Well I have posted that of my 12 year old daughter she has def found it very very hard because she is not your usual petite 12 year old she is almost 6 foot and not on the slim size they talk about her in Samoan and says quite mean things to her for example " have you thought why you don't have friends is because you are big" broke my heart when she came home ans shared that with me.
It has been a challenge as we moved here without her older siblings not realizing the impact it would have on her, We will be leaving to go back for a holiday next month for her to enjoy her time with all her brother's and sister's and maybe stay for school, I personally don't think much of the education here especially when you have been told by the school that they only teach in English then my daughter comes home did not understand a word they said as they taught in Samoan which is just not on!!!!
I do love it here in Samoa and I strive to build a better life for all my children here, Luckily my husband has a very good paying job Ex pat from NZ we are still able to have some luxuries Boy I tell you being here in Samoa really teaches you to appreciate the little things in life. Would love to hear from any other mother's or wives too.