places in the world where you are more than a street dog, sorry for the very bad comment but I have seen and hear too many bad things and always it's was the fold of the crazy farangs and police was watching and smiling

I read that a lot of people found it safe in Thailand any country is safe if you never walk out, don't forget 1 thing " they allow you to stay here but they don't like it " keep very low profile that can save you from  a lot of problems>>>>>> these are the words from my Thai friends not mine.

They don't understand English so they only way out for them is fight when they are with at least 3 people more than you so they never lose face. To end I don't need Thailand and Thailand don't need me. case closed


Hello, William how do you do?
This is not the point. The topic is about safety not about making groundless accusation
against Thai Citizens.
This is a review to enlighten people who don't know Thailand.
This is an emergent country thanks to tourism.
This is a kingdom whose the king is venerated.
The country is unstable about her policy.
Didn't you hear of the Bangkok's shut down?
They are not rich and most people are uneducated.
They are united and weided together, interested only in national affairs
and not opened to international agreements/
I have been learning in Thailand for over eight years William so I know whereof I speak, you know.
If I live here I like the country and enjoy, OK?
My wife is Thai, as well.

Currently you should know William that it is the military government which is
holding the reins of the country.
As a result, no negotiations even about the famous Thai rice, with other countries.
Watch TV and read attentively your News papers,OK?

There is a way to go to introduce Thai citizens to English, inform them about
more advanced cultures.
They do not respect any highway code.
Often are laws vague, unclear.
Not only is the country unstable but corruption remains everywhere.

I love Thailand William but the facts are evident to anybody who knows The country.
One must allow things to sort themselves out.
Let's be patient.
At the moment, no politicians but Soldiers to maintain peace.
No many people introduced to English.
a country divided. 'the reds' and 'the yellows', right?

And now it behooves to believe me or not but I take leave as I have a lot of work to do so
step to it!
Budha save Thailand!
Thank you for reading.


I have been traveling to Thailand since 2006 and I bought a condo in Pattaya last year. I have walked around the streets of Bangkok and Pattaya late at night and I have never had any problems. 99% of the Thai people are honest, friendly and kind. But saying this; I have found that there are people looking for an opportunity if you do not take care of your property (Money, Jewelry, purse, motor bike), it will vanish. As for me; I have never lost anything nor was I ever robbed. I once dropped my Blackberry out of an open taxi. When we went back to look for it, it was gone. So I called my number and a guy answered. He said he was now at the police station where he would meet me. True to his words; he was there and he returned my cell. My advice; be alert, but don't worry. Have fun and enjoy Thailand.


I lived in Chiang Mai for 2 years plenty of times I walked the streets at night as 2 3 maybe 4 in the morning and never had any trouble. during the daytime traffic is a bit of a B but I ride a cycle and other dropping it once when I was rubber necking and went of road into some gravel, nothing has ever happened to me ... I give people respect and am shown respect. In my live I have had by but kicked twice by a small group of guys, been robed 4 times twice at gun point and had my house broken into once. All in America and by a certain ethnic persuasion. As for Thailand Nothing has ever happened to me here which is on of the reasons I am retired here and loving it.... End of story.


" Thailand is safe depend on many factors and variables.Depending on which city, district and kind of accommodation you live in.

What transport you are taking and which places you go. If a lady, is she young and lovely plays a part too as many wolves are lurking around."

As long as you re not too prominent in the community area around you. Learn their language and culture. Do not talk about your private life. Try to help or do social things around you. they will protect you as family.

Be friendly to others, detect the bad people and try to avoid them.

Make it simple and safe.


Hi Christine,

I've lived in Bangkok for 18 years. It is pretty safe, unlike the UK, Europe or US where you get mugged on the streets. Having said that, as a woman, I wouldn't take a taxi alone at night. Also, be careful of "bag snatchers" - People on motorbikes on the street who will try to slash your bag with a knife and steal it. Sometimes they get that wrong and slash the people instead.

Phuket and Samui are more dangerous with more mafia.  Watch out for the tuk tuk drivers there and make sure you get a price before you get in them. The sticks are different again. But, in general, Thailand is very safe. You don't have to worry about being mugged. Enjoy your time here.



I lived in Thailand for 5 months and it was the safest place I've ever been to and I have traveled to many countries.  I didn't have the feeling that I was being followed or was in danger of being robbed or assaulted.  The Thai people are
pretty tranquil and mellow.  I mostly live between Oakland, California and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and I'm always looking over my shoulder in both places.  They are both dangerous cities.  I watched the news on TV in Thailand and they always reported crimes, so Thailand has it's share of crime...but also, a lot of the crime seems to be connected to the drug and sex trade.  Hey, if you are stupid enough to try to buy drugs on the streets and hangout drunk flirting with the LadyBoys...then you are over exposing yourself.  Most of the crime reported on Thai TV seemed to be purse snatchings.
Overall, I felt extremely safe in Thailand and spoke with many female travelers and they also felt very safe in Thailand.


i think it would be an idea (good ?) to compil all the answers in a table for show dynamicly how many said is safe and how many said is unsafe... and also, for "unsafe" answers, where they stay for living in Thailand, and which activities they do (without name, just compil the datas for see exactly what is unsafe here, and what is safe, and where). I think this could be an objective way of look at the facts of starngers feeling with more précision.
We will never see if there is a relation between peoples feel unsafe and style of communication/relations they could have with the world... so we can not have an opinion sure about this aspect.
enjoy Thailand.


