Hello Brett,
There is not yet a Gambling Authority in Madagascar in term of an one-stop-shop delivering all information and approval for this kind of activities. However, any approval in this respect is granted by a joint committee from Ministry of Interior (a kind of Home Office), the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of Finance. In any case, I think you should check with the EDBM (Economic Development Board of Madagascar), the one-stop shop for incorporation of company and the best entity to inform you about all the process to be undertaken before you start your activity. The EDBM is constituted by people from public and private sectors so do not worry, they will be delighted to inform you on what should be known for gambling activities in Madagascar (details of contact of EDBM could be seen on this link: http://www.edbm.gov.mg/eng).
Please check my LinkedIn profile in case you are interested for any legal assistance from my side on https://www.linkedin.com/profile/previe … ry-button.
Hope this will help you and good luck for your project.