
what is required to apply for KITAS ?

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Hi everyone

just a bit of advice,  as i now have a firm job offer and contract for two years at least in Jakarta..

The PT company i am to work for has asked for certain things for my KITAS appljcation and i wanted to check these were correct as  of course i am dealing with loose translations ..

Copies of

education certificates
driving licence
ID Card
passport photo

is this all i need at this stage ?
and is emailing photocopies the way to do it ?



See also

Retiring in IndonesiaVisas for IndonesiaVisa to go abroad after marriage, for Indonesian nationalLithuanian VisaQuestion on spouse sponsored visa

I would email colour scanned documents but they may want the real estate thing
Ask them if you will get a 12 month or 6 month kitas and how long currently the process is taking to get the documents. It's slowed down to a standstill in some aspects of kitas processing but they are being processed.


Luke is correct, you will have to provide colour scanned copy of your personal documents, that will be enough.

Driving license no need but copy of your health insurance policy is a must.

Also you must sign each of the docs (except passport).

If the company obtained the RPTKA already respectively your position is approved by the Ministry of Manpower, they should know for how long your work permit/KITAS will be granted.

Indeed the whole process will take time until all your papers are ready


I would appreciate very much if some one comment on 1) how long it takes to get it. 2) how much kitas cost 3) any recommended company or individual to get kitas.  Regards...hany


No one can tell today how long it will take to get a KITAS, it also depends if just a KITAS or also a work permit is required. Getting a work permit is the main problem and that caused a long processing time.

Same as to the price, you will have to check around with the various agents. There are cheap but also expensive ones.

Better make sure the agent can proof with references that he is the right one.



thanks for the replies..
i have been told 8 to 12 weeks to process a KITAS and work permit..
they are appling for  a  12month Visa as far as i know.

i have not sorted health insurance yet as i was waiting till obviously i had been accepted for  Visa and work permit..
i have quotes etc but i dont want to pay whilst i have at least a couple of months wait as im still in the UK...

thanks again



What you mean by "I have quotes etc but...."?

For health insurance or KITAS and work permit?


Sorry, i ment health insurance quotes...
obviously  im not going too take a policy out till i have my visa and permits sorted...just in case.



rblackmuir wrote:

Hi everyone

just a bit of advice,  as i now have a firm job offer and contract for two years at least in Jakarta..

The PT company i am to work for has asked for certain things for my KITAS appljcation and i wanted to check these were correct as  of course i am dealing with loose translations ..

Copies of

education certificates
driving licence
ID Card
passport photo

is this all i need at this stage ?
and is emailing photocopies the way to do it ?



In addition to these documents you also need to provide:

- A certificate of competence or Work experience related to your Jobtitle

- An insurance policy from Insurance Company which is incorporated under Indonesian Law.

(regulation number 16 Year 2015 Regarding Procedures for Employment of Foreign Labour in indonesia (PERATURAN MENTERI KETENAGAKERJAAN REPUBLIK INDONESIA NOMOR 16 TAHUN 20I5 TENTANG TATA CARA PENGGUNAAN TENAGA KERJA ASING).)


Just to add to the query,

Who is the best company or recommendation for Healt insurance.

I am looking to settle in Indonesia for a while and interested in the toughts of individuals on the process, Lombok is where I am looking to settle.




Hi thanks for that.

i have supplied work competence letters etc ..

but what insurance! .? Do you mean health?
I still dont know when ill be flying over so why would i need insurance until im ready to leave UK?

also when finally  i get the work permit and visa how long will i have before i have to leave the UK and enter Indonesia
ie is there a time limit once its been issued??

thanks again


I don't believe anyone has mentioned the actual price of the KITAS and work permit.

The permit is $1,200 per year (Double on Bali)
Immigration price list here.

Many agents charge according to how much they can take you for.


Fred, I think we have to explain in more details.

The DPKK payment for the work permit to Ministry of Manpower is U$ 100/month so if you are lucky and get work permit for 12 months then the company needs to pay U$ 1.200 but meanwhile work permits are only granted for 6 months which means company would need to pay U$ 600 total.