You're off topic.
you love Thailand? So do I!
But good information is the first step towards prevention my friends.
Didn't you watch on "Pataya's tv chanel"about 2/3 years ago about the stranger attacked by a dog?
Don't you remember the mess due to political upheaval, the Bangkok's shut down and so on.
Are you living in Thailand without being aware of the Police's / politician' s / immigration's corruption.
Seems you are not acquainted with the pattaya's Police problem with thieves' assaults using motorbikes.
Never didn't you hear of the credit card theft at the Bangkok's airport.
Well, are you staying indoors without reading Newspapers nor watching TV?
"Farangs" (so called strangers) wish to live in  resorts as "Pucket" "Pataya" and so on because of amenities, facilities (cybers with internet connection, fax poll services everywhere) cheap life and these kinds of things...
Tourist men for prostitution most of whose people are coming from "Isaan" and poor provinces
Don't forget the so numerous Police's raid taking red handed pedophiles from all countries around the world.
By the way,
Have you ever drive in Thailand fellow member? My god!
To sum up I'll say that I love this country, my wife is Thai, a lot of workers work thanks to me and for me.
I appreciate them but I object to the police's / Administration's / politician's / citizen's attitude towards stangers and safety. Did you hear of Thai prisons and rights of people not respected.
From now Christine you'll be on your guard and ready to discover the smile's country and enjoy.
I used to live in Mauritius when I knew nothing of my country. "France".
Thank you to the whole blog.


nongprue, i think Christine is someone from the site who just send a new topic for make the site in moving... and that's good because the subject is a good idea i think.
then... yeah... do you know one country where every body without excpetion are good ? Where every body without exception never do something bad ? Tell me where ?
Also, i think all is relative and what you said is true for sure... but not every where around the Thailand, just read and consider the other posts here prouv that it is not so dangerous everywhere.
After... sure, when you was attacked, you were choked and maybe traumatised a little bit (we are all human), after... you maybe afraid more then normal (and like dogs with human, afradi people are more exposed than the other... is it right ?).
The relativity talk about the differences between: all the agressions against all the "normal" and humans relations.
Then i think on the land, in 95% of the land, it is safe.
Now sure, like you said (but not only in Thailand), when peoples drank, use drugs, it becomes potentially dangerous, it is not about Thailand in fact, and not every where in the Thailand to.
But also, as you can see... someone coming and help you quickly.
The danger in some part of area could be when you are alone... not only in Thailand.
One of my friend has been attacked by people from east europe in Nice French city, two years ago... on the beach... the night time... he was drank and stay quiet for slepping near a wall (no light)... they come for stole him (5 peoples), he said: no... he remember the altercation has been seen by other peoples who never move nor come to help him ! And stolers hurt him and give knife attack (two times near the heart, one time on the arm...), after stole him, they leave, it was on the floor like dead... someone call police, direction hospital, not far from die... handicaped for the life... 26 years old.
It can be dangerous every where... but more inside big city (every where in fact).
But in comparaison, ther is no paradise on earth because some people stupid to much, but Thailand seems to be more quiet... far from tourist area and big cities.
I don't look at TV (here or in France), in the Thailand Tv always talk about violences or other fatcs, or TV shows... all that i never like. And rarely about Thaï or world informations.
I hope every body know that when we are strangers somewhere, we are more exposed to problems... but we can be every where also... sometimes bad luck to, for sure. I hope every body never think that there is a paradise without absolutly never violences or agressivity or stupid thinking or judgments... but what about ? to be afraid ?
I was in strong conflict two times when i was engage in army and stay Africa for that... really, at this time i can tell you it was dangerous:
by night in a little village and for a stupid dispute with a stupid friend, in two minutes situation changed: lights off, more than 200 peoples from village send big stones, fight with enormous knifes, attack strongly from everywhere... we were 25, no weapons... it was difficult, we were afraid to... just the first 10 seconds, after you just react for survive and defend your life... hope an help from others to come (need time to come from 10 kms far, no ciment road).... 20 minutes of strong fight before friends come with weapons and bring us to leave the position. If not come, we were dead by the time.
Yeah... this area in RCA was really dangerous...
We talk about Thailand now... some people are stupid and crazy, sure. How many inpercent ? Here peoples moves for help if problems happens. Thailand is relatively very safe.


If you are an older farang, out late at night on your own and had a few too many are definitely in danger. you can even be sober but late at night alone is not safe!


Hello there,

Please note that some off-topic posts have been removed from this discussion on the Thailand forum.

Please kindly share only relevant info on the topic :

Christine wrote:


We would like to talk about a sensitive but important topic: do you feel safe in Thailand?

How would you define the level of safety in the country?

Can you walk safely during the day and at night without any fear?

Do you think there is a high rate of criminality, social problems or tensions?

Share with us your insight on safety in Thailand and in the city you live in.

Thank you in advance,



allenbenner wrote:

If you are an older farang, out late at night on your own and had a few too many are definitely in danger. you can even be sober but late at night alone is not safe!

where it is not safe alone in your home at nigth time ? Thailand is big... coudl we know... where ?
Here it is not same (Muang Loei, in the North).

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