
Safety in Togo

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We would like to talk about a sensitive but important topic: do you feel safe in Togo?

How would you define the level of safety in the country?

Can you walk safely during the day and at night without any fear?

Do you think there is a high rate of criminality, social problems or tensions?

Share with us your insight on safety in Togo and in the city you live in.

Thank you in advance,


Edhi Jawed

Hi, I wrote the facts I faced in Togo but my post was removed :(


Hi Edhi Jawed > could you please contact us if you have any questions concerning our rules on the forum? Thank you.

Want to remind that the topic is about "Safety in Togo". :)

Edhi Jawed

Hi Christine.
Where can I see my posts and replies that have been removed or blocked ?


Edhi Jawed wrote:

Hi Christine.
Where can I see my posts and replies that have been removed or blocked ?

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its very safe in togo, Many people walking loanly even at night, Myself two times weekend enjoyed on streets of togo recently. at every corner army or police placed and surprized to see , such free walk in afrika, unbeleivable, Really its no. 1 safe place in afrika as it claimed. I love togo, if i get here residenship , i want to start business here. I think this is sufficiently give answer of your question

Edhi Jawed

You are lucky. i was looted at i walked in Togo from Ghana at Aflao.
I lost my phone with my contacts and pics/vids made in recent Ghana and recent Lome visit ;(


Yes Sir , May be I dont know about aflao, is it in lome ?? city part ??
I was also not moved single but with me, my four colleauges from india and two local friends are there, but i seen many girls are standing alone or with couple even at night 2.00 pm.
Still I think if any local person is there then no any problem at all.


Hello I'm new in togo would like to know if we have any tiffin services here or not so who can provide me daily lunch and dinner



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