That on Bali it's double the amount is new to me but possibly correct.

Official price is one thing but one will never get things thru if insisting on it. Companies using agents to save time and lots of headache, there are good (expensive) agents who finishing their job as promised on time but there are also many cheap and "useless" agents promising the same but in the end can not get things done after various months.

Please note above comments are based on company sponsored work permits/KITAS, it is different if we talk about spouse sponsored KITAS.


happyhour wrote:

Fred, I think we have to explain in more details.

The DPKK payment for the work permit to Ministry of Manpower is U$ 100/month so if you are lucky and get work permit for 12 months then the company needs to pay U$ 1.200 but meanwhile work permits are only granted for 6 months which means company would need to pay U$ 600 total.

That on Bali it's double the amount is new to me but possibly correct.

Official price is one thing but one will never get things thru if insisting on it. Companies using agents to save time and lots of headache, there are good (expensive) agents who finishing their job as promised on time but there are also many cheap and "useless" agents promising the same but in the end can not get things done after various months.

Please note above comments are based on company sponsored work permits/KITAS, it is different if we talk about spouse sponsored KITAS.

How much does a spouse sponsored KITAS cost?


Saintjean, you can see the official price in Fred's link so if you do all by yourself nothing much to add.

You just need lots of time, have to do all the paperwork and various visits at the different departments by yourself.

An agent can handle it for you also but certainly you will have to pay for it.


So how long is the work permit and kitas valid for once i have been approved ? I take it i will go too the indonesian emabssy in london to get my stamp?
Once thats done how long do i have to enter Indonesia? Before it expires.



rblackmuir wrote:

So how long is the work permit and kitas valid for once i have been approved ?

"The company will know, once the RPTKA is approved, for how long the work permit will be valid. The validity of the KITAS will be then the same."

I take it i will go too the indonesian emabssy in london to get my stamp?

"You can collect the Vitas at any embassy/consulate overseas which you appoint before."

Once thats done how long do i have to enter Indonesia? Before it expires.

"Usually you must enter Indonesia 2 months after you obtained the stamp"



Quick update for everyone....its now nearly 8weeks since ghe start of processing my Visa/KITAS...and stiil waiting...

Also on a side note is it true that there is plans to shut all clubs and venues at Midnight! Jakarta?




All in the pipeline for clubs and bars. But who knows, common sense may prevail. But....

Kitas 8 weeks and waiting, Not ideal for you but i understand. Just keep waiting and having faith in your employer. All you can do.


Roy, thanks the update.

It can take 3 months until all finished, you should ask at what stage your application is now respectively what is approved already such as

Telex Visa....

Would not worry about the plan to shut clubs at midnight,


Thanks for that and yes i am keep my Patience , my employer says things are progressing and just to hang on in there!!

As for the clubs hopefully Sense will concern was purely that i will be working in the Music/Entertainment Industry so anything that night hinder my job is alaways worth keeping an eye on...fingers crossed!!

I will keep everyone updated with my Visa Progress too!!




Still you should ask what stage is passed already....

The more you ask the more they realize what you are talking about


The clubs are a potential problem for the OP. … icial.html

There are many interest groups in Indonesia, including weird extremist groups that want everything except mosques closed down, probably including shopping centres, and they sometimes get their way on things.
Mini markets are no longer allowed to sell alcohol, and this club thing will have their absolute support, probably in the hope of getting them all closed down totally.

However, as I understand it, the night club thing is more closely related to drug abuse as some clubs have a reputation as places to buy illegal drugs. I seem to recall one getting closed down last year after a cop went too far and overdosed in the place.
That could easily be the killer for the the clubs as the anti drug attitude is very strong in Indonesia, and has massive public support.
Basically, anything done in the name of getting rids of drug dealers will probably get blind support from the public, a mostly non drinking public who won't care about the places going because they never go.
Laws come, then often go totally unenforced in Indonesia, but this has a chance of staying around, especially if the police like the law in question - and they very probably will.


