
Checking if a CIE has been registered in Brasilia


Is there a website link where you can check if the CIE card has been Issued in Brasilia?
I read on here about people doing this but I can't find where to do it after checking numerous sites


See also

Work permits for BrazilThe Working Holiday Visa for BrazilGeneral visa requirements for BrazilDivorce/Permanent ResidencyBrazil Visitor E-Visa Is Online

The link below is to the Federal Police webpage where you can check on any process, just type in the protocolo number.

NOTE: YOU MUST USE INTERNET EXPLORER ONLY, this Consulta Processo will not work on Chrome or Firefox … ocesso.jsp

James   Expat-blog Experts Team


Ok thanks
So my wife got in there from Chrome somehow....I couldn't
Anyhow it says the CIE was processed and Despacho on the 17 august 2015

Do you think it could already be at the PF....they said they would contact me , but they havn't ....although at this point I'm expecting them not too and just having to check
Would be nice if it's there already or does it usually take a whole extra month to arrive


Look on the form and in the field that says "Recebimento"... if that says "Confirmado" then it has been sent out to the Delegacy where you applied for it.

James     Expat-blog Experts Team


yes it says Recebimento Confirmado 17/8/2015

that was quick I only got the protocol on the 29th of July


Yes, it depends completely on WHERE you apply. The larger centers are more efficient and because of the volume of their output get better attention from the folks in Brasília. The smaller and more remote delegacies kind of get lost in the shuffle, because the cards go out to the state headquarters of the Federal Police in bulk, they then must be sorted and sent out to the outlying delegacies all of which takes time. In some places when you apply they even tell you right up front that you're looking at a wait of up to 6 months and they issue a 180 day protocolo.

James  Expat-blog Experts Team


Ok so I got the CIE  card in my hand today
the whole process took under a month

I also went to Banco do Brasil and opened an account- took a quick visit to the Cartorio to sort out a proof of adress form

All I need to sort out eventually is a Carteira de Trabalho and a Drivers license exchange at a later stage


Hi Steve,

Great to hear that things have been sped up that much under the new procedures. Sure is a far cry from the 2 years or more that it used to take under the old system.

Ok, so for the Carteira de Trabalho you go to the Superintendência Regional do Ministério de Trabalho in Campinas. They are the only ones who issue the work permit for expats. You need to check with the local office of DETRAN - SP regarding the Driver's License exchange.

James   Expat-blog Experts Team