I have an accounting office in Andorra and I work with a lot of differents activities, what I think is the Hotel Industrie and globally tourism industrie will probably go down in Andorra in the next years. Andorra has started to open hers doors to foreign investment in 2012, of course it will take his time, but step by step foreign companies are coming. The taxes are very interesting vs neighbourth ( France and Spain ) Taxes conventions have been signed with both countries to evite doble taxes ( sorry my english is not as good as I would like ).
So, what I think it should be a good opportunity it is to invest in the stone, Andorra is a small country and the space is not unlimited and each day more people are coming in the country to open compagnies, By another hand, the crisis here have obliged the owners of properties to sell and the decrease of the prices have been subtancial.