Hi everyone and wishing all a happy new year...

well after waitong 3months i finally have a contract in writing signed and sealed and my KITAS is progressing and all being well the PT company wnat me too work in jakarta sometime after March 1st!! i have some crazy times ahead getting ready for the move but i cant wait...this this has been a two year mission to get the job and package i wanted!
Now my question girlfriend wants to come out with me not to work but too hopefully stay and live with is this achieved?  Can she come out on a Social Visa or just a normal VOA when we arrive ? And if she decided she didnt or couldnt stay long term how many times can she leave and re enter as a tourist etc ??
any help or info ould be great as this now is the main issue facing me !

best regards



Best bet for your GF would be a 60 day visit visa which is renewable here in Indonesia at immigration for up to four times, each time good for an additional 30 length of stay, 180 days before having to leave Indonesia and start all over again. 

She can apply for her 60 day visit visa at any Indonesian consulate or embassy closest to where she lives.  Google on this too, as several Indonesian embassies allow for e-mail applications for 60 day visit visas.


Thxs Ubud, the visa is for myself, as I am looking at retiring to Lombok, I understand that I cannot buy a villa or land in my own name outright.

I am looking for advice and direction to certain organisations that could help me acquire a retirement visa etc, without being ripped off, I have read many posts here, however none is better than first hand experience.




Back when I was on a retirement visa (here in Bali) I used a well recommended visa agency (fully licensed) called PT Bali Ide.

But, more recently a lot of mates have been recommending this firm:

However the problem for you is that both firms are based on Bali and you're talking about Lombok.

For the best recommendations regarding qualified and fully licensed agent/sponsors of your retirement visa there, I suggest you head over to the Lombok Lovers forum

There you will find my dear friend Gemma to be of priceless help...not only for your visa, but also for your life as a retiree on Lombok.

Good luck and follow good advice!   ;)

Cheers, and Happy New Year


Hi Fred and happy new year!

thanks for the advice ref my GF as its been causing me some sress trying too figure the best way....round it!

i take it she can get the visit Visa at the same time i have to go to the london Indonesia n embassy to get my KITAS stamp etc?? If not could do the online application?

so if im right in understanding she can stay with me for about 5 months? Without having too leave the country  then after that she will have to start again ? Which should be fine as she intends to come back to UK too see family for a few weeks before wanting to return to me in jakarta!

Also will she have to have a return flight booked before hand ? If travelling on a visit visa?  As obviously mine will be one way ...
if so how do you know when too book for just incase the visa extension is not granted say but she books a flight say 3 months away to leave ? Just sounds messy and could cause unesssary  costs.

Or is it that she can com eto jakarta on a one way ticket on a visit  visa and later on book a flight too  uk?
hope it doesn't sound too daft a question. .haha




For a return ticket. Buy a one way ticket out and for a return ticket buy a cheap one way ticket to KL or Singapore through Air Asia or Lion Air.
Airlines will ask for onward tickets if entering Indonesia on a tourist visa.
The cheap flight out of Indonesia aren't refundable but it is worth the cash if there is no fixed date to leave.


Hi Luke

Thanks for that and happy new year!

so the outgoing ticket is just a throw away really just too get round the visa thing?

does that apply as fred says if its a vist visa ? Or are they the same visit and touist visa?

so forgive my questions and stupidity  lol but if she came to jakarta with me and intended to stay the longeset she could on a visit visa which fred says was 180days....when would you book the flight out to singapore for ? For a few weeks after coming or at the end of the 180days ??

Just dont want too mess it up haha




The ticket out of Indonesia needs to be presented to the Indonesian embassy or consulate at the time your GF applies for the 60 day visit visa.  As Luke suggested, get the cheapest one way from Lion or Air Asia to Singapore.


But make sure you book a ticket less than 60 days.
Day 1of a tourist visa is the day the passport is stamped. Also it's a leap year so bear that in mind if coming before March as will I am sure catch many out.


No Luke...the ticket should be booked at around 175 or so days after expected entry date.  We aren't talking about a tourist visa...rather a 60 day visit visa which is renewable here, in country for up to 180 day total stay.  The 60 day visit visa is essentially the same as the old sosbud visa but it does not require an Indonesian sponsor.


Thanks Roy, too many visa options and not enough choice!
Always learning 😀


HI Luke and Roy

thanks for the info ..phew too many options like you say!

i suppose it makes more sense booking for 175 days ahead as that states your full intent of stay where as if got it or before 60 days but oobviously didnt leave were staying for 180...then that could cause issues i suppose with immigration!!

after the 180days she will come back to UK for maybe a month for family then i take it she can start the process all again ??? Or is there a time issue of how long you have too wait to appky again ?

Finall ,  so when i get my KITAS finally in about 6weeks here in UK apparently!  Then will it be ok at same time for my GF too apply for Visit Visa ?

Ii looked on the uk emabssy site and of course i will be here sponsor and she will be living with me too...
i read about showing them bank details so is it cruical she has a wedge of money in her account when going too the emabssy to show she can fund here stay or does it not matter too much as i will be supporting her?

Any  help again to clear this up ..then i think   i have all the info for now.and just need to sit back and wait for the KITAS and immigration  to come through...
my new employer wants me to start  any time after not too long to go!

Regards Roy


after the 180days she will come back to UK for maybe a month for family then i take it she can start the process all again ??? Or is there a time issue of how long you have too wait to appky again ?

Thats correct.  However there has been some discussion about limiting extendable 60 day visit visas to once in any 12 continuous month period.  I am pretty certain that has not been adopted, so check with the Indonesian embassy the UK.

Finall ,  so when i get my KITAS finally in about 6weeks here in UK apparently!  Then will it be ok at same time for my GF too apply for Visit Visa ?

That should work, as it should only be a few days for her visit visa to be processed.

Ii looked on the uk emabssy site and of course i will be here sponsor and she will be living with me too...

No, you wont be her sponsor.  Foreigners cannot sponsor other foreigners for their visas.  She will not need a sponsor for her 60 day (renewable to 180) day visa. 

i read about showing them bank details so is it cruical she has a wedge of money in her account when going too the emabssy to show she can fund here stay or does it not matter too much as i will be supporting her?

They (at the embassy) wont care that youll be supporting her.  She isnt your wife so in their mind you two have no binding/legal relationship.  And, the least said about that the better anyway, as unmarried mixed couples are not supposed to co-habitate here in Indonesia.   So yes, she should provide her own bank account information as requested. 

Good luck with your new job, and Happy New Year!

Cheers, Roy


Required documents which should be submitted are as follows:

Passport (with a minimum validity of 6 months from the date of entry into Indonesia).One completed visa application form.One coloured passport size photograph.Evidence that the applicant has sufficient funds to cover the cost of applicant's intended stay in Indonesia (Bank Statement dated less than a month with a minimum balance of £1,000.- or traveler's cheque).Evidence of obligation in the applicants country of permanent residence (e.g. a letter from employer/ college/ school, certifying the applicants intention to return after the visit to Indonesia).Travel itinerary (proof of bookings), including details of onward or return journey.Written approval from the Immigration Office in Indonesia should the duration of visit is to exceed 60 days.

Hi Roy

Thanks again for all the info makes it seem a bit clearer. ..hahah...above is what i copied of the uk indo embassy site for vist
I went on the UK indo embassy website and looked at the requirements and form all looks straight forward but there is a couple of things mainly section 7 says that for a Visit Visa that is going to be over 60days ie extend too 180 you need too have written confimation from immigratiin in Indonesia before you go to the emabassy ??
so bit confused as if my GF buys a return ticket to sinagpore on airaisa like you advise 175 days later its saying she must have a letter agreeing to the extension to take too UK emabasy??
Any advice again which way too go ?

if that right then she surely can only get 60days visa and return ticket within 60days??

Regards Roy


Hi Roy,

In all my years I've never heard of this: 

"Written approval from the Immigration Office in Indonesia should the duration of visit is to exceed 60 days."

Sorry to say, I am totally stumped on that.  I would suggest you call the Indonesian embassy or consulate closest to where you are now and ask them. 

Again, I'm sorry, but this is the first time I've heard of that requirement.

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